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Ready or Not...Mission Ahead

Posted on Sunday, 26 July 2020 - 6:36pm by Lieutenant Ryan Rose MD & Lieutenant T'Lanna Vali

Mission: Operation: Jabberwocky

Ryan stepped out of the meeting they'd had with Victrix. He turned to T'Lanna. "So, I guess we are going on a mission."

“It certainly appears that way!” T’Lanna grinned. “With Raith involved I have nothing else to do so it’s not a problem. I tend to get bored just sitting around during shoreleave anyway, which I’m sure will change when I start bulging at the seems!”

Ryan grinned. He was happy that T'Lanna seemed pleased. He wasn't so sure about himself. "I'm not so sure I'm quite ready for this." He admitted.

“Oh? Why’s that?” T’Lanna looked at her friend curiously.

"I was just starting to come to terms with the last mission. It didn't sit well with me. I was even contemplating my resignation." He hadn't shared that with her yet, when he probably should have.

T’Lanna looked at Ryan in surprise. “You were going to resign?!” She paused for a moment giving her next question some careful thought. “Tell me about it, at least what you’re allowed to tell me about it. What pushed you so far as to consider giving up your career?”

Ryan ran a hand over his face. There really wasn't anything he could say about it. "Let's just say some choices that Starfleet was ok with, I definitely was not. I joined Starfleet for what it stands for, and I want to be apart of that. It just came as a blow to realize Starfleet isn't perfect I think. I've accepted that, and realized I'd still rather be here than anywhere else." He shrugged. "I guess I'm just being selfish. I was actually really looking forward to the down time. I finally got my ribs fixed, and I don't even have time to really enjoy it."

T’Lanna offered a smile. “I understand completely, what you’ve said about Starfleet resonates with me too. I didn’t realise how badly ex-b’s like myself had been treated until Commander Stillwater told me. It seems my head was saved from the proverbial chopping block because my father has friends in high places.” She paused. “I aim to prove that ex-b’s are as important as everyone else. I’m glad you decided to stay, I’d miss you if you left.”

"I'm glad I decided to stay too. I just needed to vent, thanks for listening. This mission is important. If we can save anybody from a violent fate like that, it will be worth it. And for what it's worth, I don't think there is anybody on the Standing Bear who sees you as anything but Lieutenant Vali, valued crewmember. I hope Starfleet as a whole can start to heal some of the wounds regarding Borg as well, but..." He shrugged. "Maybe someday."

T’Lanna smiled as she looked at Ryan, “You were going to say that after everything the Borg did it would take a long time, if ever, to heal the damage they did. I have memories locked away in here...” She tapped her forehead. “Memories of the faces, the screams for mercy that went unheeded, the cries of free will taken during the time I was Borg. The young were kept away from the assimilations but the memories were shared with all, as a single mind.” She looked lost in her thoughts before she shook it off. “Sorry I haven’t been into those memories in a long time.”

"It's ok. I'm happy to listen. Once we get to the Monarch, we can talk properly, over tea?" He half asked, making the offer.

T’Lanna nodded, “I think ... I’d like that.”

Ryan felt more relaxed as they reached their temporary ship. Sickbay wasn't all that different, and the office was comfortable enough. He replicated them both a mug of tea, and added a couple of scones, in case T'Lanna was hungry. He brought all of it to the coffee table by the couch, not wanting to be sitting across the desk from her as they talked. "Ok." He smiled. "That's better."

“Definitely!” T’Lanna nodded as she picked up her tea and sipped it before putting the cup down and picking up a scone. “I could eat a horse, proverbially speaking of course!” She politely tucked in, savouring every morsel as she ate.

"Oh good." He chuckled. "I wasn't ready to serve horse meat just now." He teased. He'd know she was kidding, but it felt good to tease, and take a temporary reprieve from their deeper discussion. He didn't ask her any questions immediately, wanting to see if she was willing to start talking on her own. He sipped his own tea, but forewent a scone, he had had a ridiculously large piece of cake with Kay'la earlier.

“You’re waiting for me to start talking aren’t you?” T’Lanna looked at Ryan before putting down her plate and politely wiping her mouth.

Ryan just gave her a little knowing smile. She used the trick on him all the time, so she was right not to be surprised.

“I was assimilated when I was five, the Borg treated me just like any other person when it came to assimilation” Her fists clenched as she thought about it. “It wasn’t a pleasant experience, luckily because I was young they didn’t go straight for the occular implant hence why I still have both my own eyes. As a child you’re kept out of the way of assimilation duties but you see it, hear it and feel it through the eyes of the other Borg.”

"It's amazing you were able to come back to yourself at all being assimilated at that age. I've only read a few accounts from x borg, but it's clear that coming back to a consciousness of one is a harrowing ordeal. Have you been having more difficulties adjusting lately?" He asked. While he was happy to listen whenever she needed, he did wonder if something had triggered this walk down memory lane.

“No it’s ...” She paused and took a deep breath. “I came face to face with someone on the station, who was part of the team who treated me after I was severed from the collective. It was somewhat unorthodox at the time but my father brought in a telepathic counsellor, a Psychologist like me. She was instrumental in bringing me back from the edge.”

"Ahhh." Now Ryan understood. "And putting you on your current path?" He smiled.

“I guess so” T’Lanna nodded. “I wanted to help others like me. It gave me the creeps seeing her again, it’s brought back memories I’d rather not have. Not that I’ll let them rule me, I’m stronger than that now.”

"I understand, about the memories you'd rather not remember anyway." He certainly couldn't imagine the ordeal of being assimilated, or of coming back to one's self. "Can I help?"

“You already do!” T’Lanna smiled the biggest smile yet. “You’re always there for me to talk to, not just as a doctor but a friend. Just save some space under your desk incase I need it okay?”

"Always." He replied with a grin. "Now, how is everything else? Physically. How are you feeling?"

“Physically ... okay I guess. I’ve got my morning sickness under control, I try and eat small and often. I am finding that I get tired more easily but I’m guessing that’s normal given the fact that my body is putting its resources to nourishing my son. Oh and I’ve been taking pregnancy vitamins from the medical selection on the replicator menu.”

"That all sounds good." Ryan replied. He knew it was the pot calling the kettle black, but he mentioned it anyway. "And you're resting? I don't have to lecture you that mental breaks are just as important as physical ones."

“I rest, on and off.” T’Lanna shrugged her shoulders. “When Raith isn’t around I get bored so I go back to doing my reports and reading personnel files ahead of appointments. Call it a flaw, I don’t like to sit and do nothing.”

"Well I can't really fault you there, can I? We'll call it a hurdle and not a flaw. One we share. So we'll just have to remind each other to rest here and there."

“Agreed” T’Lanna smiled warmly. “No doubt I’ll be desperate to over the next few months.”

Ryan agreed with her. He would try and make sure she rested on this mission. Hopefully it would be mostly research for them, research he hoped they could get through quickly so they could stop this fight club, and its broadcast. The whole thing made him slightly sick to the stomach at the thought.
"Well, I'm going to familiarize myself with this sickbay. Let me know if you need anything though, ok?"

T’Lanna nodded. “I will. I’ll be on the bridge keeping an eye on things until we’re needed.”

"I'll be here." He smiled. "I'm glad at least this mission I don't have to go it alone. Thank you."

“No thank you Ryan” T’Lanna smiled her warmest smile yet. “Simply for being you.” With that she headed on her way.



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