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Sunday, 23 August 2020 - 10:53pm


Name Crowe

Character Information

Gender Cisgender Male
Age 24

Physical Appearance

Height 6’4-½ ”
Weight 196 lbs
Hair Color Blonde
Eye Color Gray
Physical Description Tall and slender with scarring around his throat indicative of long term wear of a metal device similar to a collar. Straight blonde hair that falls to shoulder-length. Ends are rough-cut and somewhat uneven. Entire body (excluding the neck, head, fingers, and toes) are covered in a series of complex tattoos that include symbols, numbers, etc. Meaning and pattern are not readily discernible.


Genetic analysis: Klingon, Cardassian, Trill, Vulcan, El-Aurian, Risian, Bajoran, Argelian, and Ramatisian (complete analysis appended)

Physical Condition: Malnourished and dehydrated. Scarring at base of throat from prolonged wear of something hard (presumably a collar). Pattern of bruises and old fractures indicative of abuse. Fingerprints and retinal scan are not in any known database.


Personality & Traits

General Overview Literally a blank slate - appears to listen and comprehend what is going on around him. Curious and motivated to discover himself but also cautious and slow to trust. Unfamiliar with technology.
Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths:
++ While not telepathic - always knows when someone is reading him/reacts badly; has strong shields
++ Adaptive and learns quickly
++ Better than average hearing/sight
++ Linguist - understands several languages (somewhat conversant in Federation standard)
++ Experienced in hand-to-hand combat but its a compilation of styles as though taught individual moves and then found a way to string them together

++ Complete memory loss
++ Needs to sleep in an enclosed space (think an elongated box with only one open side)
++ Doesn’t like to be touched
++ Does not speak/uses sign language instead. No physiological cause.
++ Reacts badly to telepathic intrusion
++ Frequent insomnia and nightmares (doesn’t remember when he wakes up)

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