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Vulcan Chill

Posted on Monday, 10 August 2020 - 5:03pm by Commander Soral & Lieutenant T'Lanna Vali

Mission: Operation: Jabberwocky
Location: USS Standing Bear | XO's Office
Timeline: 2393 - MD 12 - Early Morning


Soral sat waiting for T'Lanna to join him. He had, on his desk, a pile of reports that he wanted to go through with her.

T’Lanna arrived at Soral’s office, pressing the chime she waited for permission to enter before walking inside and offering a polite smile. “Good morning Commander.”

"Counselor." He gave a nod. "Please help yourself to the replicator. I have a blank PaDD for notes prepared for you."

T’Lanna nodded and walked over to the replicator, getting herself a fruit juice she walked back over to the desk and took a seat.

Soral passed her the PaDD. "I trust your leave was productive?" He said by way of conversation as he pulled up Staff files.

“It was okay” She nodded, “I got to have some downtime with Raith, did a little shopping and eventually ended up aboard the Monarch. I had a little mishap but I’m all healed now thanks to Ryan ... Doctor Rose.”

"Mishap?" He asked. He hadn't gotten to the medical reports yet.

T’Lanna offered an embarrassed nod. “I woke up after a sleep, stumbled over my own shoes and landed back first on a glass coffee table. Unfortunately the table shattered and I ended up with a fair sized glass shard in my side. Doctor Rose took it out under local anaesthetic and healed me. I was able to continue with my duties aboard the Monarch.”

"Is the child alright?"

T’Lanna smiled. “Yes he’s fine, fortunately no damage was done in that area. More my side and my pride.” She grinned. “I woke up before I was ready and didn’t give myself time to wake up properly. Lesson learned about putting my shoes away and waking up properly before I get up.”

"Indeed." He paused. "Have you taken the proper time to rest after the incident?"

“Doctor Rose saw that I did” She nodded. “I’ve also heeded his advice about resting more, I have my son to consider and I want nothing more than what is best for him.”

"Good." He brought up the first file. "Then let us get to work. We have had several new crew members. As you know life aboard the Starship is not always easy. I would like you to access the new staff to ensure they are suited to being here."

“You’re grilling new assignments to make sure Starfleet are assigning us the right type of people?” T’Lanna gave Soral a curious look. “I don’t think we’d be assigned crew who aren’t fit Commander. I will however, go over the files as you’ve requested it.”

"It is better to run to checks to ensure it. Also I wanted to speak to you about he mood of the crew post mission. Have you noticed anything concerning with them?"

T’Lanna paused for a moment. “Not really, all except one.”

"Oh?" His hand was poised on the screen so that he could get the file up when she named the person. "Who would that be?"

“Actually ... that would be you Commander.” She gave Soral a curious look. “Since your return to the ship you’ve been different, Alex has assured me there’s nothing wrong but I think there is.”

He resisted the urge to sigh. "Nothing is wrong. It has been an eventful shore leave with the wedding and some family revelations. Vulcans do not relish shore leave. Logic dictates that since I have been away so long I take the time to properly catch up to the work that has accumulated since I began my leave."

T’Lanna nodded. “So you’re burying yourself in your work just because you’ve been away. Fair enough but don’t deprive yourself of the company of your wife, she worries about you.”

"Indeed. A most illogical endeavour."

“That’s us emotional people for you!” T’Lanna grinned. “I’ll admit I prefer being an illogical person than being completely logical.”

He said nothing. "Duty wise," he said changing the subject. "Are you able to continue with your counseling schedules?"

“Yes Sir” T’Lanna nodded. “I’ll be keeping up a regular schedule but I’ll be cutting it back later on in my pregnancy. If I need any help Doctor Rose and Emerick have both helped me before.

"Yes..the EMH. That is one issue I wished to talk with you about."

“Oh?” T’Lanna looked at Soral curiously. “What about him?”

"I am told that there was an incident between him and Chief Eyelaya." He forwarded her a message to her data PaDD. Before you is the message that he inadvertently sent to her. She has been...affected in a not so positive way." He paused. "There are several concerns I have."

T’Lanna nodded and picked up the PADD, she quickly skimmed through the message. “I see but this appears to be a personal log entry. I can understand it must have been hurtful to Eyelaya. What are your concerns?”

"I am no psychologist but his diagnosis is faulty. She is not borderline personality. His programing is flawed. Then to send it even in accident again programing is flawed. A personal log for an EMH? A medical log yes but personal? I wish you to assess his skills and report any glitches. I will take him offline until you can do so. Perhaps a newer model."

“Commander I’d rather you didn’t take Emerick offline.” T’Lanna looked at Soral. “Have you ever considered that perhaps he is attempting to emulate being human? To try and be what he isn’t programmed to be doesn’t necessarily make him flawed, it makes him unique. Just because he’s a hologram it doesn’t mean he can’t evolve.” She hoped she was making sense in the way that she was defending Emerick. “As for Eyelaya, she does have certain ... personality flawes of her own but that is something I need to talk to Emerick about.”

He thought it over. "I can see your point of view however shall not have one my crew members disheartened and destroyed on the word of a hologram that she did nothing more to then care about. She treated him as if he were human when most would not and I will not have any crew member injure another. If you feel you can remedy the situation I shall allow it however I shall keep a closer eye on Emerick. I am not beyond recommending a system upgrade and wipe should it be necessary. I will leave it to you to remedy." He paused. "For now."

T’Lanna nodded. “Understood Sir, I’ll arrange to speak with Emerick.”

He made some notes. "Also I would like to institute crew evaluations every six months. This is something new but I believe that a regular review will ensure crew health."

“I’ll endeavour to that Sir but in six months time I’ll be on maternity leave, although I’ll still be onboard I plan to cut down my duties to bear minimal at that time.”

"Indeed. How long do you plan your leave to be?" He asked.

“My maternity leave will be two months prior to the birth of my son and whatever recovery time I need afterwards.” She sighed. “I will need to arrange what will happen with my son.”

"Indeed." He made notes. "Will Doctor Rose be taking your patients?"

“Up until now I’ve been utilising both Doctor Rose and Emerick, I’m hoping we’ll be able to sort something between us for my maternity leave.”

He paused. "I'd rather you not use the EMH until his programs have been checked and until we are sure hat his advice and analysis can be trusted"

"Of course" T'Lanna nodded. "It would be wrong of me to do so until I've spoken to Emerick myself."

He gave a nod. "We can also take on a temporary counselor if need me. I know of a good one. She can assist remotely."

“Oh?” T’Lanna looked at Soral curiously. “May I ask who? I’m wondering if this Counsellor is anyone I might have heard of or already know.”

"Her name is Gypsy Sage. Half Betazoid and Half Romulan. She is aboard the Astraea."

T’Lanna nodded. “Interesting, I think I’ve heard mention of her but I’ve never actually met her.” She studied Soral as she spoke. “Perhaps I could arrange to speak with her at some point?”

He handed her a PaDD. "At your leisure." He paused. "Now are there any concerns you wish to discuss with me at this point?"

“Actually ... Yes” T’Lanna nodded as she leans back in her seat and looked at Soral. “Talk to me Soral, you’ve been different ever since you came back and I know it’s more than you’ve been telling me. Alex is doing a good job covering for you but I know there’s something going on. You’re not just my superior Officer Soral you’re my friend and mentor, I want to help you but I can’t if you won’t trust me.”

The silence was long, so long that it was uncertain if he'd answer. Then he simply said. "In what way do you mean different?" He was stalling but in perhaps the only valid way he had as he gathered his thoughts. It was not only his privacy but that of his wife.

“Let’s see you’re hiding behind reports and duty, you call me Counsellor instead of T’Lanna, you’re being ... cagey.” She gave Soral a look that said you know what I mean. “I’m not trying to pry I’m just ... worried about you Soral.”

He paused. His thoughts started to order but he needed more time, "Cagey? I am unfamiliar with that term."

T’Lanna sighed. “Fine, I give up. You want to bury your head in the sand that’s fine by me.”

He raised and eyebrow. "Why would I wish to bury my head in the sand?" He paused. "There is no logic in that."

“Maybe not but that’s exactly what you’re doing just in a Vulcan way.” She gave Soral a somewhat annoyed look, it wasn’t professional but right now she was running on pure emotion and the pregnancy hormones didn’t help.

He sighed. "I am fine. I am attempting to catch up. The trip to Earth, while it held my wedding and was wonderful, had some...set backs. I require some time to adjust to being back aboard."

T’Lanna nodded. “So I’ve heard from both yourself and Alex.” She paused. “I’m sorry, I’m not being very professional am I? When you have settled back in, please feel free to come and speak with me if you need to.”

He gave a nod. He knew that he was being difficult but he was not ready to speak to her, not yet.

T’Lanna offered a smile. “Is there anything else we need to go over Sir?”

"That is all for now." He paused. "Thank you."

T’Lanna nodded. “I’ll see Emerick as soon as possible, I’ll have a report on your desk once I’m done.”



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