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First Date of a Long Distance Couple

Posted on Thursday, 3 December 2020 - 8:33am by Lieutenant JG Adrianna Eberhardt & Lieutenant Ryan Rose MD

Mission: Operation: Ouroboros
Timeline: Before Stillwater Poisoing

Ryan had returned to the Standing Bear only to find himself immediately buried in work. Shoreleave...some of the crew were always a little less careful than they should be, and Ryan was seeing to minor injuries, and being bombarded with embarrassing stories of how said injuries were acquired.

Now, ten hours later he was flopped on his couch, with a rumbling stomach, but little motivation to do anything about it. With a smile, he decided to place a subspace call to Scarlet. Yes, it had been less than 48 hours since he’d seen her in person, but the thought of chatting with her made the evening seem less dull. He opened up the line, hoping the Standing Bear didn’t find the need to go ‘radio silent’ anytime soon.

Scarlet answered the call after a while. She had wet hair and had clearly just got out the shower and put pj's on-- well, an oversized Starfleet hoodie and shorts, "Hi, I'm glad you called."

“Hey.” Ryan smiled. He hadn’t bothered to even pull off his lab coat, but seeing her warm and comfortable had him stripping off the garment. “Do you have plans for the evening?” He thought he’d double check, even though hoodie and shorts pretty clearly stated ‘staying in’.

"Well, I had a date with ice cream and Iron Man, the cinematic originals. You know, with Robert Downey Jr. But I can clear my schedule." She replied with a giggle.

“Well he’s a misogynistic prick, he won’t mind a three-way.” Ryan chuckled briefly. “How about dinner and a movie?”

Scarlet blushed at his first comment but smiled," I'd like that, but aren't you back on the ship?" This wasn't something she'd done before, but frankly was willing to try because Ryan seemed like a special guy.

“I am, but I have access to both the original Iron Man, and dinner, so it shouldn’t be a problem.”
He placed the PaDD he was holding on his coffee table. “Let me change and grab an easy dinner, I’ll be right back, keep talking, how was your day?” He asked, his voice getting softer as he walked further away from the PaDD.

Scarlet nodded, it seemed a good idea actually. She reached for the icecream, "I got blown up at lunch. Well, a screwdriver thing over heated as I was using it and went poof in my hand. I was lucky to not actually lose my fingers though I swear they still burn a little now... Anyway, I fainted in front of a doctor and patient upon seeing my own blood, so Ben and Jerry will also be joining us on this date." She started scooping it in, "though when you have this amount of 'accidents' you become grateful that icecream manufacturers make soy and sugar free icecream." She mulled over the icecream tub, impressed by the very few calories, but how tasty it was. It certainly hit the spot. She looked back to the screen, "What about you?"

Ryan returned to view, a pair of superman pajama bottoms low on his hips, and pulling on a loose plain white tee. “I spent the entire shift and then some tending to minor injuries.” He sat down on the couch. “I’m sorry to hear about your hands, if I was there I could kiss them better.”

Scarlet gulped a little but shifted her eyes back to Ryan. She blushed and smiled at his kiss comment. "Nice pj's. Any injuries have entertaining stories?"

Ryan just grinned. Their DC/Marvel battle was ongoing, and hopefully would never end. “Oh, aye, but nothing I can talk about.” His stomach grumbled again, and he realized he’d forgotten the ‘dinner’ part of his plan. “Are we having ice cream for dinner?” He noticed the tub and stifled a chuckle.

"No doctor, we're having it for dessert. I had my dinner about 30 minutes ago," she chuckled. "Oh, also," she lifted up her hoody, showing pj too that had the iron man blue light printed on it, "alas we continue to fight."

Ryan picked up the PaDD to take with him to the replicator. Giving Scarlet an on the go view of his quarters. The living room largely taken up by the baby grand piano. “May the battle be ongoing.” He teased. “Now, what should I have for dinner?”

"Flies--since you're spidery," she teased, "I always imagined ships quarters to be smaller."

“Well being a department head does have its perks.” He stopped at the replicator and turned to PaDD so she could get a more panoramic view. “It’s not bad at all for a ship.” He commented. He peered at the replicator for a moment, before deciding that pizza and popcorn was movie date appropriate, if not the most healthy option.

"I like it," she nodded, impressed, "I'd probably be in some bunk bed with a klingon than snores like hell, like at the academy." She looked to the pizza, "what is on that pizza?"

Ryan just grinned, bringing the pizza to his coffee table before giving her a better view of the two slices. “Salami, red onion, and pineapple.” He began pulling up Iron Man in preparation.

"I think you lost me at pineapple, but the combination is oddly intriguing," she curled up on the corner of the sofa, resting the PaDD on the arm of it. She pulled up a chunky blanket and cwtched up, "you ready?"

He set the sync between them, then nodded.

Scarlet smiled and the movie began. It felt nice to have company, albeit under odd circumstances. She could get used to it though. "Even the opening credits are better than DC," she muttered, teasing.

Ryan just playfully ‘shhh’d’ her, then stuck out his tongue.

Scarlet smirked a little and stifled a laugh at him.

When the end credits began to roll, Ryan found himself yawning. “That was fun.” He smiled at Scarlet.

Scarlet stretched, making a bit of a squeak noise as doing so, "it was. We should do it again sometime."

“Absolutely.” Ryan stretched as well, without the dramatics, though he still had a smile on his face watching hers. “Tuck me in?” He asked. “Before I fall asleep on the couch.”

Scarlet blinked a moment, hesitating, unsure of what he meant. She did pick up the PaDD though and began walking to her room. Her quarters had schematics dotted all round the place in an organised chaos kind of way. "Only if you offer the same courtesy," she smiled teasing, "sing me a lullaby."

Ryan padded to his room, took one look at Dr Sexy Alligator, who had the gaul to be sprawled across his bed, and blushed. He grabbed the stuffed animal and tossed him at the closet. “I’m not sure you want my voice singing you off to sleep, but I’ll try.” He placed the PaDD on his nightstand.

Scarlet giggled, her eyelids growing heavy, "animal abuse!"

Ryan chuckled, getting himself comfortable before singing them both off to sleep in his surprisingly good tenor.

Scarlet had been joking, but she was so tired, she felt it sweet that he tried. She was off to sleep first, peacefully cuddled up to a Teddy of her own.


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Comments (1)

By Commander Soral on Thursday, 3 December 2020 - 4:02pm

Nice Ya'll!