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Surgery - Part 2

Posted on Friday, 12 June 2020 - 4:17pm by Lieutenant Ryan Rose MD & Lieutenant JG Kay’la

Mission: Operation: Iktomi
Location: Sickbay
Timeline: 2393 - MD 04


Kay’la walked into surgery to join Ryan as he worked on Soral. “Everyone is being seen to Doctor” She made her way across to the tray of surgical tools and stood ready to assist as needed.

"Good." Ryan replied, but was focused on his task. He pulled up a holographic scan of the injured area. "That's a little closer to his heart than I'd like." He spun the scan around, looking for the best point of entry for closing up the wound. "I need a 3mm graft, here." Ryan pointed to the area. He'd have to take a bit of Soral's liver, so he didn't risk hitting one of the larger vessels connecting to his heart.

Kay’la paid close attention to what she was being shown, in cases like this a single slip or mistake could result in the death of the patient. “Do you want me to bring out some blood for transfusion in case it’s needed?”

Ryan nodded. "Let's have 2 pints ready just in case."

“Yes Doctor” She quickly hurried off to retrieve compatible Vulcan blood for Soral. Returning a few moments later she placed the two units of green blood ready for use. “Are you expecting any complications?”

"Let's hope not. As soon as we're done here, we'll put a warming weighted blanket on him." Ryan removed the metal, then held his left hand out. "Clamp"

Kay’la quickly grabbed a clamp and placed it in Ryan’s hand, whilst keeping a close on the bio-bed readouts. “His levels are getting a little low Doctor. I take it there weren’t any secondary injuries that could be hiding?”

Ryan didn't answer for a moment as his full concentration was on repairing Soral's internal injury. As soon as he had the clamp on he cleaned the area, then placed the graft in. The readings were getting worse, but Ryan had expected that. He closed up. "The rest will have to wait. He's got some bruising, and 2 cracked ribs. But I can take care of those once we get him warmed up. Let's go ahead and give him half a pint as well."

Kay’la nodded and set up the transfusion, running the blood flow quick enough to replace without being too fast for Soral’s body to cope with. “Is the Commander going to need any more surgery?”

Ryan grabbed the heated warming blanket to get Soral closer to a Vulcan normal temp and to help simulate a higher gravity. He'd let the man recover right here in the OR. "I don't think so." Ryan grabbed an osteo-regenerator, pulling the large scanner over and placing it above Soral's ribs. "The biggest risk will be infection. I'll give him a large dose of antibiotics now, and then we'll check in two hours and see how things are looking." He began going over Soral's ribs, watching the regenerator do its job.

Kay’la nodded. “I’ll keep a close eye on the readings.” She moved the second blood pack back to into storage to keep it in prime condition. “Vulcans are generally pretty resilient so fingers crossed the Commander’s recovery will go well. No doubt time will tell.”

Ryan began cleaning up. "I think he'll be ok, let's get Alex in here. It should help if his bond mate is in physical contact. I need to check on the others. Are you ok in here for now?"

Kay’la nodded. “I’ll be fine Doctor, you go I’ll call if I need you.”

Ryan nodded and stepped out of the OR

Tilian Grol stood outside the OR. "Is he alright?"

"He's stable for now." It was the most Ryan was willing to divulge.

"But he is alive. That is good. Getting a new XO is a nightmare. I will tell the Captain that he will be alright." He looked at the doctor. "Good work sir."

Ryan just gave a slight nod to the yeoman as he left.

Inside the OR the monitors started screaming as Soral went into cardiac arrest

Kay’la sprung into action and hit her com-badge. “Medical Emergency Doctor Rose to Sickbay!” She needed help and she needed it now. “Computer activate EMH!”

Ryan hurried in. A quick glance at the monitor and he ordered. "Start CPR." Then he quickly sterilized his hands and grabbed a defibrillator off the surgical cart. He placed the small device high on Soral's right side, right under his lungs and just barely protected by his ribs. He'd always marveled at the frankly odd placement of the Vulcan heart.
He looked to Kay'la quickly. "Clear."

Kay’la stood back and watched as Ryan and Emerick worked together, they were quite a team. “He’s still down, you’re going to have to shock him again!”

"Adrenaline." He ordered.

Kay’la reached for a hypospray and quickly administered the standard dose. “Adrenaline in”

Ryan left the settings where they were and shocked Soral again.

Kay’la watched the readouts, for a tense few moments there was nothing before the monitors came to life with a strong reading. “He’s back! readings ... nominal.” She looked surprised. “Nice work doctors.”

Ryan was frowning though, he had no explanation for Soral going into unexpected cardiac arrest. It wasn't unheard of as a reaction to trauma. They had just recently run a ton of test on Soral when his telepathy had been under attack. Perhaps it was just stress related. Ryan wasn't going to make assumptions though. "Run a full workup." Ryan went to the sink to wash his hands.

“Yes doctor. Thank you as well Doctor” she nodded to Emerick. “Computer deactivate EMH” with that she got to work running a full battery of tests on Soral. Looking at the readings as they came in she soon spotted a small anomaly in the readings. “It appears we have an anomaly in the readouts Doctor.”

"Odd." Ryan came over to take a closer look.

“I wasn’t sure at first but look at this ...” she showed an image on the readouts. “What do you think?”

"A past, somewhat similar injury, paired with stress from recent traumas. A sympathetic reaction isn't unheard of. I wish we had a Vulcan healer on board." Ryan commented.

“Isn’t that standard practice?” Kay’la looked at Ryan curiously. “There is a Vulcan couple onboard I believe, new arrivals like myself. Isn’t it standard practice that where there are couples there has to be a healer?”

"Well, we are only a crew of one hundred. Check with them though, maybe one is a healer. I'm going to get Alex to sit with him. That might help."

Kay’la nodded. “Fingers crossed.”



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