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Revelations - Part 1

Posted on Wednesday, 20 May 2020 - 4:45pm by Lieutenant T'Lanna Vali & Commander Soral

Mission: Operation: Recall
Location: Vulcan | Communications
Timeline: 2393 MD/NA - CURRENT


T'Aurora set her cup of tea down. Her cousin and the woman he was going to marry, T'mari, were staying with her but she had seen them go out so she'd invited T'lara, her friend to come over. What she didn't know was that T'mari had in fact returned. She hadn't heard her come down the stairs nor did she realize that she could, from her place in the kitchen grabbing a snack, hear what T'Aurora was saying.

"He is paying the bride price as required," She told her friend.

"I just wish his sister would hurry and get married to my dear cousin so that I could force Soral into our marriage."

T'lara, the more practical of the two spoke, "So Soral does not care for you? That is why he has put off the announcement of your marriage?" She knew the answer but she had been sent here to pretend to be interested in the snake woman.

"I do not care how he feels. His name, his property will fall to me, and then I can get rid of that Ferengi he has hired as estate manager"

T’mari froze in her tracks, Soral hadn’t told her that he was being forced into marrying just to see her happy. In that moment her dream had been shattered. The plate in her hand slipped and hit the floor with a deafening clatter as it smashed into several pieces.

T'Aurora heard the sound. She shot to her feet and was in the kitchen in an instant. She wasn't sure what the other woman had heard if anything. She tried to play it off as if nothing had happened. "I did not know you were back."

T’mari was bending down picking up the larger pieces of the mess. “I was just ... getting myself a snack. I’m sorry the plate slipped, I’m such a clutz sometimes.” She kept her gaze on the mess. “I’ll just get this mess cleaned up and I’ll come and sit with you.”

T'lara turned to her friend. T'Aurora why don't you go rest. You've had a long day. I'll help clean up in here.”

The woman happily left and T'lara looked over a her. "You heard that didn't you?"

T’mari nodded. “I ... didn’t know Soral was making such a sacrifice for me.” She shook her head. “I can not just let him sacrifice his life so I can have my happiness.”

She sighed, "It is complicated. Actually....I am here because of your brother." She said.

“You are?!” T’mari looked at T’lara with somewhat veiled surprise.

"I would never be friends with that ... woman." She said. "Meet me at Soral's estate in one hour."

T’mari nodded. “I’ll be there.” She quickly set about clearing up her mess, she wanted to make a quick get away before T’Aurora reappeared again.

=/\=Soral's Estate on Vulcan =/\=

T'lara had arrived and filled in the Ferengi Manager of the estate on what had happened. He sighed. "She is proving more annoying then I thought."

"We will figure it out." She said just as the door chime rang.

T’mari stood on the doorstep waiting for an answer, she needed to know exactly what was going on. The sooner she had answers the better.

The door opened and a short Ferengi man popped out. "Ah, Mistress T'mari. Come in. T'lara is here." It hadn't been the first time she'd visited. He liked T'mari. she'd been the only one of Soral's family to seek him out after they'd abandoned him but then she'd been a child and had had to do what her parents had said. But she hadn't waited long. When she was of age she'd sought her brother out and the two were reconciled.

“Thank you” She liked the Ferengi he’d always been good to her, she didn’t want to see him lose his place at the estate. “So what exactly is going on? Is my brother truly wanting to give up his life to that ... that ... woman!” She practically spat the words and then reigned in her disgust. “I can’t allow it. I won’t.”

The Ferengi, Fang, smiled. "Of course he is. You are his sister but we," he motioned to them. "Cannot allow that. Soral has enlisted me to review the marriage contracts especially now. I spoke with him a few days ago." His smile widened. "He has met someone."

T’mari suppressed a smile. “In that case we must find a way to get him out of this marriage, the sooner the better.” She looked at T’lara “Surely plotting against a spouse is crime enough to prove her unworthy of marrying Soral?”

Fang shook his head. "Unfortunately no. Marriage of convenience are legal here. They are contracts. I am, however, working on finding loopholes" He sighed. "This will not be easy."

T’mari nodded. “If you don’t find a loophole then I won’t get married. As much as I love my betrothed I can’t let Soral do this. How can I live a happy life knowing he’s living in his own version of hell.”

"He would not want that." Fang took her hand. "Your marriage is important to him. I will figure something out. We Ferengi are very....motivated. Especially since that feeee-male was here yesterday measuring the house as if it were her own."

T’mari nodded. “I’ll do whatever I can to help you. Just let me know what you need me to do.”

He gave a nod. "My wife has just finished cooking. I've brought over her cooking before. I know you like it but you've never met her. Would either of you stay for lunch? I must go to the fields...we lost many Saya fruit plants during the fire but I think we can still turn a profit on the fruit we did harvest."

“I’d be happy to stay” T’mari said. “You know how much I love your wife’s cooking Fang.”

"Excellent." He disappeared and within minutes a tall slender Trill woman wearing a long flowing dress appeared. "Hello!" She greeted the two. "Welcome...but I am not sure it is my place to say. This is Master Soral's home. Please seat yourselves. What can I get you to drink?"

T’mari looked at the woman in surprise. “I’m T’mari, Soral’s sister and this is T’lara. We’ve been here before but we’ve never had the pleasure of meeting you.”

She smiled. "Well it's nice to meet you both." She motioned for the women to sit. "What would you ladies like to drink?"

“Just an iced water for me please” T’mari said as she looked at T’lara.

Talia brought back two glasses of iced water. She set the table brought the food and then called the ladies to join her. "Fang will probably be gone for hours." She sighed. "He feels responsible for the crop loss. The lease he believes, was no accident."

“That wouldn’t surprise me, but it isn’t his fault. If I have my way my brother will be found a way out of his marriage. That woman will never get her hands on any property belonging to my brother.” She looked at T’lara. “What if I had Soral sign this home and it’s lands over to me? Can I do that?”

T'lara shook her head. "No. Vulcan law states that only a child or wife may inherit. By the old ways if he dies under Pon Farr without a wife or child it would fall to his sister but then you are only his half sister so it could be contested."

Fang had come in at that. "Now you see he problem." He said. "Do not worry. Your brother saved my life," he admitted never having told anyone "He saved Talia and because of him we are married. We owe him our lives and we will help any way we can."

T’mari nodded. “If there’s anything you need, please call or come and see me. You will both be welcome in my home no matter what. My husband to be is a good man, anything that pleases me he allows so should she get her hands on this home you will move into mine.”

Fang gave a nod. "Don't you worry We Ferengi are very good at getting out of contracts."

His wife laughed. "I agree with that." She motioned to the table. "Please eat."

T’mari took a seat and made herself comfortable. She wasn’t going to pass up the delicious food that Fang’s wife always made. She politely put some food on her plate waiting for T’lara before starting to eat.

Fang was called away for a call as the women got to talking. He came back a half our later smiling from ear to ear.

“Please tell me the grin on your face is a sign of something promising?” T’mari asked.

"Perhaps. I will need to head to the Vulcan library of law to ensure it and I am waiting on a few confirmations." He looked at T'mari. "I could use your help once all this is done."

“Whatever I can do to help you Fang! Just ask.” T’mari could hardly contain her excitement for the first time.

"Excellent. Let me confirm my information. That will be step one. Step two will be rushing your marriage. Do you believe that your husband to me would be okay with a rushed marriage....a quiet one?"

T’mari looked surprised. “I ... guess so. I think he’d be happy to get the pomp and circumstance out of the way.”

"Good then you break the news to everyone, they are disappointed. We can figure out some....logical reason and then you go on a what do Hue-mans call it? A honey comb moon?"

“A honeymoon!” T’mari did smile then. “So we just tell all our guests that we decided to run away and get married without their presence?”

"Yes then you pack up and go to Vashti."

“Vashti? For our honeymoon or to live?” T’mari looked at Fang curiously. “I’m not sure if my husband will want to live away from Vulcan.”

"A visit. There, if my sources are correct, you will meet Soval. You must bring him to Vulcan."

“Soval ... who is Soval?” T’mari shook her head, this was getting complicated.

"A friend." He shrugged. "Now I have some books to read!" He said happily. He leaned down and kissed his wife and hurried out.

Talia smiled. "Well I'm interested to see where this goes."

“You’re not the only one. I shall, as they are fond of saying on Earth, keep my fingers crossed that it works.”

She looked at the woman. "Perhaps when you come back another time I can tell you of how your brother saved both Fangs life and mine." She paused. "There is so much your brother keeps hidden from everyone."

“Indeed” T’mari nodded. “I’m beginning to think there’s a lot Soral doesn’t tell me, and I’d very much like to know.”



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