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Aftermath - Part III

Posted on Saturday, 25 July 2020 - 3:09pm by Commander Soral & Lieutenant Alex Kingsley
Edited on on Saturday, 25 July 2020 - 3:09pm

Mission: Operation: Jabberwocky
Location: Earth, Australia
Timeline: 2393 - MD 07


Terminating the call to her mother, Sara Kingsley set aside her now cold cup of coffee and walked to the observation window. Arms folded she watched as the medical technician made a dutiful note of vital signs and updated a medical chart which would never see the light of day. It was such a waste.

Much better to take their ‘Jane Doe’ back to the facility and fully explore how the bond with this Vulcan had managed to undo the work they had done over the years. Yet she knew how much of a headache that would be.

Even this had been dangerous but there had been no time to plan. To be subtle.

Now the adopted daughter of her cousin lay heavily sedated on a biobed in a room devoid of all but essentials. Just in case she woke up and was really angry at being drugged and forced here against her will.

Sedation was a kindness, really. She imagined the pain of the procedures to neutralise her growing abilities would be excruciating. Indeed, even sedated the vital signs could detect the stress of it on their unexpected patient.

With a sigh she tapped the intercom, “Dr Innis?”

A small man appeared in view, “yes?”

“You may begin with the next phase.”

Soral and Liviana were looking around the garden. So far they had managed to find some clues but not to the location just to what had happened. It was looking more and more as if she had not gone willingly. Liviana was a skilled tracker. She set off in search while Soral waited for Mac.

* * * * *

Everything was so calm. So peaceful. Almost perfect.

Clear blue sky, golden sand... even the sound of the water lapping gently to shore like a lullaby. And yet it was wrong.

Although the sun shone as brightly as ever, it did not warm her skin. If anything she felt cold. Which made no sense at all. There wasn’t even a breeze. And it was so quiet...

This was the same cove she had visited with Soral, she was certain of it. Although she couldn’t remember getting here. And when she tried to, her headache came back with a vengeance.

She realised she had no idea of the time. How long had she just sat there, watching the water? She had to make sure Soral was awake. She had to -

To what?

She frowned but whatever it was slipped from her mind like the sand through her fingers. She glanced down at the sand, her fingertips tracing the same shape over and over.


Yet each time she lifted her hand the shape seemed to just fade away and it became harder and harder to even try. Her frustration was all but palpable as the world around her grew darker. She screamed a single name into the dark as it tried to consume her.
~ Sara! ~

* * * * *

As Soral was looking around a little more the word came through his mind. He reared up and stood. Running into the house he called for Laura.

As he came rushing in, Laura looked up from the mess of flour they had created. “What’s wrong? What happened?” She blurted out.

"Sara. Who or what is Sara?"

“Sara?!” Laura’s eyes widened in surprise. “Technically there are two but the only one in this sector and on this planet is Andrew’s cousin.”

"It was the only thing Alex sent though. There...was a struggle. We've found evidence."

Laura sank into a chair, “you don’t think Sara is in trouble too? She lives in Cambridge but she lives in her labs...”.

She was quickly back on her feet as she began rummaging through a drawer, “Ah! Here it is, the Trinity Institute. She told me today she is now heading up the research department right here in Australia. The address is on the back. She left that here for me to give to Alex in case she wanted a career change. If I was looking for Sara I guess I’d start there?” She handed Soral a prospectus which outlined the research group with bios of their department heads. “Technically, Sara’s Mother is a founder of the institute but she is a silent partner from what I gather.”

"If she has anything to do with this. She will pay." He promised. He took the pamphlet just as Mac and Haru arrived. He tossed them the brochure. "Let's go!"

“Soral!” Laura hurried after them, catching up to him in the doorway. She put her hands on either side of his face, forcing him to look at her, “bring my girl home but be safe. She would be lost without you. Never forget that.”

"No ma'am. I am the one who is lost. If I lost her I would loose my beating heart. I will bring her back. I promise."

To be continued...



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