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I Know Where You Sleep

Posted on Sunday, 29 March 2020 - 10:43pm by Emerick & Lieutenant Ryan Rose MD

Mission: Operation: Overdrive
Location: CMOs office
Timeline: 2392


The evening had been going well. He and Sam had managed to have dinner without fighting. The conversation still seemed to be going in circles though. He did take some comfort in bed with her, and managed a few hours of sleep. He woke with a pounding heart and short breaths, managing to slip out of bed without waking her. Out in the living room he noted the time. 4:11am. He might as well head to his office and get some work done. He headed to the gym first for a quick workout and shower. By 5:30 he was dressed and in his office. He was still feeling a bit on edge though. He took a PaDD, pulled out his desk chair, and curled up in the space beneath his desk. It was a tight fit, especially once he pulled the chair closer again, but he felt more secure and relaxed in the enclosed space.

He updated himself on the latest medical reports, then got started on the report for Soral. Without really thinking about his position under his desk he called for the EMH. Emerick had helped get them into this mess, he could help with the paperwork.

Emerick, the emergency medical hologram materialized in Sickbay which was vacant aside from a nurse who was working on some administrative work near a bio bed. "Please state the nature of the medical emergency" he said to her, apparently startling the woman who jumped at his voice. She informed him that she had not requested him, but that she had seen the Chief Medical Officer head into his office sometime ago. With that information, Emerick proceeded into the Chief Medical Officer's office.

Nothing. Nowhere. He did not see Ryan and for a moment had thought he was alone until, his internal sensory systems detected the sound of a heartbeat and light breathing. He cautiously headed over towards the man's desk and took a look underneath it. Oddly enough that was exactly where the man was. "Peekaboo, dear Doctor" Emerick said cocking his head. His designed blue eyes locking onto the Chief Medical Officer. "I have not seen Chief Eyelaya, is there something you are hiding from?"

Ryan chuckled. "No, sorry. I was just starting on our comedy night proposal, I wanted your input." He pushed the chair back out of the way, making room on the floor where the chair would normally be. If it were anybody but the EMH, he would have come out of his spot, but instead he just smiled. "Have a seat and help me put this into something cohesive the XO will approve."

Emerick rolled his eyes. "I merely stated the Fonatana used to do this and it may be a good idea to bring it back, but it was not something I wanted to be creating. We are in this mess because of Chief Eyelaya. I will assist you if I can, Doctor Rose, but there are some other matters which I need to discuss with you. That being the Chief Petty Officer" he stated.

"Alright." Ryan immediately agreed. "Go ahead."

"Aside from being a handful?" Emerick began shaking his head. "She has a delightful if not exhausting personality, but she has some serious issues. As I am sure you are aware she does not trust people easily...if at all. Her demands on my presence for a simple medical procedure which you and a nurse could have easily performed is evidence of that awkwardness. The scans I took when she came in after having her accident with the table indicated anxiety. The counseling subroutines within my extended program wanted to begin a diagnostic process. I did not do so, but I have some concerns that the Chief may have experienced a panic attack a short time prior to her arrival to Sickbay."

"She did." Ryan replied. "Which led to her fall on the table. Or at least I'm pretty sure that's what happened. I've already sent her file to the counselor to have a look at. But if we rush her she's going to feel threatened, making her more anxious, causing another panic attack." Ryan took a breath. "Right now I'd like to just try and offer her unspoken support. This little project might help." He held up the PaDD to indicate their little comedy night proposal. "Your thoughts?"

"Once a month" said Emerick swiftly. He opted not to focus on Eyelaya as Doctor Rose appeared to be well ahead of the game. Instead, he'd help with this comedy thing which even he was having some doubts about. "We should only do it once a month. If we do it any more than that, it becomes too commonplace. I would recommend it take no more than three hours and ideally be done during the final rotation shift when there are less people on duty. Soral can figure out a alternating night watch rotation so that those who normally have night watch could participate every other month."

"That's a really good idea." Ryan took notes on his PaDD. "But I did mean about Eyelaya. I know it's not ideal that she's relying on you, but for now at least she's doing that. Do you think she would see you in a therapeutic setting?"

Emerick looked at Ryan and shook his head. "Sadist" he said to the Chief Medical Officer. "Yes, she would see me in a therapeutic setting, but I would hardly call myself qualified to do so. Yes, it is in my programming to do so; however, just because one has watched how to cook an egg does not mean one should try to do so. I may burn the egg or serve it undercooked. She's a sentient life form...not an experiment. I might mess her up even more than she is...if that's even possible."

"Ok, fair enough." Ryan sighed. Well there went his idea of asking Emerick to be his therapist. "Look, thanks for the help with this proposal, and I know you want to help Eyelaya. I do to. I'll let you go now." Ryan was starting to make a habit of letting the EMH decide when he would deactivate himself.

"Yes, I do want to help her" replied Emerick. "There is just the whole issues of I'm a hologram. How healthy is it for a flesh and blood woman with clear psychological problems that need worked through to be seeing a hologram for that? You are the Chief Medical Officer, Doctor Rose. If you want me to see her in that sort of setting then I will obey your orders. I just feel we're going to have to throw her into the deep end at some point."

"No Emerick. I wouldn't order that if you don't feel comfortable. Not unless there was not other option. Just....don't be so worried that's she clinging to you. You're safe. She may need that crutch for awhile, and I don't want to take it from her before she's ready to walk. If I thought I'd be any help I'd offer to counsel her myself. But I'm hiding under my desk because it feels safe here. I'm not exactly a prime example of mental health." He took a cleansing breath. "Let's just give it a bit of time, and see how she settles in."

Emerick nodded "Yes, I can see that you are under your desk and hiding," the EMH replied "though I know not why" he added. "Does this come from the marital issues which you are experiencing with your wife? Or is this from a deeper past trauma?" the EMH inquired. "Does this have anything to do why you use Sickbay's sonic shower or why you sometimes sleep in this office?"

Emerick's bluntness had a childlike quality which put Ryan more at ease. "The desk thing has nothing to do with my marital troubles, just the shower and the use of my office as a sleeping place. Don't rat me out on the latter. I can sleep anywhere, it's no big deal." Ryan put his thumb print to his PaDD and pulled up the part of his medical file that was sealed. "You can access that at your leisure." He told Emerick. "Preferably not right now. Alpha shift is going to be starting soon. I need to get ready."

Emerick took the PaDD and placed it down upon the Chief Medical Officer's desk. There, he picked up another and began methodically typing out something. He handed that PaDD over to Doctor Rose "I believe the human expression goes something along the lines of 'you look like fecal matter'" said Emerick. "You are taking this shift off and finding somewhere to get some more sleep, or just a few hours of rest and relaxation."

Ryan slid out from under the desk, stretching as he stood up, his spine giving a rattle of 'pops' it never did in his 20s. He was about to protest, but realized Emerick was right. He did need some down time. There was nothing that strictly needed his attention. "Alright. I'll take the shift off. But let me know if anything comes up."

"If Commander Soral comes in, I'll page you" replied Emerick. It was a joke. At least he was trying.

Ryan chuckled. "No, if Commander Soral comes in, he's all yours." Ryan joked back. "Thanks Emerick, for making me take the day off." He knew he needed it, hell the crew normally took off 2 of every 7 days, the human crew anyway. He'd been on duty for 9.

"Rest well, Doctor Rose" he said, leaning in and kissing the man on the cheek again like he had done the other night.

Ryan flinched and stepped back. "Emerick." He sighed. "What is that about?" He asked more calmly than he felt. If the EMH was coming onto him he was going to hide back under his desk, but he didn't think that was it.

"A kiss" replied Emerick simply. He looked confused. "You are human, Doctor. A kiss is the act of pressing with the lips to another's anatomy sometimes as a sign of love, sexual desire, reverence, or greeting. Though the gesture is performed by thousands of species, the placement and procedural act of it varies. Eyelaya called me a friend when she parted my presence and kissed me here" he said touching his cheek. "I would like to display my friendship towards you, Doctor Rose."

"Ohthankgod" Ryan let out a rush of air. He smiled in relief. "That's very sweet of her." Kissing of cheeks was actually very innocent, and many cultures performed the ritual in casual greetings. "I'd prefer if you didn't do that with me though. But I appreciate the token of friendship." He quickly tacked on, not wanting Emerick to think he objected to the friendship aspect.

Emerick nodded. He could respect the request easily enough. "Ah very well, Doctor Rose" replied "I'll forgo that gesture" he added.

Ryan nodded, a fond smile on his face. He just waved to Emerick as he left the confines of his office.


Dr Ryan Rose
Chief Medical Officer

Emergency Medical Hologram


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Comments (1)

By Commander Soral on Monday, 30 March 2020 - 10:01am

OMG This one had be cracking up. Nice!