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Executive Meetings

Posted on Friday, 12 June 2020 - 12:16pm by Commander Soral & Lieutenant Talarn Zilth

Mission: Operation: Iktomi
Location: USS Standing Bear | XO's Office
Timeline: 2393 - MD 02


Talarn Zilth had been aboard the USS Standing Bear for several weeks now. He still felt a little out of place, since he was currently the only person onboard that was not walking around in a uniform. It was an interesting experience to feel under dressed no matter where he was. He had, however, tried to make himself useful around the ship. He had been an officer for many years and had a great deal of knowledge and know how that this ship could utilize. He was not unwilling to share it.

There had, however, been a little bit of an obstacle in his mind as of late. He really hadn't met properly with the executive officer. He was sure that the Vulcan, whose name escaped him, knew that he was helping around the ship, but being Vulcan, the few times they had been in the same room, the man had either been busy or had that stoic, unreadable expression on his face. They really hadn't exchanged words. Talarn really didn't like not knowing where he stood with someone.

When he was outside of the officer's door he raised his hand as if to knock, then remembered that they weren't on Prairie anymore and that people had a chime he could push. He lowered his hand and did that instead. He wasn't the type to lay into a chime either. He pressed it once quickly and waited.

Soral looked up from his computer screen. "Enter when ready," he called in a firm, but calm voice.

Talarn tapped the button that opened the door and it slid open to reveal the office beyond. Talarn stepped through the door and took several more steps towards the XO's desk. "Hello, I am sorry if I am interrupting anything. We have not really had time to speak to one another. I know you probably already know this, but my name is Talarn Zilth, Sir."

"Indeed. Welcome Talarn. I stand not on formality. I am Soral. Please have a seat. May I get a drink for you? I was going to get tea for myself."

"Tea would be nice. It doesn't have to be sweetened." He sat down heavily in the chair across from the desk. "I hope I'm not interrupting anything. I'd like to talk to you about a rather serious matter that I'm pretty concerned about. Although, I admit, selfish in nature."

Soral raised an eyebrow as he got the tea. "Indeed." He placed the cup by Talarn and his own on his side. "My door is always open. I tell that to everyone on the crew. Please tell me what concerns you."

"Thank you," he said when Soral set the tea down next to him. "I don't know if you're aware that I've been helping around the ship. I know I am currently a civilian... I would prefer not to "step on any toes", as the Humans like to say. I know Barret doesn't mind, but I have not spoken to you about it. I also... since you're Vulcan and more likely to really tell me the truth... ask you about the potential of reinstatement... in some capacity?" he asked. He hoped he didn't sound needy.

"I have no objections. I have spoken with the Commander, with respect to having you engaged as part of the crew. I see you as part of the crew, if you wish it, so I am happy to have you help. I do apologise for not speaking with you about it sooner, but I have heard that Chief Eyelaya has recruited you to help. I am pleased that you have agreed." He sipped his tea. "As for reinstatement, I believe it is a possibility. I estimate the odds at being eighty-nine point eight nine, nine. And neither I, nor Commander Stillwater, will give up." He paused again. "I would like to speak to you about something though."

Talarn nodded. Not exactly what he wanted to hear, but better than no, stop. He smiled a little and nodded again. "Of course, you may speak with me about whatever you like. I just... I hope those odds are in my favor. I would at least feel more comfortable in a uniform. I also feel like I could be in a better position to stay with Barret."

"I will do what I can to assist in that. I was going to talk to you about wearing a uniform actually. I find that each morning, when I put the uniform on, it reminds me why I am here and what I am fighting for. It reminds me of what the old tenants of Starfleet were, Service, Sacrifice, Courage, Love, Honour, Duty. It gets me into the mind frame of work. Would you consider wearing one? It does not have pips yet, but I wish the crew to know you are a part of our family and I wish you to know that that is so."

Talarn nodded after a momentary surprised pause. "Is that allowed? I know no one is currently looking, but just in case. Should I take it off if an Admiral comes on board? I don't want anyone to get in trouble for wearing a uniform when they're not properly in Starfleet anymore. I do, however, have all the training... I'm sure you have access to my credentials. Yes, I would wear a uniform."

"It will be fine. You are not wearing any rank pips, but make no mistake you are a part of this crew. You're just bridging time until you get a reinstatement or an NCO rank."

Talarn nodded again and then snorted in a sort of sarcastic humor. "It's funny. I wasn't even sure I wanted back in Starfleet... I'm still not sure, and yet... here I am, in your office, asking about being Starfleet again and wearing a uniform." He shook his head and rubbed at the back of his neck, looking at Soral across the desk, his blue eyes full of that same sarcastic amusement.

"Well, here could be a number of logical explanations for all that."

"Oh? Logical? I'm not sure anything in my life is logical at the moment..." Talarn commented with a grin. "I'd love to hear them, though."

"You are dedicated to what once was, Service, Sacrifice, Honour, Duty, Compassion, and Love. Your love for your husband... that is another possibility. A need to feel needed. These are all things that everyone deals with. Perhaps even a little bit of fear."

"I actually agree with you on all of those points," Talarn agreed. "I can see where each of those affects the way I feel. It probably also adds to my confusion about how I feel." He leveled an interested look at Soral. "I must say, you're definitely not what I expected. I don't mean to sound... like it's any sort of judgement... but you're not really a very typical Vulcan, are you?"

"I have been told that." A small shadow of a smile formed and disappeared quickly. "Even my people think me odd as I am relic to the old ways."

"Old ways?" Talarn was curious. He didn't mean to pry, but pry he did. "So... you haven't done the whole purge your emotions thing? Kol... Kolinar?" He tipped his head to one side, studying the Vulcan in front of him.

“No,” he said. "I follow the old Vulcan Gods as well as Surak. "

"I admit that I do not know that much about Vulcans or Vulcan practices. I'm sorry if I sound insensitive. I'm really not. Just curious." He smiled again. "I barely remember the ones I went to the Academy with. I can't say that my memory has been all that great. After Starfleet... removed me from their service... I think I didn't want to remember."

"You did not sound insensitive. I can understand curiosity." He paused. "Things will change. Just know that you are welcome here. Once you and the Commander settle my wife and I must have you over for dinner."

Talarn nodded. "Alright. That sounds good. I can't say that either Barret or I were all that close with anyone on Prairie... it might be nice to have... people we enjoy spending time with. Most of our time there spent with others... was... frustrating at most."

"Well let us hope that you shall not find frustration here."

They chatted a bit more and then parted ways. All in all everything went well.



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