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Piggy in the middle

Posted on Monday, 25 May 2020 - 7:10pm by Commander Soral & Lieutenant T'Lanna Vali

Mission: Operation: Recall
Location: USS Fontana | Soral’s Office
Timeline: 2393 - MD 08


Not having had the chance to talk to Soral before the shuttles departed on their search T’Lanna made her way to Soral’s office to speak to him about the events of comedy night. Ever since then she’d felt out of place in the ongoing unrest between the Vulcan crewmembers and Victrix. Being a half Vulcan left her feeling exactly like piggy in the middle. Pressing the chime she waited for an answer.

Soral had just finished his report on Vashti when the chime rang. He sent the document to the CO's terminal and stood from his chair. "Enter."

T’Lanna walked inside and made her way across to Soral’s desk. “Commander” She nodded. “May I talk to you about comedy night? It’s time tensions were put to rest.”

He raised an eyebrow. "It is best left unmentioned." He walked over to the replicator. "Would you like a drink?"

“Please” T’Lanna nodded. “Ginger tea would be nice thank you.” She paused. “You say it’s best left unmentioned but I’m afraid it isn’t. I’m finding it very stressful being stuck in the middle in this disagreement. The Vulcan crew look at me like I’m some sort of traitor because I’m working with and talking to Commander Victrix.”

He ordered ginger tea for her and a green tea for himself. Handing her the tea he said, "The Vulcan crew will work with the commander when necessary and you are one of us they have no quarrel with you."

“I just ... don’t feel approved of.” She sighed and picked up her tea, cradling the cup in her hands before taking a sip. “Sorry it’s probably just me, my emotions are doing overtime at the moment. So are you going to hold the comedy night against Victrix forever? Once she’s gone it’ll be too late to make it up.”

"I will speak with the Vulcan crew members if they are making you uncomfortable. That will not be tolerated." He paused. "Commander Victrix's words and actions were not proper. It caused dishonour."

T’Lanna nodded. “What’s bothering me the most is that, as a Vulcan I should understand what you all feel. For me it was just a joke, I didn’t feel offended. As a Psychologist and Counsellor, I totally understand but on a personal level ...” she shook her head.

"It is many things," he simply said. "Insult to dignity for one. There is an old story about Ambassador Spock that was passed down through the writings of his father that might help here." He paused. "He wrote that Amanda, Spock's mother once pointed out an embarrassing story about him to his friends. The Ambassador wrote that nobody, not even a mother may embarrass a Vulcan." He shrugged. Beyond that if a lower ranking officer poured water or a drink on a higher ranking officer like was done to me and then openly humiliated the ranking officer they would be disciplined. She, as I believe, spoke words that were to be considered humiliating in front of the crew thus diminishing my position as XO and it could adversely affect my ability to do my job." He sighed as he sipped his tea. "Perhaps the Fontana is not a place for me. Perhaps, as T'Paris has suggested a transfer is in order."

T’Lanna nodded as she listened. “When I was little prior to my time with the Borg, I never understood why my father was so ... for want of a better word staunch! He was always so serious. There were numerous times I embarrassed him in public but he never once let that humiliation stop him from doing anything.” She paused. “Please don’t request a transfer, if it’s Victrix you can no longer stand then she will be leaving us soon. I for one, will be sorry to see her go but please don’t let this one incident ruin the friendship you had, have you even asked her if she’d be willing to apologise?”

"How can one call it friendship or anything when she deems the humiliation, in front of those whom she wishes me to command as XO, not even worthy of an apology." He shrugged. "The only reason I have not asked for a transfer is Lieutenant Kingsley. As you say she will leave soon but any respect I have lost amongst the crew is permanent." He said.

T’Lanna nodded. “You’re right, I’m sorry. I spend so much time trying to fix things between people, when it comes to helping my friends ...” She shook her head. “Respect can be re-earned can it not? I haven’t heard one bad word about you from anyone Soral, if I did I’d be quick to put them in their place. You are XO of this ship and as such you deserve that respect. You’re also my friend and I’m sorry if I haven’t helped much.”

"There is no apology necessary. You have not done anything wrong. I am a Vulcan. My duty is to the ship and assisting the CO. Every Vulcan here will do their jobs." He shrugged. "All is well on my end."

He paused. "I have not yet had the opportunity to speak with the commander but I did send her my report. Commander Stillwater was on Vashti at one point but not there now. I am hopeful that one of the other teams has more information. The reports are just coming in now. I will ensure to send you copies of the reports as well."

T’Lanna nodded. “Thank you. That was a quick change, moments ago you were talking about transferring now you’re saying all is well?” She smiled. “To be honest I’d miss you if you weren’t here.”

He gave a nod. "I will be staying." He said. Truth was he'd miss a lot of people he met here. He'd been relying on T'Lanna a lot and he considered her a friend. "I am sorry if I am not making much sense."

“It’s okay” T’Lanna smiled. “I’m all over the place myself at the moment!” She had a sudden idea. “Soral would you meet me in my office later? There’s something I need to check that I want to run by you.”

"Indeed. I should get back to these reports. I shall weed out all the relevant Stillwater information and send a note copying you an the Commander."

“In that case I’ll leave you to it” She nodded and headed on her way.



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