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The one where it gets really uncomfortable...

Posted on Friday, 1 May 2020 - 5:34pm by Lieutenant Alex Kingsley & Commander Soral

Mission: Operation: Recall
Location: Shuttle Two
Timeline: 2393


There were moments when nature could just take your breath away. The dark nebula was one of those things. Knowing the science did nothing to detract from the beauty of it, even at the second time of asking. Pausing to ensure the sensors were recalibrated correctly, the science officer glanced across at her companion for this excursion.

The trip here had been in relative silence, ensuring systems were ready and taking the opportunity to review data from the research Doctor Khan has published. It seemed a tall ask, to perhaps rework the Trill’s impressive research to potentially stabilise a wormhole. It was giving her a headache.

“She is beautiful,” Alex commented as the shuttle continued on course.

"Who is Lieutenant?"

“The nebula,” she explained. “I mean, sure, she’s dangerous but still.”

"Oh. Indeed. It is a pleasing sight." He said as he worked trying not to look her way. He had yet to address what happened yesterday.

From her seat, Alex glanced at him. They had a good fifteen minutes until they were in position. “Permission to speak freely?”

He looked at her "Of course. It is something that does not require permission. I would value honest input."

Despite his permission she still hesitated. “About yesterday,” she began. “I made it awkward and I’m sorry. I feel like I’m making you uncomfortable and I don’t want that. And it’s kind of making me doubt my sanity as you say nice things but then run a mile- I’m explaining this badly.”

He sighed. He brought the shuttle to a stop and turned to face her. "Lieutenant I am sorry." He didn't know how to begin to explain tings. "You have nothing to apologize for it is I who should apologize to you. I acted in a most illogical way. Yes I admit I said what I said but it was not my place to say it."


"Well for one I am the Executive Officer and you are a member of the senior staff. Regardless of the fact that I find you attractive it is not my place to say it. It is not logical nor honourable. I can say it was a moment of weakness, however, It would be an excuse unbecoming of a Vulcan." He turned back to the panel and restarted the ship.

“Oh...” she frowned as she considered this. So many contradictions making her even more unsure than she was to start with. “Can’t argue with logic. I am going to recheck the probes.”

With that she left the seat and moved to the back, chiding herself under her breath. “Way to make it worse, Alex,” she sighed as she needlessly rechecked the systems. Not honourable... what did that even mean?! “Stick to science, you get that sometimes...”

Soral had heard muttering in the back and had set the ship to auto. He walked back. "Lieutenant are you aright?"

“Fine,” she called back. Great. Now he’d think she was insane. Checks complete she turned, hitting straight into him with a yelp. “Sorry!”

Instinctively his arms went around her to steady her. "Lieutenant are you quite alright?" Once again he was speared by her eyes that were bluer then the seas of Betazed.

“Just didn’t know you were there,” she told him quietly. “I swear I am not actually this clumsy.”

"Indeed." He set her aside gently turned away. "This is not working."

“What’s not working?” She asked, following him.

He walked towards the front of the shuttle. "My apologies Lieutenant." He sighed and turned. "Perhaps we best focus on the mission at hand." He sat down again. "Are the probes ready for launch?"

“Yes,” she confirmed, lingering by the back of the shuttle. Because checking one more time wouldn’t hurt. And it was a distraction. He absolutely thoroughly confused her. Books were so much easier. Of course books couldn’t - no, focus! Chiding herself she completed the check and then moved to check the sensor readings.

Soral focused on the matter at hand. He would need to speak with Doctor Ryan upon return. He had a theory. "Ready when you are Lieutenant."

“Launching first probe,” she advised him, studying the monitors as she sat, tucking a stray lock of hair behind her ear, “data coming through clear. Entering the nebula now. Deploying microprobes....”

Falling silent she focused on the data, flooding in. In addition to being specifically designed to explore spatial anomalies, this class of probe could deploy smaller probes allowing mapping of more space far quicker. Brow furrowed into a delicate frown. There was so much happening, wormholes forming, some destabilising almost instantly while others sustained for longer. And one...

“Deploying second probe,” she said after altering the programming slightly. This one was focused on a wormhole deep in the nebula yet so far, it had been constant for two minutes. Far longer than the others. Yet they couldn’t put their faith in just one wormhole. Another might be hiding amid the chaos.

"Excellent. When the last probe is out let me know."

She gave a nod in confirmation as she worked. With a few final commands she deployed the third. "All probes deployed. Any stable for more than three minutes, a micro probe will travel through and transmit data back before attempting the return. For now, we just need to wait."

He sighed. "Alright. Lieutenant we must speak." He motioned to the chair across from him.

Her frown managed to deepen. "Okay," she nodded, moving to sit down. "About?"

He motioned. "Last night, things that have been happening today."

“You wanted to focus on the mission,” she pointed out. “But I’m listening.”

He sighed. "I did say that. Alright the truth of the matter is I do find you very attractive but it is not something that I should admit to for so many reasons. I apologize for any awkwardness."

“I’m not exactly an expert but or really making it less awkward,” she admitted. “And I am flattered, really. But you clearly don’t like how you feel so ... what now?”

He sighed. "It is not that I do not like it is that you are member of the crew a Senior Staff member and in a year or less I shall be forced to marry. It is not a time to begin anything. There is also the issue of Lieutenant Yolen."

Her blue eyes widened slightly in surprise. "Lieutenant Yolen?" she repeated, perplexed. "And, technically, there is no regulations against an XO forming a relationship provided you maintained sound judgement and remain impartial. Just, you know, pointing that out... not that it means anything because you know, if you are with someone and getting married then absolutely. I've dated three people and none of them were married. Well, two but I didn't know about the third one having a wife and two kids and we broke up the second I found out - God, shut up Alex! Wait, what do you mean forced? No, sorry, none of my business."

He supressed a smile. She reminded him of Eyelaya in some ways. "My sister must marry and in order to secure a match for her that was based on love I am forced to marry the groom's cousin." He shrugged.

“That’s insane,” she blurted out before uttering, “sorry.... so.... where does Yolen fit in?”

"He likes you. It is obvious."

“Lieutenant Yolen,” she corrected, “likes any girl with a pulse. It isn’t a high bar. He is a good person.”

"He is indeed. But perhaps get to know him. I can tell you have a fondness for him too."

“Sorry, what now?” She blurted out. “In fact no. I heard you. So, in short, overlook whatever attraction you have to me and instead get together with Flyboy...? Yeah, this isn’t awkward at all.”

And then it happened. Soral unwound a little more. He threw his had back and laughed.

“Are you alright?” She asked, worried. While she knew Vulcans were not without emotions, out and out laughter was rare.

He stopped laughing. "Apologies. I think this nebula is affecting me. It has become increasingly difficult to maintain emotional control. He then notice a slight headache. "How long till this is complete?"

She regarded him for a moment, “you look a little off colour...”. Rising she moved to the back of the shuttle and snagged the medical kit, retrieving the medical tricorder before kneeling on the floor beside him. “The scans will be another twenty minutes at least. Hold still please, I’m no Dr Rose. How are you feeling? Beyond finding me funny.”

"A big of a headache." He paused, "Do not worry yourself. I will be able to last."

“I seem to remember my similar claims being ignored so you can reprimand next when I get back,” she countered, loading a hypo. “Are you allergic to anything? Any adverse reactions to analgesics?”

"No." He shook his head. "Proceed."

“Don’t worry, I aced pharmacology,” she promised as she administered the hypo. “Now, sit back, relax and let me worry about the scans.”

The remainder of the time passed quicker than he'd thought. They'd mostly discussed work and then he threw a glace her way and then turned his eyes front and center.

“Scans complete, a few minutes for them to get back to us and we can head back,” she assured him.


“Quite,” she retorted, tracking the probes. She imagined to him it felt like forever before she next spoke up, “we are good to return to the ship, Commander.”

Excellent, he thought. "Setting course." He gently turned the shuttle around and began the slow trip back.

Alex nodded, brow furrowed as she began skimming through the data. This would keep her busy for a long time, she was sure. Hopefully, amongst it all was the information they needed.


Lieutenant Commander Soral
Executive Officer


Lieutenant JG Alex Kingsley
Chief Science Officer


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