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Posted on Wednesday, 27 May 2020 - 6:58am by Lieutenant T'Lanna Vali & Lieutenant Ryan Rose MD

Mission: Operation: Recall
Location: Sickbay
Timeline: 2393 MD8


T’Lanna was strolling along the deck heading for Sickbay, she’d made up her mind to ask Ryan about the sex of her baby. Given that she was over 7 weeks pregnant, with the state of modern Starfleet technology telling the sex would be easy or so she was hoping. Arriving at Sickbay she made her way to Ryan’s office, popping her head inside the open door. “Knock, knock.”

"Hello T'Lanna" Ryan greeted, looking up from the pile of paperwork he'd been working on. "Come on in." He smiled and waved her in. "What can I do for you?"

Walking inside T’Lanna headed over to a chair and sat down. “Actually I’ve been thinking and I’d like to know if you can tell me what sex my baby is? I have a feeling that I’m carrying a boy but I’d like to know for sure.”

"Sure, we can do that. Nothing is formed yet, but a quick DNA test will let us know if there's a little X or Y in there. What makes you think it's a boy?" He asked, with a grin. He had a feeling it might be a good story.

“Well my mother always told me that when I became a mother myself I’d know.” She paused. “Call it a ... sense of sorts. We Betazoid can not only sense other life, we can also sense the life inside ourselves when pregnant. My mum used to point out pregnant mothers and explain how they were communicating with their unborn children. I never believed it but now I’m starting to!” She grinned. “I just feel that I’m having a boy! If that makes any sense at all?”

"It does. My sister knew she was having a girl early on." Ryan commented as he got what he needed to run the test. "How have you been? Eating and sleeping alright?" Ryan asked, figuring he might as well do a bit of a checkup with T'Lanna as well as determine the sex of her baby.

“Sleeping ... on and off, Yes” she blushed thinking about the time she’d spent with Raith. They’d slept but only after a whole lot of lovemaking. “Eating, better than I was. Soral showed me something to help with my morning sickness, so that’s helped. Although my self preservation instincts have gone completely off the charts.” She shrugged her shoulders. “It’s crazy but I guess that’s motherhood.”

"That's good. Eating properly is probably the most important factor in a healthy pregnancy. And those instincts are good too." Ryan finished up the test, then turned the PaDD so T'Lanna could see the results.

T’Lanna looked at the readouts wide-eyed, it seemed her instincts about her baby being a boy were correct. “It’s a boy ... I’m having a son!” She wiped away a few happy tears. “Thank you for this Ryan.”

"You're welcome." He smiled, grabbing a tissue for her. "And everything looks good as well. Good growth rate and vitals are all within norms for the genetic mix."

T’Lanna nodded. “Thank you. At least now I know my self preservation instincts aren’t just me going crazy!” She grinned. “Now all I have to do is resist the temptation to go out and buy everything needed for a baby boy. It’s not like he’ll be here with me after all.” She paused. “Anyway ... how went your time off ship?”

"Maybe wait for the second trimester." Ryan agreed. "Less risky, yet you won't be so far along that is causes physical limitations." He then turned to the question of Vashti. "Things went well. We were able to help a lot of people."

She nodded. “I will and that’s good. I’m glad you were able to provide medical help for them, they haven’t had the help they’ve needed.”

Ryan's stomach took that moment to rumble loudly. He chuckled. "How about I buy you lunch?" He offered.

“Now there’s an offer I can’t refuse!” T’Lanna grinned and nodded. “The old adage that you eat for two when you’re pregnant is right. I’m always hungry!”

Ryan chuckled. "That's good, a healthy appetite is a good sign." He led the way out of sickbay. As soon as they were out in the corridor he took a deep breath. "Oh, that's better. I needed to get away from the paperwork for a bit before I go stir crazy."

“Oh I know that feeling!” T’Lanna grinned. “One reason why I’m grateful for the help from yourself and Emerick. I shouldn’t have let myself get drawn into doing so many jobs at once!”

Ryan nodded. "Take your own advice counselor." Ryan smiled. "How are you doing? Do you need help delegating task or anything?"

“Help is always appreciated” T’Lanna nodded. “Every time I get through one pile of PADDs another set appears requesting appointments, reports and it’s a never ending cycle!!” She grinned. “Hence why I like to get out of the office for a while.”

They reached the lounge and Ryan simply headed to the replicator, grabbing a tuna sandwich and a glass of water. "It is a horrible cycle" He agreed. "I can't keep up with the paperwork for a crew of only 100 people. I can't even imagine what it's like on a large ship. Thank you for the excuse to leave it be for just half an hour."

“Regular breaks are key to good psychological well-being Doctor!” T’Lanna grinned as she sat down with a bowl of Chicken stew and a glass of chilled water. “Speaking of psychological well-being may I speak to you about something ... delicate?”

Ryan finished his bite, took a sip of water to brace himself, then nodded. "Of course." He then gave her his full attention.

“It’s just ...” She lowered her voice so as not to be overheard. “Pon’farr ... I said when I came aboard that I was a few months off of mine. It should be due around the time my pregnancy reaches six months, but being pregnant should push that back a little.” She paused to sip her drink. “I need your opinion on whether it would be safe for me bond with a Human during that time? I love Raith with all my heart and I wouldn’t want to hurt him.”

Ryan took a moment to decide how he wanted to handle the question. He kept his voice low so it wouldn't travel. "Pon'farr is dangerous, just in general. Even more so when non Vulcans are involved. Tell me, were your able to meditate through your previous Pon'farr?"

“Not really” T’Lanna shook her head. “I was fortunate enough to have someone there willing to help me, without the need for a lifelong bonding. Being half Vulcan I don’t get it as severe as full blood Vulcans but it’s still intense, to say the least!” She looked at Ryan. “Are you saying that now I have a man willing to be with me in the long term I may not be able to bond with him at the time I need him the most?”

"Not at all. I was just trying to gauge the depth of your Pon'farr with your split genetics. There aren't a lot of cases, but there are a few, of both successful and unsuccessful attempts at bonding. It's impossible for me to give you a clear cut answer though. Most likely you'd both be physically fine with the physical components. This is going to sound terribly unromantic...but.. would you consider handling it in sickbay? I can turn the OR into something more private. It would be safer, and might have you relax, knowing help was right there. Emerick could be on call."

“If you promise I can use a private office set up how I feel most comfortable.” She offered a smile. “Sickbay is starting to feel like a second home already so it won’t be that much of a difference. Besides you might find me already there hiding under a desk once it starts anyway!” T’Lanna grinned. “Like all Vulcans I tend to hide away.”

Ryan let out a short chuckle. "Under my desk is pretty comfortable. You can set it up however you feel comfortable. Let me know what needs to be stocked, and we'll make sure you have any supplies you need."

“Nearer the time I’ll sort it with you. In the meantime I have my own nest to feather for my son.” She grinned.

Ryan nodded. "Just let me know. And I'm happy for you and Raith, it's good that you've found someone."

“Thank you Ryan” T’Lanna smiled warmly. “Just remember my door is always open if you need me, even during off hours.”

"You're very welcome, and I know. You know it goes both ways. My door is always open." Ryan smiled.


Dr Ryan Rose

Lt T’Lanna Vali


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