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Catching up with the Doctor

Posted on Friday, 15 January 2021 - 2:14pm by Commander Soral & Lieutenant Ryan Rose MD

Mission: Operation: Trail of Tears
Location: USS Standing Bear | Sickbay
Timeline: 2394


Soral made his way to sickbay. He hurried over to the CMO's office knowing that even though it was late the good doctor would beat his post; something he admired greatly about the man.

Ryan was sitting on his office couch with a PaDD in hand, catching up on the variety of things he had missed while at the medical conference. He looked up as he hurt footsteps at his door and stood. "Good evening sir." He nodded politely.

"You work too hard doctor." He said coming in and sitting down.

Ryan only smiled. "I believe there is a story about a pot and a kettle." He made his way to the replicator. "Tea?" He asked.

"Yes please. Spiced tea." He rubbed his face. The doctor was right. He too was exhausted.

Ryan returned with 2 cups of tea. "I'm surprised I haven't had to track you down for a checkup. I'm hoping that's why you are here?"

"That is one of the reasons." He sighed. "I am not well," he admitted.

Ryan sipped his tea, making a tiny 'go on' gesture. Oh he could do scans and pester, but he'd prefer to listen to what Soral had to say about his own health.

He sighed. Where to start? He decided by sliding a PaDD over. "These are the updated health records since the incident on Jupiter station. It shows that I am healed for the most part but...there were some consequences from the alien abductions."

Ryan took the PaDD, but put it aside. He could go over the details later. "Tell me about them?" Ryan prompted, taking another sip of tea.

"Well the most...worrying one is that the doctors believe that I have a resulting infertility. They are not sure if it is temporary or permanent. It is being further complicated by my dual heritage." The doctor hadn't been told yet. It was only a few days ago that his medical records were updated to show that he was half Romulan and half Vulcan.

"Well, I'm no fertility specialist, but we do have access to the latest research, and there are always other options, I'm sure we can come up with a plan on that front." Ryan said with confidence. "Dual heritage? What kind of dual heritage?" Ryan asked, not wanting to jump to any conclusions.

"I have recently learned that my...mother was not Vulcan. She was Romulan."

Ryan was able to hold in his surprise. "Well, even our genetic scans can't tell a Romulan/Vulcan hybrid from a full Romulan or Vulcan. The genetics are all but identical. That in and of itself should have no relation to your fertility. We can run some test. Anything else?"

"Yes." He hesitated. "I am not feeling myself as of late."

Ryan just nodded. "That's a little vague sir. Can you try to describe it?"

"It is getting more and more difficult to control emotional outbursts. I am tired easily, I find it...difficult to find clarity of mind. Granted I haven't meditated since before the whole alien abduction thing but still I am a trained Vulcan. This should not be happening."

"A trained Vulcan who has been under a great deal of stress. Most of us who were abducted are having similar issues. It's perfectly acceptable, and necessary for you to take time for yourself. Meditation, proper sleep, regular meals." He got a little smile. "Should be happening or not, it's illogical to deny that it is happening." Ryan pulled out a PaDD. "I want you to write it down. A schedule that includes proper self care, not just ship matters. Maybe it will help if you see it in black and white so to speak."

He sighed. Perhaps the doctor was right. He took the PaDD and began writing things down.



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