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Uncomfortable Conversations - Part 1

Posted on Saturday, 28 March 2020 - 3:23pm by Lieutenant T'Lanna Vali & Commander Soral

Mission: Operation: Overdrive
Location: Mess Hall, USS Fontana
Timeline: 2393


With her quarters looking more lived in T'Lanna made her way to the mess hall. She normally chose to eat alone but being new to the ship she decided it best to make herself more visible. Walking into the mess hall she chose herself a Vulcan dish and accompanying drink before taking a seat.

Soral had just finished his update meeting with the Commander for the day. Things were looking more and more good for a launch date. Before he went off duty for the day, as they were working, lower hours he decided to grab lunch. He had planned to eat alone but he new Ship's Psychologist drew his attention. He walked over carrying his tray. "Lieutenant, am I intruding?"

T'Lanna offered a polite shake of her head. "Not at all Commander." She motioned to a seat. "Please join me."

He gave a nod and sat down. "How are you finding your way on the ship?" It was good to have another Vulcan aboard. He knew from her file of her dual heritage and her Borg background.

"I'm getting there" T'Lanna offered a smile. "I made sure to learn the deck plan as best as I could enroute here." She politely ate some of her soup before speaking again. "I'm sure my father would approve of my having a Vulcan XO. He thinks I should learn to be more Vulcan."

"Indeed. You prefer your Betazoid heritage?"

"It's not a case of prefer" She paused to eat some more of her soup before continuing. "When I was part of the Borg collective, I was a non emotional, non feeling drone. To me purging my emotion would be too close to being as I was. I prefer to be emotional, not emotionless."

"I see." He took a sip of his drink. "There are ways to find a balance between the two."

T'Lanna sat back in her seat and looked at Soral curiously. "Oh? What do you see as being a balance between my two halves?"

"The question is what balance do you seek?" He said taking some bites of his veggie sandwich.

"I..." She paused. "I've always wanted to make my father proud of me. If I had to choose I'd say give me a balance between emotional and emotionless." She picked up her glass and took a sip of her drink. "There are times when I would love to be able to switch off my fears!"

"Perhaps I can assist. I have created a new meditation program that I was going to discuss with the Commander Victrix. Something for the entire crew to work on. A class of sorts."

"I am familiar with our people's meditation techniques, but I would be interested. However I would prefer to meditate with you in private if that is alright?" She studied the Vulcan XO curiously. "I have... a lot of buried emotion that I would rather not risk projecting onto others. When my emotions get out of hand so do my abilities, like all Betazoid's I'm an empath and a telepath but when I'm deeply afraid I tend to lose my focus and therefore my control."

He gave a nod but took the opportunity to ask, "Has this been an issue during your sessions with crew?"

"Not yet" T'Lanna shook her head. "I don't let others get into my psyche Commander. As an ex-Borg I keep my mind protected from the prying of others."

"So there was no transference of emotion from yourself to those you treat?" He was an XO and the safety of the crew was prime.

"No Sir" T'Lanna shook her head. "There was only one incident during my time working with JAG, I was required to telepathically scan the mind of a victim of a serious crime. It's rarely done as it's usually inadmissible in court but it was allowed due to extenuating circumstances. It was a... Frightening experience that I have no wish to repeat. I spent a few weeks in Counselling myself afterwards."

"Understandable. I shall add that to our list. I can assist you with minimizing side effects like that." He looked at her. Not having been good at small talk he didn't know where to go. He let the silence stretch allowing the Lieutenant to ask any questions she had.

T'Lanna sipped her drink before speaking. "Are there many other Vulcans aboard ship at present Commander?"

"Not too many. I know of only three other then ourselves."

T'Lanna nodded. "To be honest I have no idea why I asked that!" She grinned. "I guess it was one of those curiosity questions that pops to mind every now and then." She picked up her drink and sipped it.

"For our people it is necessary to have some contact with those like ourselves." He looked up from his meal. "If you require assistance getting any more of your items aboard I can re-route some ops officers to assist."

"Thank you but it's unnecessary" She offered a warm smile. "I tend to travel light, I've only brought aboard a few boxes of my favourite things. I keep the rest in storage back home."

"Where is home." He asked.

"That's a good question" T'Lanna paused for a moment. "I have two homes, a family home on Betazed and another on Vulcan. I tend to spend more time on Betazed, mainly because I feel out of place on Vulcan."

"Vulcan is an acquired taste."

"Indeed it is" T'Lanna smiled and nodded. "Last time I was there was about six and a half years ago, I went back for help in controlling my.... Pon'farr." She lowered her voice knowing how the Pon'farr was rarely discussed around those who weren't Vulcan.

"Your record did not state that you were married. I assume he is part of the Vulcan Science Academy?"

"I... I'm not married." She offered a smile. "Last time I sought help with the Pon'farr using meditation but the time before that I had a boyfriend who helped me. We're no longer together. So I'm back to square one, as the humans say."

Soral, who'd just taken a bite unceremoniously chocked. He had to cough to clear his lungs. He shifted somewhat uncomfortably. "I see."

T'Lanna grinned. "Don't worry Commander, I have never forced myself on anyone and I certainly don't intend to start it here. I would appreciate it if you could help firm up my meditation techniques before that time comes, I'm going to need them!"

He shifted uncomfortably again. "Lieutenant it is not the easiest topic to speak about. I am afraid I am not as liberal in that respect as the Betazoids." Before he could say something else his coms chirped. "Soral here."

"This is Petty Officer Rogers Sir. There is a call coming in from Vulcan. Marked confidential." He was glad for the distraction.

"I will take it in my quarters." He turned to T'Lanna, "If you'll excuse me Lieutenant." He said standing and lifting his tray.

"Of course Sir." T'Lanna nodded. "I apologise if I made you uncomfortable."

He gave a gentle nod. "Discomfort is only present where emotions are found." He bowed slightly, the tray in his hands preventing the standard greeting. "Live long and prosper T'Lanna daughter of Vulcan."

T'Lanna raised her hand in normal Vulcan greeting. "Live long and prosper Soral."

Soral gave a nod and turned away. By the sourness of his stomach he could only guess who was on the other end of that call. The person he'd been avoiding for weeks had finally caught him.


Lt. Cmdr. Soral
Executive Officer


Lt. T'Lanna Vali


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