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New Nurse

Posted on Tuesday, 9 June 2020 - 12:03am by Lieutenant Ryan Rose MD & Lieutenant JG Kay’la

Mission: Operation: Iktomi
Location: Sickbay
Timeline: After Ryan's Return from mission

Ryan had returned rather late the previous day, and had simply dumped everything on Emerick. But he was in bright and early, feeling quite a bit better after talking with Jack. He was pleased to see he had a new nurse, that information helpfully left on the very top of his pile. "Rose to Kay'la" He tapped his combadge.

Kay’la was already busy in the cargo bay, going through crates of medical supplies checking numbers were correct. “Yes Doctor?”

"First welcome aboard." Ryan started. "I apologize I wasn't able to greet you personally. Can you meet me in my office please."

“Thank you Sir, I’ll be there shortly” Closing up the crate she’d just finished checking Kay’la made her way to Sickbay, it was going to be nice to finally meet Doctor Rose. Arriving at Sickbay a few minutes later she walked inside and headed over to Rose’s Office.

Ryan stood up as Kay'la entered. "Welcome in. Can I get you anything?" He asked, already heading to the small replicator in his office.

“A glass of chilled water would be nice, thank you Sir” Kay’la offered a smile as she waited for an invite to sit.

Ryan grabbed two cold waters, and brought them over to the small coffee table. There was no need to talk across his desk. He pulled over his chair and motioned for the couch. "Please, it's Ryan, or doctor if you must." He took a seat and a long drink of water. "Is Kay'la ok? Or do prefer nurse? Lieutenant?"

“Kay’la is fine, thank you Ryan.” she smiled warmly as she picked up her glass before taking a seat on the couch. She sipped her water before placing the glass back down again.

"Well normally these things start with 'so tell me about yourself' but right now I'd like to know what you want from this posting?"

“What I want?” Kay’la paused. “That’s a good question. I’ve never stopped to think about what I want before. I’ve always just gone where I’ve been ordered to go and got on with my duties.” She paused. “It’s not easy being a half Klingon, the Klingons don’t like half breeds especially those without a house. I guess somewhere I can call home would be nice.”

Ryan smiled. "Well I certainly hope The Standing Bear can provide that for you." Then Ryan continued in a different vein. "With such a small staff, we all have to do a bit of everything, but are there certain areas that you prefer?"

“I’ll do whatever” Kay’la smiled. “Although ... I do like maternity and paediatrics. Though from what I understand we won’t have many, if any children onboard ship.”

"Unfortunately no children, but T'Lanna is pregnant. I'm happy to have you assist there. I don't know what will happen when the baby is born. The ship certainly isn't set up for children."

Kay’la nodded. “Well let’s hope if T’Lanna has to be separated from her baby that it isn’t too soon, last thing she needs is postnatal depression. I’ve seen mother’s with that before.”

Ryan nodded. "Yes, that can be very difficult." His own sister had struggled with postpartum depression. "We've got several months to prepare for that though." He paused to take a drink, changing gears a bit. "So, did you get your coming aboard physical? I'm still...well honestly perpetually behind on paperwork, I haven't had a chance to check."

“I did yes, thank you. The EMH err ... Emerick isn’t it? He did my medical for me.” She offered a smile.

"Yes, it's Emerick. Speaking of Emerick, please just treat him like another doctor. He request to be treated as sentient, and I like to think that anybody who can request that is sentient."

“Of course” Kay’la nodded. “Everyone has the right to be treated that way. I understand that T’Lanna is also ex-Borg? I’m afraid I have limited experience in anything medical where that’s concerned.”

"T'Lanna and Talarn Zilth" Ryan replied. "The chances of having two x borg on such a small ship, I don't even know what the chances of that are. Eyelaya and I usually work together, but most of the Borg component related issues go to engineering. And don't worry about having limited experience there, most of us have limited if not no experience."

Kay’la nodded. “Then let’s hope it won’t be needed in an emergency.” She paused then smiled. “Actually that gives me something new to study up on.”

"Start with the medical records on T'Lanna and Talarn, as they'll be the most relevant." Ryan offered it up as a suggestion, not an order.

“Yes Sir ... sorry Ryan!” She smiled. “I like to keep my skills up-to-date so that’ll be useful and interesting at the same time.”

Ryan just smiled back. "Well I'm happy to hear that. Help yourself to my medical journals as well. There is always a pile on my desk, on the coffee table, stuffed under a cushion." Ryan shifted, and pulled one out from under the cushion he was sitting on. "Any PaDD with a red dot is a journal." He explained, showing her the small sticker he had put on the back.

“Wow you actually keep journals!” Kay’la grinned. “I wish other doctors I worked with were so inclined. Usually reports put them off writing journals, it’s nice to see that you like doing that.” She looked embarrassed. “Sorry ... I’m not used to letting my fun side out.”

"Well they aren't my journals. Mostly Starfleet Medical Journals, but I try to catch up on the Vulcan Medical Journal as well. Sometimes there will be random ones in the mix, if another colleague sends me an interesting entry. I do keep a personal journal, but it's just that." Ryan explained. "You're fine though." He had to smile. "I'm glad to see I'm not the only one who finds reading them fun."

Kay’la felt a little silly. “I love to read, not something you’d usually hear a Klingon say!”

Ryan shrugged. "I don't pay attention to stereotypes. Reading is great stress relief." He could tell she'd gotten slightly embarrassed and wanted to put her at ease. "Once, my sister sent me a novel, raving about how I just had to read it. I was three chapters in before I realized it was a romance, but then I was invested." He shared.

Kay’la smiled, she liked Ryan he was going truly out of his way to make her feel comfortable. “Nothing wrong with that, what’s important is that we like it. I used to worry a lot what others thought of me but having served aboard a Klingon ship for a month I learned to develop a thicker skin! They don’t go easy on anyone, but once you earn respect it’s another matter. I earned respect with my bat’leth skills, I’m a dab hand with a bat’leth.”

"Impressive." Ryan might not be fond of weapons, but he did recognize the skill and practice it took to master one. "A great way to keep in shape as well."

“Indeed, also a great way to get scars!” Kay’la grinned. “I have a few, I chose to keep them as a life lesson to practice and be better at it. No lasting damage fortunately, Klingon bodies are ... resilient although the Betazoid dna goes somewhat towards adding weakness to that.”

Ryan wasn't really sure how to respond to that. So he just offered a small polite smile and nodded. "So, any questions for me?" He asked.

“Err ... I’m not sure.” Kay’la paused. “I guess I’d like to know your expectations?”

"Fair enough. I prefer a pretty informal sickbay. The only thing I ask is that in an emergency situation don't question any orders. I'll be happy to explain after the fact, but in the heat of the moment any delay could be fatal. I trust you to do your job." He smiled.

Kay’la nodded. “Understood and I promise I will not question any of your orders.” She smiled.

Ryan stood up, putting the PaDD he'd found under the cushion on his desk. "Well a bit late I know, but welcome aboard again, I'm glad to have you here."

“Thank you it’s nice to be here.” Kay’la smiled. Perhaps this wouldn’t be such a bad place after all.



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