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Ride On The Fire Dragon- Part III

Posted on Tuesday, 1 June 2021 - 3:26pm by Ensign Oriana Skye Sety & Lieutenant JG Hayashi Hamura

Mission: Operation: Neu Reich
Location: USS Standing Bear | Various
Timeline: 2394 MD 12


{Crew Quarter: Oriana & Hayashi’s quarters}

Oriana woke up feeling more rested than she’d felt in years. She turned to find the spot beside her empty. Before any thoughts could enter her mind a noise in the living room area drew her.

Swinging her legs over the side of Hayashi’s bed she got up and headed out to the main area to find Hayashi setting out breakfast. She smiled. “Hi.”

Hayashi paused in the act of placing a purple rose on the plate setting for Oriana. “Good morning. Sleep well?”

She blushed and smiled. “Yeah.”

“Good. Breakfast is almost ready.” Hayashi motioned to the chair. “Have a seat and I’ll get the coffee.”

Oriana walked over to the table and drew the chair back. She sat curling her left leg under her. “I’m sorry about last night. I mean invading your space.”

Hayashi placed Oriana’s coffee in front of her and sat down. “Nothing to apologize for.”

“Last night I should have been there for you but you were there for me.”

Hayashi smiled, “We were there for one another. You listened to me, you accepted me, understood me, that means a lot. More than you know.”

Oriana smiled. “Okay.” She sipped her coffee and picked up the rose letting herself enjoy the scent. “You keep replicating these and I won’t have a place to store them.”

Hayashi looked up. “Store them?”

She blushed. “I dry them and preserve them. I have the other seven you left for me.”

Hayashi raised an eyebrow. “Well! I think I like that idea.” Grinning Hayashi speared some bacon. “So, what are we doing today?”

Oriana shrugged. “I don’t know. I usually read on my days off but…”

“How about a ride. I have a program on the holodeck.”

“Horse riding?”

“No. Motorcycle.”

“Oh! I’ve never been on a motorcycle.”

Hayashi smiled, “Then you’re in for a treat. Let’s finish breakfast and get ready.”

Smiling Oriana said, “Sure. Let’s do it.”

They ate their meal in silence and then each headed to shower and changed. An hour later they met at the door. Oriana’s eyes widened. Hayashi had on a pair of tight leather pants a black t-shirt and carried a leather jacket and a helmet. “You look… amazing.”

Hayashi smiled. “Don’t get me wrong. I love how you look, especially in those heals but I don’t think a skirt and heals are for a bike. Jeans?”

Oriana blushed. “Oh…I’ll be right back.” She came back a few moments later in jeans and a t-shirt and running shoes. “Better?”

“Yeah. Let’s go, we’ll replicate you a helmet when we get the program started.

{Holodeck: Motorcycle Track}

Oriana looked. “Oh my! The bike, is interesting…It looks like a fire dragon.”

Hayashi laughed. “It’s Kawasaki Z H2 SE. This one came with a digital ignition and is six speeds… look none of that matters… just put on the helmet I replicated for you.”

Oriana did so hesitantly and then allowed Hayashi to make sure it was securely fastened. “Are you sure this is safe?”

“I’ve been riding for years, the holo safeties are on and I promise it’s safe.”

Hayashi mounted the bike and turned patting the back seat. “Slide on like I did one right leg over and scoot close then hold on around my waist and hold tight.”

Oriana blushed a little but did as instructed. When she was settled Hayashi started the bike and before Oriana could take a breath, they were soaring down the track. The engine roared to life and as the machine lurched forward Oriana tightened her grip on Hamura. Her heart was pounding and she was able to just be in the moment and feel the wind, she swore she could feel her heart in her throat. It was thrilling, exciting, and scarry at the same time. She loved it. What seemed like ages later, when the bike slowed and then stopped, she had to stop herself from letting out a disappointed groan.

Hayashi turned off the bike. Oriana hadn’t moved. Smiling Hayashi touched Oriana’s hands that were still wrapped tight around Hayashi. “You can let go now, Kitten. I have a surprise.”

“Oh! I’m sorry.” Oriana quickly let Hayashi go and scampered off the bike. “Sorry.” She blushed; glad the helmet covered her blush.

Hayashi grinned and hopped off the bike, “It’s okay. I…”

Before anything else could be said Oriana’s eyes rested on the tree not too far away. There under the shadows of a weeping willow was a blanket and basket. “What’s that!?” She quickly removed her helmet tossing it aside.

Hayashi chuckled. “Picnic for us. I thought we could look out the lake and eat and just enjoying living in the moment.”

“But there’s no lake.”

“Computer phase two.”

The scene shifted, the bike disappearing and a lake forming just beyond the picnic area. “Now there is.”

Oriana let out a squeal of pure delight. “That’s amazing!” She ran towards the tree leaving a smiling Hayashi to follow.

It wasn’t long before they were settled on the blanket and having a meal of light sandwiches and just watching the gentle ripple of the lake. It was a companionable silence that both enjoyed.

Hayashi was almost afraid to break it but it had to be broken. “Kitten we need to talk. You need to tell me what this long story of yours is. Yesterday you listened to me and now it’s my turn.

She sighed. “I know. I just don’t know where to start.”

“At the very beginning. I want to know everything about you.”

She looked down at her hands. “Okay…”

To Be Continued…


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