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Uncomfortable Conversations - Part 2

Posted on Saturday, 28 March 2020 - 3:47pm by Commander Soral

Mission: Operation: Overdrive
Location: XO's Quarters, USS Fontana
Timeline: 2393


Soral sat in front of the computer screen. He waited for the coms unit to patch through the call from Vulcan. It wasn't one that he was looking forward to. He shifted uncomfortably once as the Starfleet insignia shimmered and fizzed into the image of a man, a perpetually glowering Vulcan. As uncomfortable as his conversation was with the new Psychologist this would be a trial.

What were the odds of having two conversations in the same subject matter. He tried to still his mind and face as the Vulcan, Yarik, on the other end held up his right hand and greeted him with the parting of fingers, an age old Vulcan greeting, "Live long and Prosper Soral."

He returned the greeting reluctantly, "Peace and Long Life Yarik, son of Murek"

The Vulcan pressed on as if he cared not for what Soral had to say. "I have been a patient man. I wait no more. You have made a commitment to my family. I have restored your place here. You have been abandoned by your father, your tribe, your family and I have given you status. You will honour your commitment."

The benefit of being light years away was that the commitment that this man wanted honouring was far away. "I am unable to take leave now."

The Vulcan waived his hand. "Stand by to see the one you have been putting off seeing."

The image fizzed and shimmered again but instead of a dour Vulcan the image was one of a beautiful one. Her eyes as green as a pure emerald, her honey amber hair hanging loosely in curls. Her eyes painted a deep shade of lavender, a colour he favoured. "Soral, Parted from me; yet never parted. Always touching and touched. I await your return to my side."

Her melodic voice called to him yet something in him resisted. "T'Aurora, I am honoured by your call."

She gave a dainty nod. "It seems not, husband, to be."

A chill ran down his spine when she used that phrase. "I cannot return for our marriage yet. I have begun paying a bride price as per my obligation to your father."

"Perhaps but you have not publicly announced our matrimony. It is a dishonour to my family, to me."

Soral briefly wondered if he compressed the signal button he could get away with an excuse of an accidentally dropped coms.

Vulcan honour would not allow it, his honour wouldn't allow it.

He instead gave a nod. "I am in no position at this time. When this mission is settled and when my duties permit I shall return to honour my oath."

Her almond shaped eyes looked up at him through the vastness of space. "Is that all that I am? An oath?"

He could lie but he chose the only thing he was able to choose; truth. "Indeed."

"I am not the mistress of your heart." It was a statement and Soral thought that he'd detected a trace of sadness there.

"You are not. I will not dishonour the promise I made to your father and your family. When the time is right I will claim you as my bride. It is a duty I must honour."

"And then what?" She asked her face taking on the dour shade of her father's. "You will leave me here to bare your child, to tend your property."

Soral thought a moment. "You dishonour yourself and your family with your display. Yarik face me," he said knowing that the old fox, in Vulcan clothing, was listening to the exchange.

T'Aurora's beautiful face was replaced with that of her father. "You dis..."

Before he could continue Soral straightened and held up his hand. "You dishonour yourself and our daughter's lack of logic and emotional control calls into question her worthiness to be joined not just to me but to any Vulcan. You will, of course, ensure that she is able to control her emotions before I arrive. I will honour my commitment made to you but you must ensure that my conditions are met and they include a proper Vulcan wife who can distance herself from her emotions. This is not a love match, you know this. This is a match for honours sake I will keep up my end will you an your family honour your parts?"

Yarik was cornered. He bowed respectfully to the man that would be his son-in-law. "You speak wisely." He paused. "All will be ready for your return. Peace and Long life Soral of Vulcan."

"Live long and prosper Yarik, Son of Murek."

The screen fizzled and shimmered and the old fox's face was replaced by the Starfleet symbol. Soral stared at the silver image.

Honour, duty, loyalty, all important to Starfleet officers but also to Vulcans.

He had not choice but to return to Vulcan and wed the beautiful spider and her Viper of a father would ensure it. Soral understood the feeling of being trapped now. He flicked off the screen and headed out. He had duties to his ship.


Lt. Cmdr. Soral
Executive Officer


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