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Aftermath - Part II

Posted on Saturday, 25 July 2020 - 3:02pm by Commander Soral & Lieutenant Alex Kingsley

Mission: Operation: Jabberwocky
Location: Earth, Australia
Timeline: 2393 - MD 07


"And they say I can't cook!"

Lifting the baking tray out of the oven, Laura Kingsley smiled as she admired her morning's work. Closing her eyes she breathed in the delicious scent of the chocolate chip cookies before setting them out on the rack to cool down. Nothing quite warmed the heart like the home baking, just the smell of it reminded her of her grandmother's kitchen when it was a battle to try and get to one of the incredibly delicious treats she would bake day in and day out. Hopefully their lunch guests would enjoy them.

Taking off the apron she draped it over the back of the chair as she headed out into the garden. "It's almost noon. How's the headache -" she stopped, frowning as her gaze swept the garden once. Twice. As gardens went it was somewhat small and had zero hiding places. Not that she could imagine her daughter wanting to hide anyway.

Heading back inside she checked her own bedroom, telling herself that maybe she had come back inside while she was in 'the zone'. Yet her bed was empty. The bathroom empty. She went through every room in the house, although only peered into the other bedroom so as not to wake Soral. She must have gone for a walk, she decided as a knock at the door demanded her attention.

"You don't have to - Oh! Hello, come in, come in," Laura smiled as she stepped back to let their lunch guests enter. "You are right on time! And cookies are still warm! Let me get you both something to drink and you can enjoy some cookies while I let Soral know you are here."

Liviana smiled. "Thank you." She looked at Severine whom she noticed was holding her had extra tight. This would be historic. She was a little scared herself. She knew Soral would want his kids with him. She had come here convinced that she could convince him to allow the children to be raised on Vashti.

They seated themselves while Laura went to get Soral.

Ensuring the were settled, Laura hurried off towards the back room. She chapped lightly on the door, unsure if their arrival would have woken Soral already. Leaning into the room she smiled as she saw him starting to sit up, "your guests are here. And we have cookies. Don't worry, everything else will be replicated, I am not testing those sprinklers again... we will be in the kitchen when you are ready."

Soral sat up. "Thank you." He was a bit surprised that Alex hadn't been here. "Is Alex out there already?"

“She was getting some fresh air. Headache. She’s probably saw something and wandered off, not realising the time. Always said I should have a tracking device installed. I’ll go find her, you have visitors and they didn’t come here to see me. I’ll give some privacy to dress.”

With that she headed back to the kitchen, “Soral will be out in a moment. Help yourself to cookies, I’ll be back in a minute or two.”

Soral changed and hurried out. He was anxious. His mind reached for Alexandra but something wasn't right. As if she were blocking him.

Stepping outside she made another check in the garden. Still deserted. She was turning away when a glint of metal caught her eye. Curious she approached the flowerbed she had worked on only yesterday. Kneeling down she plucked the metal from the soil, turning it over in her hand. “A comm badge?” She whispered, standing. Looking around her she felt uneasy, “Alex?!”

Moving towards the front of the house she scanned the street, searching for the distinctive red hair. “Alex!”

Soral, Liviana, and Severine sat staring at one another. He keenly felt Alex's absence She always knew how to start a conversation. Soral stood. "I will return."

He left the room heading to the garden. "Mother!" He called, as he'd taking to calling Laura.

Laura turned to face him, unable to completely mask her concern. It was evident in her eyes as she showed the comm badge, "I found this in the garden - in the flowerbed of all places! I only saw it because the sun caught it just right as I turned away. I can't think of any reason for it to be in with the roses. She had been sitting out there, I left her to come in to bake the cookies. She wasn't feeling herself. I thought it was just stress with everything that happened and I didn't think much of it. What if I was wrong?"

There was a long pause. "Could she have gone for a walk and dropped it?" But even as he said it he knew that it wasn't right.

“I suppose so but in the flowers? She’s never careless with things,” Laura shook her head, going back to scanning the crowd.

Soral closed his eyes. He reached for her. ~"Alexandra, my love, my wife."~ He waited to see if there would be a response.

“I’m going to check the beach and the cove,” Laura decided as she touched his arm to get his attention. “You should still be resting, go inside, be with your guests. I won’t be long and I’m probably overreacting.”

"I cannot hear her. Please come back inside. I will call Mac. He will go with you."

“What do you mean, you can’t hear her?” Laura asked, her curiosity winning out over the urge to point out she could be back before anyone got here. It seemed unnecessary to call in the cavalry.

He looked at his mother in law. "The Vulcan bond allows us to hear one another in our thoughts. We are connected in a intimate way that if I am away from her I will know if she is injured or upset. Now...I called to her and she did not answer. It is as though there is a block there. I feel her but weakly." As he talked his own panic was growing.

“Could she be doing it? Blocking you? I can’t imagine why she would... oh Soral, where is she?” Laura retuned to studying the crowd. “Andrew was always a good at finding her if she wandered off.”

"She could to blocking me. This," he gestured to the house and its guests. "This is all unexpected and I worry that." He shook his head. "No Alex is strong, she would not shut me out She is so much stronger then I and I am the Vulcan." He looked back at the house. "Stay here. Call Mac. I will begin the search."

“Absolutely not!” Laura objected. “You were ordered to rest and so help me, you will do just that.”

He took Laura gently by her shoulders. "I need to find her. I need to make sure she is alright." He looked at the communicator she held. "I will not rest until I know she is alright."

Just as he finished speaking he felt a tug on his shirt. "Father?"

He looked down. "Severine. Your mother is missing. Stay with your grandmother." He ducked back in the house.

Severine looked up. "He's going to go again is he not?"

“He is stubborn,” Laura sighed. She took Severine’s hand, “come inside. I’m sure all will be well and you both came for lunch. Let’s find you something to eat. Do you like pizza?”

She was searching for a way to distract herself. Her own worry was bad enough but with Soral just as concerned...

Soral soon appeared with phaser in hand. Livianna stood. "Soral! You should not..."

"I need to ensure she is alright. Stay here."

Livianna rolled her eyes. "Yes that will happen. Your wife will kill me if something were to happen to you. She already hates me."

“I don’t understand, where will you even begin?” Laura asked him. “And please, be careful. The last time I was near a phaser I shot my neighbour in the foot. Complete accident of course...”

Soral raised an amused eyebrow. "Indeed." He sighed. "I will find her. I promise."

"We shall find her." Liviana added and looked at Severine. "Stay here."

Severine watched as they both left. She took Laura's hand. "They will find her. Perhaps it fault that she left."

“Of course it isn’t,” Laura assured her. “My daughter can sometimes allow curiosity to get the better of her. I’m sure she has just wandered off. Perhaps if I make a triple chocolate cake she will find her way back. Do you like to bake, Severine? Come, I will teach you my grandmother’s secret recipe...”

"My brother likes chocolate. I shall enjoy learning it." She took Laura's hand. It will be alright."

To be Continued...



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