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A Family Moment

Posted on Monday, 3 May 2021 - 11:56am by Commander Soral & Lieutenant Alex Kingsley

Mission: Operation: Neu Reich
Location: Various
Timeline: 2394 MD 01 Early Morning


Soral sat on the sofa waiting for N'vek to pack. He'd removed the holos from the wall so that N'vek could take them with him. He was lost in thought waiting for the boy to finish packing. It was surprisingly more painful then he thought it would be.

"... but she means well," Alex Kingsley advised as she helped to add the final few items of clothing to the small case containing the young boy's belongings. She had done most of the talking, distraction for them both while Bones sat on the bed, watching. "And she makes some amazing cookies. I know it is going to be very different from being on a ship, but you will love it. And your brother and sisters are looking forward to meeting you.... okay. All done. I'll bring this. Soral is waiting for you."

N'vek gave a nod. He would miss Alex and Soral. It had been as close as he'd had to a real Family. He was going to stay with them of course and Soral had told him he'd be legally adopted but... He would be gone, off the ship. He held onto Alex's hand as they exited and then stopped as he saw Soral on the sofa. He called out but there was no response. He looked up at Alex. "Is he okay?"

"He's just going to miss you," Alex assured him as she reached over to touch Soral's shoulder, hoping to snap him back to the present as she went on, "but we will be visiting you and everyone else as soon as we can. In the meantime, we need to do what we can to keep you all safe."

Soral snapped out of his thoughts to hear the tail led of what Alex said. He stood up. "Of course. Safety is important and you will be safe on Risa. You will be traveling with my half brother and some guards I have hired." He looked at Alex. "I have arraigned for a trip on a Betazoid freighter."

Her surprise was written all over her face. A Betazoid freighter seemed an odd choice for him. The hiring of guards... not so much. "And you will love Risa. It's beautiful, peaceful and lots of places to explore. You wont be confined to a few decks on a starship," Alex enthused as she smiled down at N'Vek, genuinely for a moment wishing they were all there.

N'vek managed a smile. "Okay."

Soral stood taking the bag from Alex. "I have ensured that when you get there you will have a room and the holo of the star systems will be installed and then on Vulcan when you return."

N'vek nodded and then asked wisely. "Will not my brother and sister be jealous?"

"Vulcans do not feel that emotion...however I have included replicas for all the children."

N'vek smiled a little. "Okay. Can I say bye to Bones?"

Soral gave a nod and watched as N'vek ran back to the room to say goodbye to Bones who had become a constant companion to the boy seeming to sense he needed a friend.

"Are you okay?" Alex whispered to her husband.

"I do not know. I did not expect that it would be this difficult."

She frowned, "what is?"

"Seeing N'vek off. I much of myself in him."

"Just remember, he is going to be with the rest of the family and most importantly, he will be safe," Alex reminded him as she took hold of his hand. "This is no place for him to grow up, not really."

"I know." He squeezed her hand.

N'vek came back. "Okay." He said sadly. "I'm ready."

Soral held out his hand and took the boys. "Alright family, let us go." They walked quickly through the ship and onto the station. It was just hours after arriving and they had a goodbye that was due. It wasn't long before they stood at a docking port, two Vulcan officers stood off to the side and a Betazoid Captain. She smiled. "We'll take care of your son."

Soral gave a nod. "I am grateful for your help."

She gave a nod to both Soral and Alex and moved off to the side. Soral looked at Alex. He would allow her first to say goodbye.

“I’ve put some of your favourite snacks in your bag for the trip, but anything you need, you just ask, okay?” Alex told N’Vek as she knelt down so they were eye level. “It’ll be okay, I promise. Severine and Soval will be waiting to greet you.”

He gave a nod. "Okay." He reached in his pocket and handed her drawing. "Here. It's for you." It was a picture he drew of himself, Soral, and Alex.

“It’s beautiful, thank you,” Alex smiled as she hugged him.

Soral knelt down. "I have something for you." He pulled out a pin handing it to the boy.

"A pin? I do not recognize the symbol."

Soral gave a nod. "It is the emblem of our family. Alexandra, Soval, Severine, and now you and Seleya."

The boy stared at the pin so long and then burst into tears throwing his arms around Soral. Soral held onto him. "Always remember that you are now my son."

N'vek pulled back and gave a nod. "Thank you, father."

Soral stood. "Now... Alex and N'vek we have one more family member for you to meet, another new addition."

“I swear this better be a kitten or a puppy,” Alex whispered to him.

Just then another Vulcan arrived carrying a larger package that seemed to have a sheet over it. Soral walked over to it. "Close your eyes." He said to N'vek.

The boy did so.

Soral removed the sheet and opened the crate. A small Huskey puppy bounced out full of energy. It barked.

N'vek's eyes flew open. "Oh!!!"

"N'vek, Alexandra meet puppy. She is still quite young eight months to be exact and has no name as of yet. Finding one will be for you and your siblings and Lady Laura." He said to N'vek.

The puppy ran straight for N'vek barking and excitedly jumping up and down. She ran from Alex to N'vek to Soral and then to the others bouncing with energy."

Alex grinned as the puppy bounded about the small space, positively hyperactive. Yet adorable too. “I’m sure you will think of a perfect name for her,” she smiled as the pup finally came to sit by N’Vek. Her mother was so not gonna love this…

Soral handed the boy a PaDD. "All about caring for Husky. I task you as the Eldest child and son in our family with learning about her, training her, and ensuring your siblings know all they need to know about her."

N'vek stood tall. "Yes father. I will not fail you."

Soral knelt down again and placed his hands on the boy's shoulders. "I know you will not."

With final hugs and goodbyes, the boy and the Vulcan guards headed on the ship. As they left the Betazoid woman approached. She gave a small bow. "All is prepared . Suddenly her tone was not that of a typical Betazaoid. Her face took on a blank mask of no emotion.

Soral motioned to Alex. "Alexandra meet T'val. Agent T'val my wife Alex Kingsley."

The woman bowed. "Lady Alexandra."

“Hello,” Alex nodded, glancing at Soral. This was how worried he was? That Vulcans would travel under the guise of Betazoids? Did he think it would make Andorian’s think twice about attacking? “Thank you, for escorting N’Vek, I mean.”

She gave a nod. "It is my duty."

Soral studied her. "What are the precautions?"

"The Andorians will see our ship as a freighter carrying supplies for various hotels. Our bio readers are designed to read all aboard as Betazoids. I will take point on all contacts. All ships, Federation and Andorian alike will run the ship and see it to be Betazoid. Govarin of Betazed asked me to tell you that you are now even."

Soral gave a nod. "If the Andorain's should attack?"

"We have a blind escort fully cloaked. A V'shar prototype that thanks to our Romulan brothers and sisters can fire when cloaked. Our Betazoid ship is not without defense means either."

Soral gave a nod. "If the Andorians should attempt to cause issue beyond scans you will ensure they are …."

"Down to the last escape pod."

Soral gave a nod. "My family is my life."

"I understand." She gave a small nod to Alex. "My Lady Alexandra I will take care of your son."

Alex just nodded, uncomfortable as much with the formality and the secrecy as she was with the responsibility of another child under their care. "Safe journey," she said finally.

Soral gave a nod to the woman. She executed a bow paused and just like that her face became animated again as if she was Betazoid. "Take care now!" She smiled and waved.

Soral raised an eyebrow. "I do not envy you your assignment," he said. "To be forced to set aside logic..."

"All's fair in love and war!" She waved again and left.

Soral watched as the door closed. They walked to the observation area and watched the ship detach. Soral sighed deeply. So far he was not much of a father in his estimation. All his kids were far from him. It was so difficult. He owed Laura a debt of gratitude. "Will you be talking to your mother soon?"

"I kind of have to," Alex replied, "she's very allergic to dogs."

His eyes widened. "She is? But she did not seem so when Bones was here." He was horrified that he'd missed that.

"She takes an anti-histamine shot if she knows, don't worry, she loves animals. Just not their fur," Alex grinned.

Soral closed his eyes livid at the thought that he'd done something that would cause problems for Laura.

"Hey, it's no big deal," Alex said quickly, reading the tension in his muscles. "I promise."

"I should have known. There is no excuse. She has done so much for us and I have done this."

"Soral, it's an allergy, its fine. You aren't expected to know her medical history," Alex chided. "Please don't make this a bigger thing than it is."

Soral then did something he never did, something that was a testament to how tortured he was by his condition of Pon Farr. He turned to face her and tears were streaming down his face. He knelt down wrapping his arms around Alex's waist and hugging her tight just sobbing.

For a moment she was too in shock to so much as move, not that she really could. His hold on her was tight, almost painfully so. "Soral, what's wrong?" a fear that he had perhaps been keeping things from her, trying to protect her at his own expense, gripped her just as tightly as he did. But she knew, normally, such a public emotional display was not something he would condone.

"Soral, let me take you home," she said gently, trying to coax him out of whatever emotional rabbit hole he had just ventured into. "Please?"

It took several moments for him to compose himself. He slowly rose and get his emotions in check. When he was able to speak he said "Yes...I must rest."



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