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Stressful Discussions

Posted on Monday, 7 September 2020 - 10:38am by Commander Soral & Lieutenant T'Lanna Vali

Mission: Operation: Dreamweaver
Location: USS Standing Bear | Holodeck
Timeline: 2393 - MD 01 late evening


T'Lanna was feeling relaxed, she'd just finished another meditation session with Soral on the holodeck and was sitting cross legged on the floor letting her mind slowly come back from the meditative state. She was grateful that the cream Ryan had given her for the irritation around her implants was working or she'd never have been able to concentrate on the meditation in the first place. Opening her eyes she smiled at Soral. "Soral may I ask you something?"

He gave a nod. "Indeed."

She moved to uncross her legs and sit with them folded to one side which was a little more comfortable. "I've been having some nightmares lately, that combined with irritation around my implants. I've seen Ryan and he's sorted the irritation but he suggested that perhaps my nightmares might be linked to my bonding with Raith. You know more about being bonded than I do, is it possible?"

"It is possible, this case I would say that I that it is not probable. There have been several personnel that have complained of nightmares...including myself."

“Really?” T’Lanna looked at Soral curiously. “That explains the sudden upsurge in appointment requests, it’s not normal for so many people to experience nightmares all at the same time. This definitely warrants more investigation.” She paused. “May I ask ... what your nightmare was about?”

He sighed. "Alex. She's trapped and I cannot get to her. At other times I cannot move I am in pain....I see objects I cannot explain."

"Objects?" T'Lanna looked at Soral curiously. "What kind of objects? Can you remember?"

"No." He shook his head. "My circadian rhythm is off so much that even meditation is loosing its...effectiveness." He studied her. "What of your nightmares?"

“I ...” T’Lanna paused. “I keep going over the nightmare about my mum and Raith, he’s being assimilated and I can’t get to help him ...” She paused. “It’s starting to scare me just going to sleep knowing I’ll keep having that dream, but sleep depravation would be much worse!”

"Indeed. Have you thought of seeking help from Doctor Rose?"

“I already did, I spoke to him about some irritation around my implants. He suggested talking to Eyelaya, which I did prior to talking to Ryan and she’s already checked my implants for me as she was worried. It seems I’m all good, which is the strange thing.” She shrugged her shoulders. “I’ll cope, I always do.”

"Indeed but perhaps Doctor Rose can give you something to get a more restful sleep."

T’Lanna shook her head. “I’d rather not unless I have to, I know he’d give me something suitable for my pregnancy but I’d rather avoid medication unless it’s desperate.”

"Sleep is not only important for you but for the child too. You must rest."

T’Lanna nodded. “I know and I will. It’s not like I have a lot of choice, I just have to find a way to control my nightmare then I’ll be able to explore it better.” She offered a smile.

"I believe that your nightmares could be circumstance related."

T’Lanna nodded. “It’s definitely possible. You said there have been other crew reporting nightmares? Is it possible that there’s something causing them?”

"I am not sure. It is worth investigating. I will ask those that I have spoken to for reports and I shall forward them to you if you wish. There is a sense of unrest amongst the crew."

T’Lanna nodded. “I know I’ve noticed. Emotions are running on a high and it’s pretty distracting.”

"indeed. I suggest you practice some of the blocking meditations we went over." He studied Vali. "I never did ask were you able to help the mother whose son disappeared from the Vomnin ship?

T’Lanna sighed. “Yes and no, I can offer so much hope but she won’t get true answers until we find out what has happened to her son. Only then I’ll know whether to celebrate or offer comfort.”

"Well what you did was appreciated I am sure. We will do our best as a crew to find out what happened to those people."

T’Lanna nodded. “No doubt we’ll find out eventually, that’s why we’re all out here to explore and help those in need.” She offered a wry smile. “I love a good mystery as much as the next person!”

"This will be a mystery." He sighed. "Perhaps it may be best that I open a generalized meditation class to assist the crew or perhaps you can run some stress reduction programs."

“Both maybe a good idea, perhaps a joint class we can run together?” T’Lanna smiled warmly.

"Perhaps." He rubbed the bridge of his nose uncharacteristically. He was exhausted. As the days past he became more and more exhausted.

“Might I suggest you take some time off to rest Commander” T’Lanna looked at Soral noting how exhausted he looked. “I’m part Borg it kind of balances the scales slightly where tiredness comes in, I don’t regenerate in an alcove my implants are maintained internally. I sleep but it doesn’t have as massive an impact if I loose sleep as it does on you and the others. You look exhausted, you need to rest.”

"Sleep remains elusive for me, I am afraid. It is filled with dark shadows and the fog of the mind."

“Is there anything I can do to help you clear your mind?” T’Lanna looked concernedly at Soral.

"Not at the moment, however...perhaps I could use some advice in a day or two."

T’Lanna nodded. “Well you know where to find me if you need me.”




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