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Coming Home

Posted on Monday, 10 August 2020 - 6:04am by Commander Soral & Lieutenant T'Lanna Vali & Lieutenant Alex Kingsley

Mission: Operation: Jabberwocky
Location: Station and Various USS Standing Bear
Timeline: 2393 - MD 11


With the end of shoreleave fast approaching T’Lanna decided to take one last trip across to the Starbase to pick up some lingerie she’d seen that she thought Raith might appreciate. She was on her way back to the Standing Bear when she saw what looked like Soral and Alex ahead of her.

Soral looked over at Alex. "Are you alright?" It had been a trying time for them both. What should have been bliss had been a shore leave full of pain and sadness. He was still feeling dizzy and the headache he had would not seem to go away. It was the silence that had been killing him.

“Are you?” She countered softly. Most of the journey back they had barely spoken, although she had largely slept. He had fussed over her as he was always prone to do but she just knew he was hiding something from her. Although, naturally, he deftly avoided her questions with frustrating skill. She longed to be home, to be back in their quarters with some semblance of normality.

She reached over and took his hand, holding it tightly. “I’m just tired,” she assured him quietly, low enough for his ears only. “Headache. I’ll be okay.”

T’Lanna approached from behind but immediately sensed something was very off with both her friends. “Soral, Alex ...” she offered a smile but her gaze of concern was evident. “It’s good to see you both but I can sense something isn’t right, is there anything I can do?”

“T’Lanna!” Alex smiled as she turned to face their friend. “Just been a long trip, we are tired and looking forward to sleeping in our own bed. And seeing Bones of course. He pretty much has a bag full of presents to enjoy. You’ve been doing some shopping too, huh?”

Soral had been glad of Alex's jump in. Even speech was an effort. He did force himself, "Lieutenant. It is agreeable to see you." He looked at Alex. "If you will excuse me I shall go get Bones from boarding and shall tend to our bags and ensure they are in our quarters." He gave all proper Vulcan bow. "Lieutenant I shall return soon in the mean time I leave you in the hands of my wife. " He turned to Alex and bowed as was proper Vulcan fashion. "My wife. I shall return."

“I’ll see you soon,” Alex smiled as she allowed him to make his escape. She knew it was exactly that. Then again she did want to see Bones again. Assuming the puppy had forgiven them for the long absence.

T’Lanna watched Soral go before looking back at Alex and offering a smile. “The shopping ... yes I brought myself something nice.” She paused. “Forgive me but I can feel something is wrong, I don’t want to pry but if there’s anything I can do to help either of you?” She waited for Alex’s response.

“It’s been an eventful trip, he’s had to deal with a lot. Including my mother setting fire to her kitchen and some family issues,” Alex told T’Lanna, trying to summon every ounce of energy she had to be suitably casual about the woman’s concern. “Give him some time to process it all. When he is ready I’m sure he will speak to you if he needs to. The wedding was just perfect. But tell me what I’ve missed. From the shopping bag I take it you and Raith are still very much together?”

As she spoke she turned, heading towards the ship.

T’Lanna nodded smiled the biggest smile yet. “Raith and I are ... I wish I had a word for it! Amazing, incredible! I didn’t think I could ever feel something so amazing and yet not be able to put it into words!!”

“Pleased to hear it. And all good with the baby?” Alex enquired.

T’Lanna nodded. “Everything is fine. It’s hard to believe I’m just over two months already, only another seven or eight months to go.”

"Must feel like a lifetime away at times," Alex guessed as they walked. "I'm sure he or she will be here before you know it though. Nearer the time you should have a baby shower. It is pretty much a low key party where people shower you and the baby with gifts. My mum used to organise them for her friends all the time."

“Really?” T’Lanna nodded. “It sounds like fun.”

"We have a few months to plan so why not?" Alex encouraged. It would be a happy distraction too.

“Then maybe we should” T’Lanna smiled warmly.

As they reached the turbolift they did not have a long wait for the doors to open, granting them entry. Finding Soral inside with a familiar and mischievous puppy in tow, Alex smiled. "Oh we've missed you," she beamed as as scooped up the excited puppy. As Bones tried to lick her face she glanced at Soral, "at least we aren't in the bad books for going away."

T’Lanna grinned as she watched Alex with Bones before looking at Soral. “Alex and I were just discussing the idea of a baby shower closer to the time my son arrives.”

“That would be okay, right? We could have it in her quarters or maybe the mess hall?” Alex added.

"Of course. I am familiar with the custom on Earth of a shower. You may proceed." He'd been happy to see Bones had taken so well to them returning. He'd all but licked off half of Soral's face and it meant the world to him that Alex seemed happy to see Bones. "It would also be logical to hold a reception for the crew to commemorate our union. If you wish it I will leave the planning to you and Lieutenant Vali."

Alex could barely hide her surprise, which allowed Bones to finally get to her before she could hold him at a safe distance again. “I wish it,” she assured him before glancing at T’Lanna, “if you have time?”

“You bet I have time!” T’Lanna grinned. “A party would be good for everyone, give us all a chance to let our hair down and have some fun.”

“Thank you,” Alex said quietly as Bones decided to settle in and just be carried after his initial burst of energy. “But first some sleep I think.”

"Indeed. Our bags should be waiting for us. I must change and then catch up on reports." He looked at Vali. "Perhaps dinner for you two as I will be working late into the night."

“Perhaps tomorrow night? I’m tired and T’Lanna did not go buying things with the intention of dinner with me,” Alex told him, her irritation that he had decided to throw himself into reports bubbling beneath the surface. She pushed it aside, glancing at T’Lanna. “We can have a combination dinner party and planning meeting?”

T’Lanna nodded. “That sounds like a great idea Alex. I’ll look forward to it.”

Soral gave a nod. "A most excellent suggestions my wife." The lift stopped and Grol got on. "Commander, Lieutenant. Welcome back."

“Thank you,” Alex replied before adding. “May I ask, are there any urgent matters requiring Soral’s attention? Or can he get some rest beforehand?”

Grol looked between the two. "Um....well hypothetically nothing life altering but there are several new crew members. A head start would be desired but not required."

“Then he can decide,” Alex replied simply. If she had the energy for it there would be a fight on the horizon.

He did not need a bond to hear her disappointment. "I will defer to my wife's judgement."

“Bones and I thank you,” she replied with a smile.

"Very well Mr. Grol. You will prepare a schedule for tomorrow beginning at 0530 hours and ending at 2330. I expect you to be fully versed in all occurrences since my departure and to have a plan in place for completing the reports and back logs in 3.75 days precisely. Also I wish to meet with all new crew and I wish to know of all quarters assignments."

Grol looked stunned. He looked from Vali to Alex. "Sir I am not scheduled to be on duty until...."

"You are on duty when I say you are. In the office by 0530. Tomorrow. If not I shall find a Yeoman that oblige."

Grol swallowed hard. "Yes sir."

Alex’s eyes widened but she bit her tongue. For now. For the first time she felt sorry for their Yoeman.

The doors opened. Grol hurried out. Soral stood tall and silent. His face was a mask of coolness the perfect Vulcan for perhaps the first time in his life. Not a hint of his Romulan heritage.

Alex glanced at T’Lanna and gave a subtle shake of her head as she fussed over Bones. All the while studying her husband with growing concern.

Soral was silent the rest of the way. Vali's stop would be first.

T’Lanna looked at Soral. “Commander, wasn’t that rather harsh?” She looked at Alex then back at Soral. “Grol is still on shoreleave and from what I can see both you and Alex need more rest than you do work.”

Alex found herself praying he took her comment as well intended advice. Given how he had responded to Grol, though, she had no idea. Even Bones was giving his owner big puppy dog eyes after the mood in the lift had dropped.

"I do not think I was being harsh. His references stated that he was methodical, logical, and driven to work. I merely require him to live up to his reputation. As an XO even two days requires catching up. As for rest, as a Vulcan I can function for weeks without rest. Shore leave, Lieutenant is a privilege. I would have guessed his time on Risa was rest enough. He is my Yeoman and I will not settle for sloth. In any of my officers."

Just before anyone could respond the lift stopped and T'Paris the young Vulcan from Tactical got on. She looked at Vali and Alex. "Sirs." She turned her eyes to Soral. "Commander. It is agreeable to see you."

He gave a nod. "Lieutenant. How are the tactical repairs progressing."

"Well indeed. All is syncing however there is an issue with the brig regulators. I have been working on them while we have been here."

He raised an eyebrow. "You have not taken leave."

"1.25 days of meditation. May I ask for your assistance. I believe you have what the humans call, a magic touch, with the tactical systems."

For reasons she could not quite fathom in the moment, Alex felt her eyes narrow. Something about the woman’s tone, her whole body language... she glanced at T’Lanna wondering if she picked up on it too. Or maybe she was overtired and imagining it.

T’Lanna had noticed all to well, raising an eyebrow in typical Vulcan fashion she turned to look at Alex before looking back the Lieutenant. “Lieutenant I believe Commander Soral still needs to rest and enjoy the last of his honeymoon before he starts work.” She looked at Soral hoping he’d see some sense.

Soral gave a nod. "Indeed. I shall resume my duties tomorrow. Lieutenant T'Paris I shall take a look when time permits tomorrow. I'll have Grol set up an appointment."

T'Paris gave a nod. "Indeed. I would be honoured to assist. Perhaps, I may learn something."

She could learn something alright... Alex thought inwardly as the turbolift began to slow down.

"Indeed. Perhaps it would benefit the new recruits as well. I shall leave you to gather them Lieutenant T'Paris and I shall walk everyone through the connections."

T'Paris hid her dislike of others being around. She studied Alex. She wondered what he saw in a human.

"Something on your mind, Lieutenant?" Alex asked with an overly kind smile.

"Not at all ma'am." The lift stopped. T'Paris gave a nod. "Sirs." She turned to Soral. "Commander, until tomorrow then. Your service honours us." She gave a bow and was gone.

T’Lanna retreated behind a more typical Vulcan demeanour. “Fascinating” She looked at Alex. “I Think that Lieutenant T’Paris is curious as to why a Vulcan would choose a Human as a mate.” She looked at Soral. “As I said ... fascinating.”

“Perfect,” Alex muttered under her breath.

Soral looked at the two woman. "She said nothing of the sort." He said. "There is no logic in assumption."

“She didn’t have to say it, it was practically in neon flashing lights.” Alex sighed as she took his arm. “Good thing you are stuck with me.”

Soral raised an eyebrow. "I do not see it. We Vulcans subscribe to IDIC. Infinite Diversity in Infinite Combinations." He paused briefly wondering..."My wife are you jealous?" He then raised both eyebrows. "You cannot think I would have any interest in her."

"Of course not," she assured him as she stood on her tiptoes to kiss him. "That doesn't mean she has no interest in you, my husband."

He raised an eyebrow in surprise. "I do not see why. But I shall monitor the situation and set it straight if it becomes necessary."

“I’ll explain why when we are alone,” Alex assured him with a hint at her often mischievous smile.

T’Lanna smiled warmly as she watched the rapour between Soral and Alex, it was very sweet. “Well my stop is coming up, I guess I’ll see you both in the morning.

"Indeed. Oh and counselor I'd like to schedule a meeting with you within the next few days to go over new crew reports."

T’Lanna nodded a little taken aback by Soral’s formal tone instead of using her name.. “Of course ... Commander. Just let me know when you’re available.”

"Indeed," he said. "I shall have Grol work out the schedule."



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