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The Plans

Posted on Friday, 3 July 2020 - 3:33pm by Lieutenant JG Maximus Mackenzie

Mission: Operation: Jabberwocky
Location: USS Standing Bear| Various
Timeline: 2393 - MD 00


As the ship slid into the docking area of Starbase 118 there was a buzz of excitement amongst the crew. Shore leave had come and they were ready for a good time and some rest and relaxation. There was a burst of excitement and energy as the crew moved and glided through the ship. The last while had been filled with stress and difficult days but now, the time had come to lick their wounds and to rest their minds and bodies.

One such individual was an administrator. The Captain and XO's Yeoman was itching to get off the ship and into some fun.

=/\=Tilian Grol's Quarters =/\=

Tilian looked around his quarters. He had just arrived and settled in and here he was leaving the ship. He had one more thing to do before his shuttle would leave. The moment he'd heard that they had leave he'd called ahead and booked a shuttle ride to Risa. He was looking forward to it. It had been a long time since he was there.

What people didn't know was that Risa had a vibrant theater culture and the Castillion Soprano would be there to sing her opera. He loved Castillion opera. It had such a calming effect on him.

He was also looking forward to some time swimming and resting. It had been an intense mission. He'd tie up any loose ends administrative wise and then he'd head to Risa free of worry. Luna, his cat, would come with him... then he thought of something. Perhaps it was best that Luna stayed here. She will still a young kitten. He wondered if he could impose on the doc to take care of her. He'd wanted to see what a pet was like and what a better way to see then to pet sit.

He'd think about it. Now he wanted to get some work done. He buckled down and worked and within four hours he was caught up and ahead of the game. He'd sent a note to the CO and XO...although Soral had told Tillian that he'd be going to Earth so Soral would not need him.

He reflected on his conversation with the CO's husband. He wondered if they'd take some time to relax. He hoped so. The Cardassian, he was sure, missed his spouse. Tillian vowed that he'd keep his promise to the Cardassian to get Stillwater home at a decent hour when they left the Station again.

For now he'd finish packing and then head out. As he carefully folded clothing, gathered toiletries, journal supplies, and a few books he decided that Luna would come with him. He packed stuff for her too, the Doctor's food mix recipe and a few other items that she may like. Tomorrow, well tomorrow, would be another day. Tomorrow he would be on the shuttle and off on his adventure. He couldn't wait.

=/\=Maximus Mackenzie's Quarters =/\=

Max sighed. He'd just gotten comfortable. The ship was docked and he had to get a move on. He'd been cleared for leave and he had to pack quick. There were two shuttles heading for Earth, a transport and a private shuttle. He hadn't felt right about the private shuttle as he wanted to give Soral and Alex time to themselves but he'd be taking the first transport tonight. He'd be there and have some time to do some shopping for Soral's wedding.

He was also looking forward to seeing Haru, an old friend of Soral's and his. Smiling he grabbed a small bag and packed what he needed. There wasn't a lot he'd need but he would need the basic items. The wedding clothing he could get on Earth so he wasn't worried. He did, however, have a gift from the doc to pack.

He threw in his clothing and left a note for his roommate that he'd be away. At least he'd have a brake there. The girl could talk for hours. He needed this trip, this peace and quiet.

Before the ship left he wanted to get a few things that he'd run out of for the trip and so he headed to the Station. The de-boarding process was long and annoying and it took a good thirty minutes to verify his leave orders. Once all was done he zoomed out at light speed to the shops and arrived just in the nick of time to seat himself on the transport. As it left he looked back at the station feeling a sense of peace. It had been a stressful mission and he was still unsure if being back on the ship was such a good idea. Vashti...had been home. He'd miss the little shack that he'd called home for the year.

As the transport jolted to warp his mind was on his father. They had not spoken since he'd boarded the Standing Bear. There was so much anger there. The man was his adopted father but he'd never seen him as such. His adopted mother...well she'd been different. If it hadn't been for her he would not be alive or where he was today. He missed her.

Max figured he'd better see a counselor about things. Maybe on Earth. He did need to talk to someone but he didn't want to put any stress on Soral. The Vulcan had a lot to worry about and a lot to take in right now. It was never easy meeting your in laws.



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