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Theta Fleet Awards

Posted on Saturday, 10 April 2021 - 3:31pm by Captain Barret Stillwater

Theta Fleet Monthly Awards

Theta Fleet has released their monthly awards today in addition to their first quarter of 2021 awards. Though I place more value on us having fun and being creative, I do feel it valuable to recognize when any of us have been acknowledged either collectively or individually for our work. The following pertains to the USS Standing Bear and/or our writers.

- The USS Standing Bear won the Gold Unit of Distinction solidifying that we are one of the most active in the fleet as a whole, and top of activity for our Task Force.
* This is the 13th consecutive time the Standing Bear has received gold (once silver) in Theta Fleet or our previous fleet's equivalent.

- Task Group Award of Merit was bestowed upon us by the Theta Fleet Commander. Typically, this is an award I as TGCO would give to a sim, but because I rarely give it to us, the Fleet Commander found it suitable to recognize the Standing Bear for its leading efforts in 51-C.

- The March 2021 Player of the Month was awarded by the Fleet to Kat and was nominated by Linsey and myself for going above and beyond the usual duties of XO. I can proudly say that Kat has been a good XO joining a shortlist of people I have had at my side (including Kim and Nicole who both write here). Kat not only is a trailblazer in activity which is great but what made me push for your nomination was your general handling of everyone during the COVID-19 pandemic. You have been our morale officer, often checking on people and trying to lift spirits through continued writing.

Theta Fleet Quarterly Awards

- The USS Standing Bear as a whole has been recognized as the Sim of the Quarter! This is the second time since joining Theta Fleet that the USS Standing Bear has been recognized with this particular honor.

- Kat, you not only took the month, but the Fleet saw it fit to further acknowledge your dedication by recognizing you as the Player of the Quarter. Your energy and passion certainly help keep us all fired up and ready for more.

* A special shoutout to two of our fantastic writers. Janet and Phil were recognized for their work on the USS Wolff and USS Pandora. Janet earned the Writer of the Month and Writer of the Quarter. Phil has done a remarkable job XO for the USS Pandora for the past several years and was recognized as XO of the Quarter!


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Category: Sim Announcement
