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Same Ray, New Character - It's Your Vote!

Posted on Sunday, 11 July 2021 - 12:28pm by Captain Barret Stillwater

Dearest Crew,

As you all know, our friend and one of my closest and dearest writing buddies, Kim Finney passed away last month. She made one hell of an impact in her many years on many sims in many fleets, but it hit really close to home for a lot of us as she wrote Lieutenant Talarn Zilth, our Chief Tactical Officer and Captain Stillwater's husband. Because of the circumstances and deep connection with our characters, I decided it best to 'retire' Stillwater and Talarn Zilth back to where they never wanted to leave, the planet of Prairie.

You have all been emailed five separate PDFs for five very different and unique characters vying to become the new Captain of the USS Standing Bear. I would like you to please look over these, ask me questions if you'd like. Then, cast your vote. On Janet's suggestion, I am allowing everyone two votes. So, you can check two of them when you are in the voting area. Pick the two that you are most interested in seeing as the new CO, and in the end, the candidate with the most votes will become our new Captain and my new primary character.

You may go here when you are ready to cast your votes:
Voting Area

Voting will close on July 24th, 2021.


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Category: Out of Character
