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Vulcan Mystics

Posted on Thursday, 6 May 2021 - 8:42pm by Commander Soral & Lieutenant Alex Kingsley

Mission: Operation: Neu Reich
Location: Star Base 21 | Vulcan Ship Docked
Timeline: 2394


Soral waited for Alex to get ready. Truth be told he was somewhat nervous about what they would say. "Alexandra? Are you ready?"

Running a hand through her unruly curls, a small smile played at her lips as she picked up on the hint of impatience in his voice. After three hours of sleep, getting ready had - admittedly - taken a while. Now she was in far more conservative clothing thanks to Soral. She was, after all, fairly certain the outfit she wore to dinner last night was definitely not appropriate for Vulcan monks and may not have actually survived intact anyway.

He just didn’t think of things like makeup so she had to make do with the limited supplies in her clutch bag.

“Ready,” she assured him.

He gave a nod. "Alright. This will be an unusual setting. They have agreed to meet us on the Vulcan ship that is to ferry them. There are certain procedures we will need to follow."

“Such as?” she prompted, wringing her hands. What if they refused to help or just couldn’t?

He took one of her hand in his. "When you first meet the head, Monk bow respectfully. Do not laugh, do not cry in his presence. and … do not insult would not believe how often that happens."

“Bow. Don’t laugh, don’t cry and no insults,” she repeated. “I’ll try.”

He smiled. "Oh...there probably is something I should tell you."

“I draw the line at animal sacrifices,” she told him.

He raised an eyebrow. "We are pacifists Alexandra."

She stuck her tongue out, “so what is it I need to know?”

"They will refer to me as fa-wak-glansu, as I said I grew up there when my father and his wife abandoned me and I...." He cleared his throat. "Took vows to become a monk myself."

"You took vows to become a monk?!" she repeated incredulously, trying not to laugh and failing. "I'm no expert on monkhood - is that a word? But I'm pretty sure what we did last night...? It is totally not allowed."

" it is not."

"And then there was the shower -" she added in a whisper as they exited the holodeck.

"Yes, that too, I believe would qualify." He paused. "But it was worth it."

She grinned. "Good to know."

Just then they arrived at the Vulcan ship and before Soral could respond an Acolyte greeted them. Soral took the lead giving a bow. "We have come to see the head Monk, to request a healing consult for my wife."

The Acolyte looked over at Alex with a cool gaze. "Very well. One moment."

Soral studied the man as he left. "I still have the robes." He said.

"Also, good to know," she whispered, trying to keep an almost Vulcan like calm air. "I'm not sure those robes do anything for me. Sorry. But if you want to dress up, I'm sure I can find something," she added in a barely audible whisper. Approaching footsteps reached even her, far less sensitive, ears and she cleared her throat. They were either about to be welcomed or thrown off the ship.

The elderly monk raised an eyebrow. "I will not lie, about hearing that."

"Sorry," Alex offered sheepishly, flashing Soral an apologetic smile.

The monk gave a nod. "I will see you, of course." He looked at Soral. "Shariel," he said using Soral's middle name. "You will stay here and contemplate the broken vows."

The monk escorted Alex into the main temple like bay. "I enjoyed the shade of green your husband turned."

Leaving Soral behind had not been part of the plan, or at least she didn't think so and she glanced back at him as the Monk led her away. His choice of words surprised her. "Enjoyed?" but before he could answer she realized her mistake. Or rather her oversight. "Bow! I was supposed to bow! To you. Obviously. I am so sorry. I meant no disrespect."

"Your husband is more of a mother hen about these things then I am. I am an old man dedicated to logic...or so that is what I am told." He motioned to a comfortable chair. "Please sit. Tell me the reason you are here."

“Thank you,” Alex replied with a grateful smile as she sat. “Soral and I … our bond was severed a few months ago. I was injured and although I survived… the damage was done.

I am healing - but it is slow. Soral is determined. He will not try to bond again unless he is sure it won’t harm me. I need your help. Please. If there is any way to be well enough before Soral’s condition deteriorates, I will do whatever it takes.”

"Condition?" It took a moment. "Ah...I believe I understand." He looked towards the door. "He has always been a stubborn one. Quick to risk his own life but not that of others." He looked at Alex. "I will do what I can to assist. In order to do so I will need to mind meld with you, with your permission."

She glanced back, wishing for Soral to be there. “Of course,” she nodded.

"Very well. It will take an hour for me to prepare. I will see you back here in one may bring your mother hen." He gave a wink as he stood. "Until then Lady Alexandra."

“Thank you,” she said, rising when he did and watching him go. To say she felt nervous was an understatement. Returning to Soral she quickly filled him in. “So, we have an hour. Maybe we can find some food?”

The hour passed quickly and after they'd eaten, they walked around a little finding their way back. They had been ushered into a part of the ship that was set up to have temple decorations. An altar, a holo fire, of course, incense and the head Monk standing to greet them. "Welcome back,", he said.

Soral bowed deeply.

Alex mirrored him, not wishing to offend even if the incense was overpowering. “Thank you, again,” she offered.

He gave a nod. "You will go first." He pointed to Soral. "As much as there is damage on her end a broken bond will leave damage on both partners."

Soral gave a nod. He sat down gave a reassuring not to Alex. The monk walked over and placed a hand on Soral's temple. He murmured something brief and then Soral's eyes glazed over. The monk raised his face heavenward mumbling something as if reading a text. The whole process took a good ten minutes that neither moved.

Alex watched it all in an anxious silence, recalling vividly how painful it had been for him when the bond finally broke. They had been waiting for it, braced for it and yet it had been agonizing for him. She, perhaps ironically because of what Sara had done, had been largely spared the physical pain, headaches aside. Yet it was just another source of guilt on her part.

The monk eased out of Soral's mind. "The damage was... great. I have fixed what I could, the rest is on your body to heal." He walked to pour some water for himself and for Soral. "I admire your ability to withstand the pain you have been enduring," he said outing Soral's secret, something not even Alex knew, the dizziness, the pain.

Alex had to bite her lip to stop from saying anything, yet her eyes flashed with a hint of anger. At her aunt. But also, at him. His promise of no more secrets. She pushed it all down, this wasn't the time or the place.

The monk turned to Alex. "Are you ready?"

She wasn't, not by a long shot but she nodded anyway and stepped towards him. "What do I need to do?"

"Just sit there." He pointed to the chair Soral had vacated. "We will mind meld and examine your mind together." He knew that Alex needed a different approach, a more scientific one, perhaps. "You will be able to view your mind as an observer, to see the damage and to work with me on the healing."

"I'm not gonna lie, that sounds... unsettling," she admitted as she sank into the chair. She badly wanted to hold Soral's hand, to have him closer than he was. She took a deep breath, her head spinning at the inhalation of so much incense as she nodded. "Okay, I'm ready."

The monk sensed her need of Soral. "Would you feel more comfortable if your mate was with us in your mind?"

"If that's okay?" she asked, her relief evident. To a Vulcan, a mind meld was so commonplace. To her, it was something she had only shared with Soral. And while she knew the healer meant no harm, knowing Soral would be with her made it easier to contemplate.

He gave a nod.

Soral came and easily lifted her in his arms. He plopped down on the chair bringing Alex on his lap. "I am not complaining about this," he said as he kissed her cheek not caring the monk was there.

This time it was her turn to blush, unaccustomed to Soral being so affectionate when in public. Especially around other Vulcans.

“I’m ready,” she told the monk.

He gave a nod. The touch on her temple was brief but within seconds all three, the monk, Soral, and Alex were standing in a white room of sorts. The monk gave a nod. "We are in the entrance to your mind."

“Honestly, I thought it’d be a bit more insane than this. Or look like a library…” Alex admitted. “What now?”

"Now we will fly through your brain to view the connections and see where the damage is." He held out a hand to Alex. "We must all hold hands. We will talk through each area that requires healing."

She took his hand which, for a monk, felt incredibly strong as it gripped hers. With her other hand she reached for Soral. “How will we know what needs healing?”

As they began their travels through her mind the monk stopped and pointed. "There. Do you see the area that looks like burned wires? Those are the areas where healing is needed."

“Oh…” it was all she could say. It felt surreal and yet brought back faint echoes of the pain which had been raging through her head since it happened. And now he had pointed out one, she could see more. Some small individuals ‘wires’ and some looking far more damaged than the first. Her heart sank. What hope T’Lanna’s little outburst had given seemed so small and insignificant now.

"I can sense your feelings but it is not as hopeless as you are thinking. I can heal you but it will require time."

“Time is not on our side,” she said softly. “Once repairs are complete on our ship, we will undoubtedly have new orders and Soral…” she squeezed her husband’s hand before asking what they needed to know most of all. “How much time?”

"It could be days or a few weeks or months for sure under five months," The monk said.

“Months,” she looked to Soral, saw it as clear as day in his eyes. Months weren’t an option. Weeks may be pushing it. “What do I need to do?”

"Alright," The monk said. "Focus your attention on the areas of clear injury. see them mending, see them whole. The goal is to start the healing to provide a map for the areas to heal. Observe."

The monk closed his eyes and held his hand over the area. A projection of sorts appeared over it with the neurons mending and forming. Within minutes the area was encased in light and when he released his hand the area looked less damaged. Still a little damaged but less so and clear signs of healing were there. "It is a start." He said. We will go to each area and then move on. If you do not feel comfortable doing the healing I will do so. You may feel some cold sensations throughout your body."

She nodded numbly, unable to really appreciate what was happening in her own head. “My husband reminds me he is often perpetually cold so I will be in good company,” she said quietly.

The monk's eyes showed amusement. "Yes, we Vulcans adapt badly to the temperatures on human ships. Thermal underwear."

Soral's eyes widened. He blushed a little.

“I feel like every stereotype about Vulcans is being destroyed right now…” Alex mused as she shivered.

The monk raised an eyebrow. "We are of the old order thus while we value logic, we do not shun emotions like our other brothers and sisters, and having watched this one grow and supervised his vows I take pleasure in seeing him embarrassed. He was too Vulcan like anyway. I'm glad when it came to choosing a wife, he chose someone who will bring a mischievous energy to his life."

“I should probably be insulted but I’m not,” Alex decided as she grinned at Soral. At least she was doing something good for him.

“It was not meant as an insult. Now then, let us continue with our healing.” They worked for what seemed like forever but was an hour in reality. Slowly they eased out of her mind and back into the world of reality.

By the time it was over there was an undeniable exhaustion seeping into her bones as the link between them was gently broken. What she was most acutely aware of was her tight grip on Soral’s hand, tight enough that her knuckles were white. “Sorry,” she whispered as she let go. Glancing towards the monk she frowned. “Could it really be months?”

"Indeed. But take heart you seem to be a fast healer. Now there is a warning here."

“A warning?”

"You must not have any telepathic contact for this to take hold. I would suggest an inhibitor that would block all telepathy from reaching you, something your CMO can take care of. This is for both of you."

She looked at Soral. “For how long?” She asked, more for Soral than herself.

The monk thought about it. "At least two weeks."

“I guess we can put our mind meld on hold,” she told Soral with an apologetic smile, “on the other hand we can find another way to pass the time.”

Soral gave a nod. This healing had taken a lot out of him. "I think that we should rest now."

The monk gave a nod. "Indeed, as must I."

Soral stepped up to the old monk and bowed. "Thank you."

“Yes thank you,” Alex added as she bowed, gripping Soral’s arm for support as she stood. “Rest sounds good,” she whispered under her breath.

End there and hold until I get the one with Ryan done?



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