View Award - Writer of the Quarter

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<font color=#F13333>Writer of the Quarter</font>

Category: Both
Awarded: 3 times

Lieutenant Alex Kingsley
Saturday, 1 May 2021 - 6:10pm
I nominate Linds aka Alex for writer of the quarter. She is a big help both IC and OOC and she is truly one of a kind. Her posts are all emotionally charged and over the quarter her character has shown not only major character development but also believable development. Her writing is such that her characters struggles can clearly be felt by the readers. Not only are her posts quality but quantity.
Lieutenant Talarn Zilth
Saturday, 3 October 2020 - 5:50pm
Kim aka Talarn has shown a tremendous amount of growth for her character. She has given us a consistent quality of development and a promise of more. I can't wait to see how Talarn grows with the ship!
Lieutenant Alex Kingsley
Friday, 3 July 2020 - 3:25pm
For the Month of June awarded to Lindsey (write of Alex Kingsley) Since her joining of the Sim Linz has been a force to be reckoned with. She has solid high quality posts that are constant and consistent. She has developed her character in a fascinating and interesting way and has done a Joint Post with just about every writer. She is fun to write with and had a depth to her writing both on duty and off duty. Well done!