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A New Face

Posted on Wednesday, 8 April 2020 - 7:11pm by Lieutenant JG Yolen * & Lieutenant T'Lanna Vali

Mission: Operation: Overdrive
Location: USS Fontana | Counseling Office
Timeline: 2393


Yolen walked over to the counseling officer. He'd just been cleared for duty after recovering from Rigelian Fever. He'd been upset at himself for not being on the bridge during the launch. The doc cleared him for light duty to so he'd still be in the shuttle bay a while. In fact he'd just finished his duties there and had decided to meet with the new counselor. He stopped in front of her door and rang the chime.

T’Lanna was starting to feel like she was going to be in demand as a Counsellor aboard ship, not that she minded. She was happy to put her Counselling skills to use. “Come in” She turned to look at the door and see who was going to enter.

Yolen moved surprisingly gracefully for his tall Denobulan frame. He smiled, "Hello Counselor."

T’Lanna smiled warmly. “Please come on in and take a seat.” She looked at him curiously. She’d been looking through some crew files and recognised his face. “You’re Lieutenant Yolen, correct?”

Yolen swayed foreword on his toes and bowed tapping his chest. His smiled widened every so slightly. "Indeed I am. A pleasure to meet you Lieutenant Vali." He looked at her. "Is this a bad time?"

“Not at all, in-fact it’s perfect timing.” She smiled warmly. “What can I do for you?”

"I thought that I would introduce myself. We Denobulans are a lot more open and acknowledge the importance of counseling. Sometimes even when there is no need for it." He studied her. "Ah, you are an Ex-B."

T’Lanna nodded. “Yes I am. One of few in Starfleet.”

"That's wonderful! I know things are rough for those who are Ex-Bs but I am glad to see Starfleet slowly to start embracing again. For a while there I was worried about them." He motioned for the seat. "May I?"

“Of course!” She smiled warmly. “Can I get you anything from the replicator?”

"Oh dear." He tilted his head, "Let me see now. How about....Chocolate iced cream."

T’Lanna grinned. “If you would like chocolate ice-cream then by all means, in-fact i’ll join you!” Walking over to the replicator she ordered two small bowls and brought them back. “One chocolate ice-cream” She took a seat and spooned herself some of hers. “I hope that’s what you meant?”

"Absolutely." He took a spoonful. "Mmmmm sequenced matter. Such a wonderful taste." He grinned. He waited for the typical counseling questions as he happily scooped his iced cream.

T’Lanna tucked her hair behind her pointed ears and picked up a PADD as she finished off a spoonful of ice-cream. “So how are you settling in aboard ship?”

"Well considering that the first week was spent in my hibernation cycle as well as fighting Rigelian Flu I'm doing well! Very much looking forward to exploring the ship." He answered. "I won't need to sleep again for the rest of the year so I have lots of time!"

"You had Rigelian flu?" She looked at the Denobulan in surprise. "In that case it's nice to see you feeling better." T'Lanna grinned. "I didn't know that Denobulan's had a hibernation cycle, that's something new learned today."

"We do indeed. We don't require a lot of sleep just six days a year. We can cut that to four. It makes us more efficient." He smiled as he ate.

“Wow! So just what do you do whilst everyone else is asleep?” She looked at Yolen curiously.

"Well with my previous ships I would bank flying hours or study a new language, or read. Or study other areas of interest."

“Excellant!” T’Lanna smiled. “It’s not required but improving your skills is a good thing to do.” She paused to eat some more of her ice-cream which was rapidly melting. “So what made you decide to join Starfleet?”

"Well it was not so much a choice. On my 18th birthday I was what is it humans say...excommunicated? Shunned? Banished?" He waved his hand. "All of those."

She nodded. “I’m sorry to hear that, was there a particular reason? You can decline to answer if it’s too personal a question.”

"Nonsense, I don't believe in personal. Denobulans structure their society as family units. Each man is permitted three wives who re permitted three husbands of their own." He paused, "The goal is to build big family units and produce children. I refused to have children and to marry until I was ready. To ensure it I undertook a procedure that would ensure I would not have children."

“Interesting, I take it that you haven’t married as yet? I could look it up on your personnel file but I prefer to ask individually instead of referring to a set of statistics.” She smiled warmly.

"Not as of yet, no. I am enjoying having no obligations." He smiled.

“I can’t say I blame you!” T’Lanna smiled. “So do you like being in Starfleet? Is your career one you enjoy?”

"Indeed. I like flying. It's let me visit many worlds and it's been very interesting. I hope to make chief pilot some day."

“Trust me, remain positive and carry on with your wonderfully cheerful attitude and you’ll soon make your way up the ranks. It’s a delight to talk to someone who loves what they do and life in general. I like your open-mindedness.”

"Well I am open mined but not open. I have yet to master the art of friendship."

“Really? You seem to be doing pretty well here with me.” She grinned. “But if you want to practice I’d be more than happy to help you.”

"Very much appreciated." He smiled again. "Well I should head out. The XO has summoned me and it's nearing the time."

“That’s fine. I’m happy with your evaluation so you get the all clear from me.”

"Wonderful!" He stood. "Well then. It was lovely to meet you. Until next time." He gave a small bow before leaving.


Lt.JG Yolen
Helms Officer


Lieutenant T'Lanna
Ship's Psychologist


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