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Visiting the Counselor

Posted on Friday, 18 December 2020 - 10:07am by Lieutenant T'Lanna Vali & Commander Soral

Mission: Operation: Ouroboros
Location: T’Lanna’s Quarters
Timeline: 2393


Ella stood outside Vali's quarters. She hesitated and then rang the chime.

T’Lanna was sitting on the sofa resting, to save her getting up she called her guest to enter.

Ella entered. "Counselor. No need to stand. I just wanted to ensure that the counselors I sent were helpful."

T’Lanna smiled warmly. “They were ... a god send, as Humans would say!” She motioned to a seat. “Please sit down, if you’d like anything please feel free to use the replicator.”

"No I'm good." She held up a bag. "I always love to see families formed so I hope you don't mind. You looked....sad at the meeting. I thought this might cheer you up."

T’Lanna looked at the bag in Demi’s hand. “Sad ... a little.” She nodded. “My boyfriend Raith is still in a coma due to injuries
Inflicted by the same aliens who did this to me.” She motioned to her bump. “Until recently I was only four months pregnant. I just ... miss him.”

"Oh boy." She handed her the bag. "Well slow and steady. I know what your going through though... pregnancy was not my fav part."

“Actually I’m quite enjoying it” T’Lanna smiled. “I’ve recently had the news that I can keep my son onboard with me, it’s given me a boost I needed.” She looked at Demi curiously. “Going to give me a clue what’s in the bag?”

"Nope you have to open it." She smiled. "But here is a bit of advice. When the date is close....avoid turbo lifts."

T’Lanna grinned. “Oh don’t worry, I don’t plan on getting stuck in any lifts ... or anywhere else for that matter.” She opened the bag and peered inside, a big smile appearing on her face.

She laughed, "I didn't either but I got stuck anyway. Thank goodness Sorki was there."

“Sorki?” T’Lanna looked at Demi curiously.

She laughed. "Soral. He was a Lieutenant JG then. He was trapped in the elevator with me. I gave birth, he actually delivered my son there on the lift floor. When we got to the sickbay he was asked to record his name on the delivery record and he was so....well I don't know out of it that he said Sorki. Kind of stuck since."

T’Lanna laughed. “I remember you saying his nickname at the meeting now, Soral is ... my mentor in a way. He’s been teaching me more about my Vulcan side. I’ve been learning to meditate, I never bothered with it much when I was at home it was hard enough learning to be me again after being part of the Borg collective.”

"He tried to teach me. My husband is Vulcan but it never stuck. I couldn't sit still." She smiled. "Open the gift!"

T’Lanna grinned and opened the bag, her face lit up as she pulled out the cutest cuddly toy she’d ever seen. It was in the appropriate shade of Blue too. “Awww thank you!” T’Lanna cuddled the teddy. “This will be perfect, it will have pride of place in my son’s cot.”

She smiled. "Good. I'm glad that you like it." She sighed. "Well I should go. Now that your second in command is back on ship I should get Soral updated and then my last cargo run for Starfleet. Then...I start a new chapter."

“For what it’s worth it’s been nice meeting you Captain” T’Lanna smiled warmly.

She smiled. "You two." She paused. "You know I'm Betazoid right. If you want to talk about anything...let me know."

T’Lanna gave Demi a look that said it all. “I guess I ... could do with talking to someone.” She sighed. “It’s not just that I miss Raith, I said something to Alex ... Lieutenant Kingsley, that I should never have said and I offended her.”

"Oh?" She raised an eyebrow in mock Vulcan style.

T’Lanna grinned. “We were talking about Commander Soral, I passed comment that if he wasn’t married to Alex, and I wasn’t in love with Raith, that I might have considered him myself.” She shook her head. “I didn’t mean to sound like I would have chased him! I don’t even know why I said it!! Soral is a good friend and my mentor, I’d never do or say anything to offend him.” She sighed. “Alex wasn’t pleased.”

Ella laughed. "Oh boy. Well I'm sure you didn't offend. Alexandra seems conflicted. In the meeting I sensed she wanted to both run to Soral's side and smother him with a pillow. But the fact that she was a little jealous was a good sign." She grinned and then patted T'Lanna's hand. "You said nothing wrong. Trust me. They just need to find their balance."

T’Lanna nodded. “I should know that, I’m just ... trying to do too much. I was assigned to the ship as Psychologist but I volunteered to be a Counsellor too. Now I’m expecting this little one and I’m buried under a ton of paperwork, although thanks to the Counsellor’s you assigned a lot of that is now sorted. That and the help of Ryan, Emerick and Grol, I have wonderful friends and colleagues here.”

She smiled. "Good. Well I’ll let you rest."

T’Lanna nodded. “Thank you. It’s been nice getting to know you Captain.”

She stood. "You too!" She paused a moment. If you're ever on Vulcan look me up. After this mission my husband and I will be moving there."

“Wonderful, I will thank you!” T’Lanna smiled warmly.



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