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It's Been Seven Years Since My Last Visit

Posted on Tuesday, 9 June 2020 - 12:03am by Lieutenant Ryan Rose MD & Lieutenant Talarn Zilth

Mission: Operation: Iktomi
Location: Medical Bay
Timeline: MD 1?


Talarn made his way to med bay finally, after more than a week of putting it off. It was rather convenient for him to put it off too, since the good doctor had been off the ship for several days. It was a good excuse to continue to not think about how long it had been since he had had a physical. He wasn't really sure why he didn't like going to the doctor either. Doctors had never really done anything untoward to him. Quite the opposite, they had been key in his returning to any sort of normal life.

He stepped through the doors of the medical bay and looked around, hoping that perhaps he could spot the doctor and not have to explain himself either. He had heard only good things about Doctor Ryan Rose, but he had no idea how he would respond to dealing with an ex-Borg patient such as himself. Of course their counselor was also, ex-Borg, but the effects on her versus what Talarn still had left for implants were vastly different.

Ryan was in his office, but he had the computer let him know if the doors to the main bay opened. He needed to stretch his legs anyway, so stood up from his desk and made his way out to the main bay. "Mr. Zilth. It's good to see you." Ryan offered a small smile. "We haven't really properly met. I'm Doctor Rose, but Ryan is just fine." He didn't offer his hand, but gave the man a small nod instead.

Talarn approached Ryan as he exited his office and very much appreciated the lack of offered handshake. He bowed a little in return. "It's nice to meet you, Talarn is fine as well. I came to see you because I am still relatively new to the ship and am probably long overdue for a physical." There was no sense in mincing words. Talarn wanted to do this and get it over with. "The Chief Engineer has already had a look at me, since I am mostly machine."

"I'd hardy say that, Mr. Zilth, but I'm glad Surev was able to take a look at your implants. Is everything well there?" Ryan asked.

Talarn nodded. "Sort of. We replaced the component that was off. I've had problems off and on with my cortical node. I was with the Borg too long to be without one," he said in way of an explanation. "The ones that I had, often would give me headaches. It needed an update. I have been fine since we change it. No headaches. Now, I can't sleep." He sighed a little and chuckled. "It's like constant punishment. I've been trying to not punish Bar... I mean, the captain as well, but I'm afraid my restlessness is keeping him awake too."

Ryan nodded in understanding. "Do you think the sleep issues are related to your implants or a change in environment? Were you sleeping well on Prairie? And it's fine, I certainly don't expect you to call your husband Captain unless the situation merits it. I'm hardly one for formality in sickbay," Ryan assured him.

Talarn smiled a little and nodded. "I appreciate that, Ryan, and thank you. It's hard to remember to call him Captain. We spent seven years with pretty much just the two of us. I'm not really sure what my sleeping problems are related to. I did sleep alright on Prairie... but I also had rough nights there too. Since coming here though... I've gotten about 2-3 hours every night. It's not really enough sleep. I feel... off. I wondered if the new cortical node was making something else not work properly. Not saying the new one is bad... but there might have been other problems that weren't obvious with the older nodes." He shrugged. "I'm not an engineer or a doctor..."

"Alright. Well, let's see what we can do about that. I'll run the gamut of scans, but that's going to take some time to process. I don't have to tell you how intricate Borg implants are. I'd also like to place a small sensor on your cortical node. It won't interfere with anything. I'd just like to get some readings when you are actually asleep. See what your light, deep and R.E.M cycles are currently looking like." He paused, making sure Talarn was keeping track and to see if he had any questions.

Talarn nodded. "That sounds reasonable and makes sense to me. Thank you for helping. I don't really have a lot to do on the ship currently, so I am free for any tests that you would like to run. I'd rather be safe than sorry. I'm not sure about the lasting power of some of these components... Do Borg have an expiration date?" he queried curiously.

At that, Ryan let out a little laugh, but then realized Talarn was serious, or at least appeared to be. "The components don't seem to, no. We would be further along with nanite research, but well..." Ryan didn't really need to explain that one. "Let me get some base scans now. Then I'd like to consult with Emerick, Eyelaya and T'Lanna if that's alright with you. I don't have extensive experience with ex-Borg, I'll be honest. But we have access to all the research that's been done. I'm confident we can figure something out."

Talarn nodded again and started to look around. "Do you need me on a bed?" he asked. "I don't mind if you consult... I'm glad they don't seem to expire. Considering how long I was with the Borg and that I was in my 20s when they took me... then all the time I served Starfleet... I've started to be concerned about my age. I keep waiting for something to happen, but all that seems to be going on is headaches and sleeplessness..." he chuckled.

Ryan just moved a scanner out of the way at Talarn's question, opening up the nearest bio bed for him. "You're not old yet," Ryan said, waiting for the man to sit so he could get started.

Talarn sat on the biobed and chuckled. "Well, that's good to know at least. I'm not even sure how calculate my age anymore... or if it really matters at all. Although, they always ask... how old are you? And I'm never sure how to answer." He smiled at Ryan a little awkwardly and got comfortable on the bed.

"Headaches and sleeplessness may not have anything to do with your implants. You have just had a huge life change. It could be as simple as just settling in. Let's not get ahead of ourselves on cause." Ryan let the scans start. They would be here for a bit. He didn't normally need such full scans for a routine physical, but with Talarn, he'd be using everything at his disposal.

"Thank you, Ryan. You're right. I just... worry I guess." He tipped his head to the side and furrowed his brow ridges. The light above his right eye blinked rapidly as he processed. "I worry more about being there for Barret then I really do about my own mortality. If that makes any sense. I suppose other people worry about their spouses too."

"It makes plenty of sense." Ryan commented, making a few adjustments to the scans he had going. "I would certainly hope people worried about their spouses, and their significant others, and their friends. It's a rather large part of the glue that holds society together I think. Worrying about the rest of the group. Maybe that's too philosophical." Ryan gave a tiny shrug. "Sorry."

"Please don't be sorry for conversation, Ryan." Talarn said Ryan's name as if he was trying to get used to saying it. "I'm not sure it's too philosophical. I think I have just been away from a group long enough that I will have to adjust. It has been mostly just Barret and myself for the best part of seven years. Even as an ex-Borg, I still appreciate routine."

Ryan nodded and gave Talarn a smile. "Well hopefully our smaller ship and community will help with that adjustment. A routine is a great idea. Are you working with a specific department yet?" Ryan checked on the scanner. It had been awhile since he'd had cause to use the full power of the full medical scanner. He was going to be explaining the power usage no doubt.

"I have been helping around Engineering a little... I know enough to fix a replicator and such, but no official word. I honestly don't expect to be reinstated to Starfleet anytime soon, but as you said, the smaller size of the ship merits my assistance. I'm not good at sitting still. Most of my Starfleet talents lie in tactical and security."

Ryan really wasn't sure of how those things worked. He couldn't even keep up with his own paperwork, he couldn't imagine the level of red tape that happened at the command level. "Well, I'm sure Soral can get you sorted doing something that interest you. If you have any interest in getting certified for basic medical, I'll probably have a class starting soon."

"I had to do basic medical at Starfleet Academy, but I don't think that a refresher course would hurt me any. I also don't know how the medical technology has changed since I was on a ship. I know medical is often the fastest changing field." He looked up at Ryan. "I will speak with the XO. I hate to pressure Barret when he already has enough on his plate. They might also claim conflict of interest if he speaks for me."

Ryan nodded. "That's understandable. Just let me know if I can help. I've got some lounge activities in the works as well, I can always use help with that if you get bored."

"Lounge activities?" Talarn questioned curiously. "What sort of lounge activities are you planning? Things to entertain the crew? I would like to help as much as possible. I really want to make myself valuable. I'm still afraid they're going to say I'm a civilian and don't need to be on the ship."

"Yes. Comedy Night didn't go so well. But I'm thinking karaoke. I don't know though, I haven't really had time to organize anything yet." Ryan stepped away from the scanner for a moment, it was almost done and didn't need any more adjustments from him. "Just because you are a civilian doesn't mean you aren't useful. You have decades of experience to offer. Please, don't be so hard on yourself, let yourself settle in before you do anything else."

Talarn chuckled softly. "Comedy night, huh? It's something... a lot more than most ships are concerned about. I have a lot of ideas for you. If you wish. Sometimes it seems like I have too many ideas... especially lately. I think it's some of what's making it hard to sleep. Brain working all the time."

"That could very well be it." Ryan agreed. "Especially if you haven't been as active since being ship bound. Working out might be just the thing. I don't want to dump too much on you at once though. So just let me know if you want to meet up in the gym, or brainstorm ideas for the lounge." Ryan pulled the scanner away. "And if you are interested, I'll let you know when I get that basic medical class scheduled."

Talarn watched the doctor pull the scanner away. "I am very interested. I don't really think it would hurt. Never know when those kinds of skills could come in handy or be needed. You never know out here in space." He didn't sit up, unsure if the doctor was finished with his tests or not. "What sort of workouts do you do? I used to get up early and chop wood... feed the animals... I wonder what will happen to the animals." He frowned.

"Oh, I wouldn't worry about the animals. Sam is colony born. She'll take good care of them. I'm sure she'll manage to get the rest of the chores done as well. Something about the place must have spoke to her. Did she say anything to you?" Ryan was momentarily distracted from the gym question.

Talarn chuckled. "Well... she said we were managing the farm poorly and that was about it. To be honest, no one seemed to want to talk to me much when we all met on Prairie." He sat up a little. "Do you play Tsunkatse? Or Anbo-jitsu? I know how to play Kotra too... but that's not a physical activity thing." He was looking at Ryan curiously. "Have you ever been horseback riding?"

Ryan let out a soft snort. That sounded like Sam. He was glad for the distraction though when Talarn continued with questions. "Off all those, only horseback riding. I spent most of my summer and winter breaks on a ranch. I have a program for the holodeck that you are welcome to use."

Talarn seemed to be a little bit relieved. "Excellent. I would like that very much. Thank you, Ryan. Maybe, I can even con Barret into joining me from time to time. I think I will probably miss the animals the most, after our home at least." He sighed a little. "Anyway... I can teach you to play those things, if you want. Both are quite physical. If you like physical competition, they're excellent workouts."

"Oh, well thank you for the offer, but I'm not physically competitive. I'm a bit a stick in the mud with my workout routine, but it works for me. I'm actually planning on some resistance work tonight, if you like to work out in the evenings you're welcome to join me."

"Resistance work?" Talarn perked up a little. "Weight lifting?" he asked curiously. He was definitely interested in more social activities. He couldn't just let himself sit in their quarters and mope, as much as he wanted to, he knew it wasn't good for his mental health. "I would like that... regardless of what you're doing. I'm always up for learning something new."

"Great. Is 22:00 too late for you?" Ryan asked.

"Not at all," Talarn responded and then he shrugged. "It's not like I'm sleeping anyway." He intended the second statement to be humorous, but it was possible that his tone didn't convey it quite right, but he did smile a little. "Are... you finished with your exam?"

"Yes." Ryan stepped further back. "22:00 it is then. Maybe a good workout will help with the sleeping."

"Did the exam tell you anything?" he asked curiously as he stepped down off the biobed.

"Nothing immediately apparent." Ryan answered. "I did a far deeper scan than I normally would, so it will take some time to analyze, but I'll let you know as soon as I have anything."

"I know sometimes these things take time. I'm just curious and it definitely might help with sleeping. Wearing myself out could be good. I've gone to the holodeck a few times, but by myself..." he chuckled. "I maybe don't experience the same motivation as I do with someone. Thank you, Doctor. 22:00." He smiled.



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