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Small talk

Posted on Sunday, 17 May 2020 - 6:34pm by Lieutenant T'Lanna Vali & Lieutenant Alex Kingsley

Mission: Operation: Recall
Location: Lounge
Timeline: MD5 early evening


Selecting an empty table in the far corner of the lounge, Lieutenant Kingsley largely ignored the salad bowl in front of her. Instead the young Science Officer was preoccupied by the progress on repairs to their lateral sensors which had suffered extensive damage during the trip through the nebula. Engineering had worked miracles so far and hopefully they would soon be back up and running. The idea of having minimal eyes on surrounding space did not sit well with her, although so far there had been no signs of trouble.

T’Lanna walked into the lounge looking to get herself something to eat, she could have gone to her quarters to put her feet up but she wanted some company. Choosing herself a tray of mixed foods including salad, fruit for dessert and nuts, plus fruit juice she made her way across to where Alex was sitting. “Do you mind if I join you Lieutenant?”

“Of course not, please,” Alex replied, setting aside her PADD and gesturing to the seat opposite.

“Thank you” T’Lanna smiled as she set down her tray, pulled out a seat and sat down. “I got fed up of being alone so I thought I’d come down here to eat instead.”

“Well it is usually busy here, so you picked a good place,” Alex noted as she took a drink of water.

“In that case I’m glad I chose now to come here!” T’Lanna smiled. “So how goes things with your department?” She popped some salad politely into her mouth.

“We had some minor injuries, a few system outages. A few fatalities. Of the mircrobiologic kind. Not people,” she said quickly, “I should have been clearer with that. Overall, it is going well. I hope.”

“I’m hoping our search for Captain Stillwater goes just as well” T’Lanna relaxed back in her seat getting more comfortable. “I hope you don’t mind me asking but things between Soral and yourself seemed...tense at the meeting. I hope you’ve managed to resolve that.”

Alex couldn’t stop the smile that formed on her lips, thinking of Soral’s admission. “Yeah, all totally in the past,” she said with a dismissive shrug before she frowned, “oh no... was it that obvious?”

T’Lanna grinned. “Only to those paying close attention. I wouldn’t worry too much, they’ve got enough to gossip about with my relationship with Raith, especially as I’m pregnant.” She smiled.

“Good to know. And congratulations again,” Alex offered. “The shuttle incident aside, I hope it is all good? With the baby I mean?”

T’Lanna nodded. “During the bumpy ride we had getting here, I was thrown across my Quarters and cracked a couple of ribs, I was pretty worried about the baby but Ryan has a way of putting your mind at rest. He says I’ve got a strong baby, I even got to hear his or her heartbeat.” She grinned. “Thinking about it I should be able to find out which I’m having by now.”

“Do you want to know?” Alex asked. “I’m no expert but seems some people still like the surprise of finding out when, you know, he or she decides to make an appearance.”

T’Lanna paused. “I want to know. There’s not much point in waiting as when this little one gets bigger I’ll sense it anyway. My mother always used to tell me that she used to communicate with me before I was born. Even though Betazoid children aren’t born with their abilities, at least the majority aren’t, mothers do seem to have a close bond telepathically with their child. It’s something I’m looking forward to experiencing as he...” She paused and looked at Alex. “I have a feeling even now that I’m carrying a boy, but I could be wrong.”

“I’ve heard you should never question a mother’s instincts so assume you are right until you have proof either way,” Alex advised.

T’Lanna smiled and nodded. “I’ll do that.” She ate some more of her salad, finishing what was in her mouth before politely taking a sip of her drink. “I’m happy for Soral, finding love with you.”

Taking a drink at that moment she almost choked on it, needing a moment to recover before she managed a reply. “Sorry... What now?” She said with no conviction.

“Sorry!” T’Lanna offered an apologetic smile. “I’m a Betazoid it’s not hard to pick up on the feelings between you and Soral. I consider him a friend as well as a colleague, it’s just nice to see him happy, in a Vulcan way of course.”

“Of course,” she said quietly, unable to avoid the rush of colour to her cheeks. “I guess people will figure it out. It all kind of happened - and fast. But it feels right. Except when I was wearing his shirt and the Commander showed up. That was ... awkward. And he enjoyed it way too much. For a Vulcan he is ... nothing like I expected.”

T’Lanna grinned. “You’d be surprised. Vulcans can appear very ... staunch on the outside, but they do have feelings. Some choose to share those feelings in private with those that they love, others ... remain as staunch as ever!” She thought of her father. “My father has never once told me he loves me, I know he does but his Vulcan demeanour won’t allow it. I understand better now, but we’re not really that close.”

“There’s always a chance it can change,” she said quietly. She would give up everything to have her adoptive father back. If even fo just a few minutes. A chance to say goodbye even. She pushed the thought away, “Soral is like ... a whirlwind. Turned everything upside down. He asked me to move in with him. So we are trying it out. For a couple of weeks at first. The last part was my idea. I’m pretty sure in a few days he’ll be desperate for peace and quiet.”

T’Lanna grinned. “I doubt that very much, you’re both lucky to have each other.”

“Thank you,” she replied with a small smile.

“May I ask ... during our time unconscious in the shuttle did you experience something from your past, present, future or something entirely else?” T’Lanna gave Alex a curious look. “I only ask because what I experienced could only fall under something from an alternate universe, at least I hope it was ... it had to be.”

Alex was silent for a long moment. She really did not want to dwell on the memory. “My father, my adoptive father that is, was there. So not my present or future, he died when I was fourteen. Not the past because in the vision I had, or dream, I died with him. I was on Earth the day the synths went rogue but in this was like I was there with him. I saw and felt the wall of fire as it came towards us and then - then I woke up. But I was on Earth. I used to have dreams like it all the time. Healthy right, to wish you had died together than be left picking up the pieces. So, anyway, I don’t know. Dream, alternate reality... maybe? But not the future.”

T’Lanna nodded. “My dream was similar, it involved my mother. She was a queen ... a Borg queen.” She paused. “I was back in a colony but she didn’t want to re-assimilate me she said I was one of the unique few. Strange thing was she took me to watch an assimilation only it was Raith that was being assimilated ... she said he would make an excellent drone.” She shuddered at the thought. “We had the same dream! That’s what brought us together as a couple.”

Alex thought on that for a moment. “It was? Guess it’s a good thing your a psychologist cos that’s a little weird,” she grinned.

“Seriously weird but I think we both just needed something to pull us together to start off our romance. We were both holding back before then.” T’Lanna smiled as she thought of Raith. “I’d be lost without him now, as strange as that must sound.”

“Not strange, it’s nice,” she countered.

T’Lanna smiled warmly. “It’s also nice to have friends like you onboard. Up until now I’ve never really felt at home anywhere, here is ... different. The ship and crew are more of a home and family to me now.”

“It seems to be a good ship and crew,” Alex agreed. “I’m still finding my feet. I kind of got distracted by a certain Vulcan.”

“Well we Vulcans can be very distracting” T’Lanna grinned.

“Ha! So it seems,” Alex agreed. “Soral has tried to teach me how to meditate... it is not going well. I’m not sure who is distracting who at this point.”

“Well meditation isn’t simple, even I struggle and I’m half Vulcan!” She smiled. “Soral has been teaching me as well, so far it seems to be working.”

“Huh. Must be me,” she concluded. “Still, I’ll keep trying. I still think I prefer the gym if I’m on my own.”

T’Lanna smiled “Well anytime you want a partner for meditation that isn’t Soral give me a call. Actually I need to work out a fitness regime for myself while I’m pregnant, the fitter I am the better. But I obviously don’t need to be overdoing it.

“There are some great holodeck programs,” Alex pointed out. “I’m sure you’d find one you’d like. Or perhaps the Doc could recommend something?”

T’Lanna nodded. “Probably a good idea. Anyway it’s time I got back to my files, I still have a few PADDs to check over.”

“Take it easy,” Alex said as she activated the PADD to get back to work.

“You too” With that T’Lanna headed on her way.



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