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Seeing Spots

Posted on Monday, 10 August 2020 - 5:01pm by Commander Soral & Petty Officer 1st Class Siana Ilian

Mission: Operation: Jabberwocky
Location: USS Standing Bear |XO's office
Timeline: 2393 - MD 12 - Late Morning


Kneeling on the floor, studying the display on the tablet as it fed her real time data on the computer diagnostic, Petty Officer Deeson glanced over her shoulder at the sound of approaching footsteps. Of course from her position all she saw at first was well polished boots and a pair of legs hidden underneath a uniform. Her brown eyes swept upwards, taking in the dark blue eyes, the meticulously styled hair and the distinctive spots of the man standing a short distance away. With his current height advantage he seemed to tower over her and she paused her work so that she could stand and face him.

"Can I help you?" she enquired politely, smoothly hiding her irritation at the disturbance as she dusted off her uniform.

"Tilian Grol Petty Officer, Yeoman to the CO and XO. Welcome aboard. I am here to enquire as to your schedule. The XO would like to set up a meeting with you."

“Thank you and my schedule is pretty wide open,” Siana replied, certain she had less demands on her time than an XO. “I didn’t realise he was back. Commander Stillwater said he was on shore leave... getting married?”

"They have just returned last evening and he's resumed duties this morning. Are you available this afternoon at 1340 hours?"

“Of course,” Siana nodded. “His office?”

"Indeed. Deck one #01-35XO." He gave a nod. He'd come across many Trills. He wondered if she was joined. It would be rude to ask. "Welcome aboard."

She seemed amused, “you said that already? Tough day?”

He sighed. "Yes. I have been up since 0400."

“Ouch,” she said with a sympathetic smile. “I need to get back to work but thank you for the welcome.”

He smiled, "See you at 1340." He gave an awkward wave and headed out.

=/\=1340 Hours XO's Office=/\=

Soral sat at his desk with Grol beside him.

Approaching the closed door, Siana pressed the door chime as she self consciously tugged on her uniform sleeves. Hadn’t Commander Stillwater warned her that the XO could be difficult? She hoped not. At the call to enter she went inside, gave a small nod in Grol’s direction before coming to stand at attention. “Petty Officer Deeson, reporting as ordered, Sir.”

Soral gave a nod. "At ease. Please take a seat."

“Thank you,” Siana replied as she took the offered seat.

"I have had a chance to review your records. I find that they are exemplary and your engineering knowledge is impressive. Why have you requested to work in Ops at this time?"

“During my last posting I was assigned to oversee the instillation of an upgraded weather net on Risa, more resource management than engineering. On my return, the XO asked me to assist with operations - she felt my engineering background would be invaluable and the department at the time was short staffed. I found I had an aptitude for it and when I was offered a permanent Ops position here, I didn’t hesitate. That isn’t to say I’m not happy to roll up my sleeves and get my hands dirty if there is a need. I like to keep busy.”

"That is good. I will put you on the roster for Engineering spare as well. Have you met with Lieutenant Kolani yet?"

“Yes, I have,” Siana assured him. “I believe we will work well together.”

"Good. Tell me about yourself. What do you feel are your strengths and what are your flaws?"

“I left the Trill homeworld after graduating from university, engineering with a specialisation in computer systems. Most of my skills though have been learned in the field, in engine rooms. One on a freighter long past it’s best. So I’ve learned a ship can do and be more than the tech manuals would have you believe.”

She paused. “Weaknesses. Perhaps that I am more comfortable around a computer than with people. I prefer my own company, spending most of my time buried in those tech manuals thinking of ways to tear them apart.”

Soral looked over at Grol. "I believe I know someone like that. What about your strengths."

“Knowing systems don’t well, I tend to think outside the box. I’m organised, focused and when I commit to something it will be done,” she said with a rare show of confidence.

"That is good." He made some notes. "What was your greatest mistake while on the job?"

Siana could not help but wince at that question, "well, while not in Starfleet, my first ever engineering post was aboard the freighter. I decided to overhaul the replicators as, quite frankly, they were prehistoric. I was... overconfident. And I am entirely certain the chief engineer saw my mistake a mile off. I updated the software, I ran diagnostics and when I brought the system fully online I overloaded the power grid and we were left in the cold and the dark for a good two hours while we worked to fix it. I neglected to take into consideration that because of her aging, and somewhat temperamental systems, we could not have all of the replicators online at once.

I was on waste reclamation duty for a month for that one and scrubbed the ship from top to bottom. But I never made the same mistake again."

"Indeed. So you would say that you grow from your mistakes."

"While I do not enjoy making them, I never repeat them, Sir," Siana said simply.

"I doubt anyone enjoys mistakes. I have one more question. What do you struggle with most?"

The Trill was begining to feel like she was in some sort of psych review. "People."

"How so?"

"I understand machines, I understand systems and processes. I enjoy my own company more than crowds, tech manuals to watching the latest craze movies. That isn't to say I am anti social or cannot work with others, far from it. I just like peace and quiet at times. In my experience, it can be hard to find. And at times I may not be the loudest voice in the room when I need to be."

"I know of at least two people on this crew that struggle with that, perhaps three." He paused. "Excellent. I understand that you have been assigned quarters already and have begun your work. Admirable. How are you settling in?"

“Very well, thank you. I do not currently have anyone sharing my quarters so I am taking advantage of the chance to study the ship in more detail. You can never be too prepared.”

"That is true. It is a Vulcan philosophy." He paused. "My door is always open. I tell all crew that your department head is your point of contact however if there is something you wish to speak about please contact me or Grol and we shall set up an appointment." He picked up a PaDD. "Have you received your medical and counseling clearances?"

“I have appointments, there was a skeleton crew aboard when I arrived.”

"Excellent. Get that taken care of right away. Do you have any questions for me?"

Siana nodded, "given you have oversight of the ship and crew, Commander, I was curious. From an operations perspective, are there any issues you feel I should be aware of or any particular focus you have for improvements you feel could be made aboard the ship?"

He raised an eyebrow. "A good question." He thought for a moment never one to be afraid of silence. He stood. "Would you like something from the replicator?"

“No thank you, Commander,” she said politely.

He gave a nod and ordered himself and Grol waters. Grol for his part had been silent taking notes.

Soral returned to his seat. "Now as to your question there are a few operational areas that I would like focus put on. I have prepared a PaDD for Lieutenant Kolani. Perhaps you can give it to him but if you have the time I can summarize it for you now."

“I have time, I would like to hear your ideas, Sir,” Siana smiled.

"Good. I have noted an inefficiency in quarter arrangement. I would like you and the Lieutenant to review all quarter assignment and see how many people we have in relation to how many quarters we have. I know that we have some empty ones. Also I would like two enlisted quarters, because they are two bedroom, to be turned into VIP quarters for any dignitaries we may have." He paused. "I have also noted that we have a large empty space that is adjacent to the gym. An over sized closet, for lack of a better word." He sipped his water. "If we can turn that in showers with actual water that would be appreciated since the majority of quarters have sonic and some very few lucky have water." He paused. "Does that make sense?"

“None of that should be difficult,” Siana observed, “and I’m sure many of the crew would appreciate shower facilities at the gym. Real water will be the biggest challenge but it can be done. I can meet with the Lieutenant and we can begin planning today.”

"That would be appreciated. Perhaps we can utilize holo technology with respect to water showers and stop the safeties as there can be no harm when temperature is regulated. Perhaps speak with engineering. Also I would like the Lieutenant to give me an overhaul of all the systems in ops. I've heard waste reclamation is....not functioning as it should."

“I will be sure to have it prioritised. Never underestimate the importance of waste reclamation. You ignore what seems to be a minor problem and the sh - it be becomes a big problem. Sir.”

He raised an eyebrow. "Skillfully diverted Ms. Deeson."

“Sir,” she grinned with a nod in acknowledgment.

"May I make a recommendation?"

“Of course.”

"Take some time and settle in. I am working on a task that I may need your assistance with later from an operation point of view. Once I have worked it out I shall arrange another meeting."

“Aye Sir, I look forward to it.”

"Well then. Dismissed." He stood and gave a the standard Federation salute.

Standing, Siana mirrored him with practiced ease. Before heading for the door she offered Grol another nod, while he had been silent it wasn’t like he was invisible. Once out in the corridor she grinned, the XO’s plans would definitely keep her busy. Just how she liked it. If Lieutenant Kolani would be willing to assign her to the work... even so, she was in a very happy mood as she set off to get some lunch.



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