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I think there is an issue here

Posted on Tuesday, 23 February 2021 - 10:26pm by Lieutenant Ryan Rose MD & Commander Soral

Mission: Operation: Trail of Tears
Location: USS Staning Bear | Sick bay
Timeline: 2394 MD 07


"Doctor!" Soral called. Another late night. He knew that the CMO was preparing to go off shift. Alex was on the bridge she'd relieved him early, and he was free to talk to Rose about a problem that was just in its infancy... at least he thought.

Ryan quickly told Scarlet that he needed to end their call, then popped out of his office. "Commander?" Ryan asked. Soral sounded uncharacteristically upset to his ears.

"Doctor I need to speak with you most urgently." He said slipping into the CMO's office quickly.

Ryan had of course made space for the XO to enter his office. He didn't bother with the offer of tea, it seemed important. "What's going on?" He asked simply.

"I have been having... more of those issues we spoke of. There have been some developments." He handed the PaDD of records keeping. "There was an incident .... earlier."

"Ok." Ryan replied calmly. "What happen exactly?" He held the PaDD up. "Not in here, but in here." He pointed to his own head. "What were your thoughts and emotions?"

"I do not know. I was calm. All was well. I did have some minor hand tremors this morning but recovered after meditation. Then an Ensign said something about Alexandra...something over the line and I felt was most illogical."

That was odd Ryan thought. He pulled up Soral's records to see if he could put the pieces together. From all their scans, both recent and months old there was nothing that would indicate an actual brain dysfunction. So he went back to basics. "Have you tried anything new from the replicator? A food, a shampoo? Anything like that?"

"No. I have been meditating more and it's been calming." He wondered if he was in Pon Farr but his latest Scans on Jupiter station did not show it. "Also my dreams have been more vivid. Could this be because of the broken bond?"

"It's not a normal symptom of a broken bond, it sounds a bit like the beginnings of pon farr. When are you due?" Ryan asked in a straight forward manner.

Soral did the mental calculations. "I..." He closed his eyes and sighed. "Now. Any time now. But the scans showed nothing." Of course they wouldn't if he was early. "I do not need this now." He said.

"I'm sorry." Ryan replied. "But, need it or not. I'm fairly confident that what you are experiencing is the beginning symptoms. "

He sighed. "Very well. Another exam then? If it proves nothing then perhaps I can delay its progress with meditation. Also...there maybe chemical ways to delay it. Doctor Selin would know."

"We can do another exam of course. But I don't think trying for a delay is in your best interest health wise. You are going to go through it, now or in whatever length of time we can delay it. Speaking with Doctor Selin is an excellent idea though. I think having a Vulcan consult is important."

"Indeed but Alexandra is nowhere near being able initiate our bond. I am afraid waiting is the only option."

"She may not be for awhile. You need to be open to other options, sir. Let's consult with Dr Selin before we make any further decisions though."

He sighed. "Indeed however you should know this is my second Pon Farr...that may require a bond." He suddenly paused. "Has Alex spoken to you about the healing she wishes to undertake?"

Ryan kept a neutral face. "Commander, you know I can't discuss any doctor/patient conversations. But, there is a reason you asked I suspect?"

"Indeed. She was supposed to run something by you. We may have a solution. A Vulcan mind healing that may speed up her recovery."

Ryan nodded. "Something else to talk with Dr Selin about. Sooner rather than later."

"I will leave that in your hands." He said.

Ryan nodded. "I'll get in touch with her as soon as possible, and I'll let you know."



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