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Clear for Duty

Posted on Sunday, 10 May 2020 - 4:17pm by Commander Soral & Lieutenant Ryan Rose MD
Edited on on Monday, 11 May 2020 - 9:22am

Mission: Operation: Recall
Location: USS Fontana | Sick Bay
Timeline: 2393 - MD03


Soral walked into sickbay for his meeting with Doctor Rose. He wanted to get cleared for duty. He felt better, much stronger, and more rested. A lot of it was due to Alex.

As she walked in a thought struck him. The doctor had been monitoring his bio signs...he wondered if his ... activities had caused questions that he did not want to elaborate on when the doctor reviewed his bio signs. He cleared his throat and went in again ignoring the deep green blush forming on his neck and cheeks. "Doctor Rose?" He called.

The computer chirped at him inside his office, having heard his name. Ryan sat up from his couch, rubbing at his face to try and fully wake up. He grabbed a cup of coffee and slipped out into the main bay, where he spotted Soral. "Hello Commander." He managed one sip of his coffee, before setting it down.

"Doctor. I am here for my exam. Also how are things going after our rough nebula ride?"

"There were a few bumps and bruises among the crew. Nothing too serious though." Ryan led Soral to the nearest bio bed. "How have you been feeling?" He asked.

"I am well. I strongly believe that there will be no more issues. When I collapsed the link was severed by force. If my theory is correct the device they were using was destroyed."

"Tell me about your theory." Ryan was genuinely curious, but also wanted to ensure Soral's continued well being. It would be silly to lower their guard if there was still danger.

"It is my theory that a device was used to contact me. Those dreams I have been having. The illness. You said it was due to an exertion of my telepathic abilities. I hadn't used them. It seems that the telepathic occurrences were a night. The vivid realistic dreams were a communication. Always the same person. A female Vulcan Romulan mix. This one, however, was not her. This last time it was a man's energy and he looked human but ... I felt he was not. He was not a telepath. Use of these devices by non telepaths is dangerous and cannot be broken until both parties are destroyed. To sever the link the device would need to be destroyed. I believe it was and that is what caused my unconsciousness."

Ryan nodded. "That makes sense. I still think we should be on our guard." Ryan was reading through the data from Soral's monitor. He was about to question a rise in heartbeat and temperature, but then it dawned on him just what that was. He saw no medical reason Soral needed to avoid intimacy, so kept his mouth shut about the readings. In terms of telepathic and other brain activity, things looked fine. "Ok, well the readings agree with you. I don't think we need to invade your privacy any further with a monitor, but just be aware. If anything feels off, even a little, let's run some more scans."

"Understood" He touched the little device by his hear. "I believe the telepathy blocker is unnecessary. It is ... difficult to be without it."

Now that Ryan had all the readings he needed, he nodded and gently removed the small device. "Let's hope it won't be needed again"

He gave a nod. "Now that I know what has occurred I can block it." He looked at Ryan. "Doctor may make a candid observation?"

"Of course Commander." Ryan took a small step back out of the man's personal space now that he was done scanning and then removing the blocker.

"You look tired. Is everything alright?"

"Yes. You actually caught me napping when you came in." Ryan explained.

"Are your quarters alright?" He wondered if this had to do with Mrs. Rose.

"They are fine, really. I just got caught up in some very dry research and dozed off."

"I see. You should rest doctor. We cannot afford to loose you or have you feeling off."

Ryan nodded. "Likewise Commander. I'm sure you are tired of being poked and prodded."

"Indeed." He looked at Ryan. "How is the social committee doing? Will you be putting on any events soon?"

"I will. Plans are coming together, I'll make sure you are invited." Ryan replied.

"Indeed. It is important or the crew in this time. I am grateful for you three working on this." He looked at Rose. "I know that things are not well at home. Have you thought of speaking with Vali as a couple?"

Ryan raised a brow at that. "Umm no. Sam seems happy rooming with Eyelaya. Separating has eased stress for both of us."

"Do you love her?" He asked

Ryan froze, unprepared for the question. "Sir." He took a breath. "I really don't think that's relevant to my duties." He'd taken a half step back and wrapped his arms around himself without realizing.

"Perhaps not but it is a question you need to answer for yourself and for her." He gave a nod. "Thank you doctor Rose."

"You're welcome sir." He replied mostly out of habit.



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