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Girls Night

Posted on Sunday, 10 May 2020 - 2:33pm by Lieutenant Ryan Rose MD

Mission: Operation: Recall
Location: USS Fontana | Eyelaya and Sam's Quarters
Timeline: 2393 MD 03 Late Evening


Sam was still recovering from the Mission in the nebula. It had been a rough time, and one that clearly demonstrated what a wrong path her life had been on.
Now she was curled up on the couch in the main room with a book.

Eyelaya's day had been rough. The shift commander, a nasty ensign who thought he was the chief had taken a disliking to her and had made her life miserable all day. She had been tired, and put through her paces. She'd locked her tool box in her locker and had headed home. Keying in her code she entered. "Hi," she said in a voice unusually devoid of cheer.

"Hey." Sam looked up. "You look rough." She stood up. "Have a seat, I'll get us some drinks. What's your poison of choice?"

Eyelaya smiled, "Cranberry juice. It's been one of those days." She said.

Sam chuckled while making an 'ewww' face. "I don't know how you drink that. But if we are going non alcoholic, I'll have a thai iced coffee." She replicated both drinks and offered Eyelaya hers. "Long day?"

She gave a nod. "Ensign Gloris. He dislikes me with a passion. I was scrubbing J-tubed with a toothbrush." She sighed as she took her drink from Sam. "He acts really nice when the CEO is there but when she's not he treats everyone like crap...mostly me though."

Sam sighed. "That's awful. I find myself still getting ugly looks in medical. People are such assholes sometimes!" Sam downed half of her iced coffee as if the thing was alcoholic. "Can't you report him or something? It's not fair that you get treated any different because the CEO is or isn't there."

She shrugged. "I've been dealing with it a lot. He's better then the Vulcans!" She looked at Sam. "Why ugly looks?"

"Because Ryan and I are separated. Seems I'm automatically the bad guy. I just want to scream at them that is was mutual, and to mind their own damn business." Sam ranted, then returned to what Eyelaya had said. "What Vulcans? and what are they doing?"

"Often times unfortunately people pick sides. You're right it's not fair and Ryan should have discouraged it." She moved down to sit beside Sam. "You would think that people could see that two people make up a marriage and two people make up the break up and respect that each played a role in both. This...well this was unfortunate but you are not a bad guy and neither is he and you are both hurting. I wish people would see that." She placed an arm around Sam. "It will be okay, I know it doesn't feel like it but it will."

Eyelaya then sighed. "Well to be honest some of the Vulcans on Vulcan while I was there were nice others...were not. I was a Bajoran Cardassian and I was an outsider. Vulcans can be mean and cruel in their own way. I loved the planet and it was home but at times I felt really lonely there. So Ensign Gloris' way is just a fact. He doesn't like me so he'll be mean and give me more work then others. It's the way it is." She shrugged. But she was stressed and that worried her.

Sam offered a weak smile. "You to. I mean it'll be ok for you to. Do you know where we can get some itching powder? I've always found it a nice way to get revenge."

Eyelaya actually laughed. "That would actually be funny. I can imagine him now." She looked at her friend "I'm glad you're here and that you're my roommate."

"I'm glad I'm your roommate too." Sam paused, but then decided she needed to be honest with Eyelaya. "I'm not sure how long I'm staying though. As soon as we reach somewhere that I can get off, I'm going to leave."

Eyelaya saddened. "Oh...Is it because of the nebula thing?"

Sam nodded. "Not entirely, but yes. It made it very clear that I'm not built for this. Paperwork I can handle." She smiled. "In fact I'm not sure how Ryan is going to manage without me. But I will never go on another Away Mission." She gave a tiny shudder at the memories.

"What happened?"

"They found this Borg floating in space, and everybody was just calmly talking about venting us all into space so we wouldn't get...assimilated? And whatever energy thing hit us gave us all nightmares. But my dream wasn't all bad. Everybody was so calm, and I was just trying my best not to cry the whole time. It was awful."

"I'm so sorry." She hugged her friend. "I can understand why you want to leave."

"How are you all so brave?" Sam asked, returning the hug. "Don't you ever get scared?"

She smiled. "We all get scared. But Starfleet prepares both the officers and the enlisted crew for this. For me this is my first official starship. I served on a station that orbited a planet so it was pretty safe but here I'm always scared. Especially knowing what engineering issues can go wrong but I just take things one day at a time. Plus I usually pay for it." She said.

Sam did chuckle a bit at that. "Well, it's not for me." She stood up. "Do you want another drink?"

She grinned. "One more Juice!" She looked at her roommate. "How about movie night?"

"Oh, good idea. Nothing violent though. Something funny." Sam spoke from the replicator. She soon had two fresh drinks in hand, and returned to the couch.

Eyelaya looked at Sam. "Can I ask you something?"

"Of course." Sam handed the fresh drink to Eyelaya, then sat down and propped her own feet up on the coffee table.

"Have you told the Doctor you are planning on leaving?"

Sam shrugged. "No. But Ryan's always wanted me to leave, and 'find myself' and 'live my life' Sam air quoted. "I never really understood. I always thought he was just trying to get rid of me after ... well you know, wham bam thank you ma'am. I think I understand now."

"But you will stay married to him?"

The question seemed to sink in. "Oh. That's awful. I mean what if he finds someone? But there's no divorce on my colony." Sam slumped. "I never should have left home." She didn't really mean it, but the thought escaped anyway.

"Well there is not divorce on your colony but there is here. The question is do you want to break the marriage?"

It was only guilt that kept Sam from shaking her head. She shrugged. "I don't want to think about it now. Let's talk about your love life!" Sam opted to change the subject. "Did you get that date with the EMH?"

"No. I don't think he's interested." She shrugged. "It's alright. As long as there are things to fix I'm happy." She looked at Sam. "Sam. Can I speak openly?"

"Yeah, of course. I'm sorry about the EMH." She tacked on.

She shrugged. "It's okay. I guess it was dumb of me. I've always wanted to be in love you know. I've wanted someone who would love me quirks and all." She looked at Sam. "I want you to know something. Something to think on. Both you and Doctor Rose deserve to be happy. If not with one another then with someone else."

Sam smiled. "Thank you. The same goes for you, you know. If not the EMH, then somebody else." She cracked a wicked little grin. "But please tell me you don't like Ryan, that would be weird."

She laughed. "I like Ryan but only as a friend." She grinned. "This is my first girls night and so far loving it!"

Sam chuckled. "Good. What else should we do? We aren't even drinking alcohol. Movie? Hit the lounge?" Sam made a couple of suggestions.

She laughed. "You're choice! You lead, I'll follow."

Sam thought for a moment, then hurried over to the replicator. She returned with supplies for nail painting. "It's girl's night, we have to do our nails."

"Oh?" Eyelaya said. "I have never had that done. Is it difficult?"

"Not really. I'll show you. Just pick a color." Sam had grabbed a soft pink for herself, but she opened a program on a PaDD to show Eyelaya the numerous choices in nail color.

"How about something purple?"

"Excellent choice." Sam replicated a shade of purple, then returned . She took Eyelaya's hand, then frowned. "Your hands are so beat up. What do you do in engineering?" She asked.

He shrugged. "I fix what's broken. I make new things. When I have a moment I invent." He grinned. "Today was particularly difficult." She looked at Sam. "Sam...will you teach how to look pretty, like you." She'd never been taught anything about makeup or hair. She'd see others and she'd marvel but she herself didn't know where to start.

"What do you mean, like me? Eyelaya you are beautiful." Sam said firmly. "But of course. I can show you how to do your nails and makeup and hair for when you are wanting to get dolled up. But if we are going to do that, we'll save the nails for last so they have time to dry." Sam matched Eyelaya's skin tone, then replicated an assortment of cosmetics. "So, I take it you've never been a girly girl?" Sam asked with a smile.

She shook her head. "I tried to learn but I wasn't good so my adopted mother lost patients. Plus I looked more Cardassian there and she said that it as unfortunate cause nothing goes with grey." She shrugged.

Sam made a face, but didn't want to speak ill of Eyelaya's mother, adopted or not, so she just nodded. "Well I'm no expert, but I'll show you what I know. The must important being less is more, unless you want to look like a prostitute of course. I won't judge your role playing." Sam tried to keep a straight face as she joked.

Eyelaya laughed. "Okay let's do it!" She loved learning new things. This was going to be a treat after a hard day.

Sam had a lighter skin tone than Eyelaya, so she grabbed the foundation that was her own shade, and demonstrated proper application. "I chose a very light foundation, minimal coverage, that way it doesn't look like we caked on plaster to our faces." She offered a fresh makeup sponge and a foundation that matched Eyelaya's shading. "Give it a try." Sam smiled.

Eyelaya looked at the sponge. "I see." She took a tiny amount and patted it over one spot. "How's that"

Sam smiled. "You've got it." Sam helped Eyelaya apply eye shadow and lipstick, switching back and forth between herself and her roommate/friend." The she grabbed a PaDD and turned on the imaging function so they could see themselves. "See, we look hot!"

Eyelaya studied her image. It had been the first time she'd seen herself this way. Her eyes filled with tears. She looked at Sam. "Thank you.' She hugged the woman.

Sam returned the hug. "You're welcome. But come on, don't cry you'll run your makeup."

"I feel... pretty." She said. "I never feel pretty." She confided. "Can you stay forever here?" The thought of not having her friend was not easy.

"Ok stop that, you are going to make me cry." Sam gently chided. "But you are pretty, with out without makeup." She sighed, feeling bad for her friend.

Eyelaya smiled. There was a comfortable silence. "What about the polish of the nails you talked about. Will you teach me how to apply that?"

"Yes." Sam smiled. "I always find doing my nails therapeutic. It's even better with help, so you don't have to paint with your off hand." She then got to work, first using lotion and massaging Eyelaya's right hand first. She tutted over the state of the woman's work worn hands just a bit. She applied a base coat first, then while waiting for it to dry a tad she grinned. "Ok, well since we are both single. More or less." Sam tacked on, technically she was still married. "Let's play kiss date sleep with."

"How do you play that?" She asked.

Sam decided to just teach by example. "Take Rhydian. Would you rather kiss, date or sleep with him?"

"The new member of the crew?" She asked as she thought of her answer.

Sam nodded "il'Vastam. That's his last name. I like his hair." But that was her only comment about the man.

"I suppose none of the option but if I had to choose I would say kiss. It would be quick and done with."

Sam chuckled. "Ok your turn now. Pick somebody for me."

"Hmmm. Lieutenant Kolani."

Sam had to think. "He has a rough look about him. I bet he'd be interesting. Date." She decided. "But only hypothetically. I don't want to have T'Lanna coming after me." She smiled.

"That is true. I had heard rumours." She said. "I also heard rumours that Commander Soral is seeing someone."

Sam was pretty certain that was true. The staff in sickbay had sided with Ryan after she and Ryan separated, but she still heard things, or got information from doing reports. "How....interesting." She replied. "Could you date a Vulcan?"

"Maybe." She shrugged. "They are logical beings. I like logic. I'm use to logic." She shrugged. She looked at Sam. "How about you?"

Sam shook her head. "I don't think so. Not enough emotion."

"Vulcan's have emotions, trust me. They just suppress them."

Sam just shrugged. She certainly didn't see it, but then she wasn't around Vulcan's all that much.

She smiled, "Thank you." She said again.

"You're very welcome." Sam smiled.



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