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Impromptu Counseling Session

Posted on Thursday, 20 May 2021 - 3:30pm by Lieutenant T'Lanna Vali & Ensign Oriana Skye Sety & Lieutenant JG Hayashi Hamura

Mission: Operation: Neu Reich
Location: USS Standing Bear | Crew Quarters
Timeline: 2394 MD 09 Evening


Hayashi and Oriana were settling in for the evening. Dinner had just been consumed and now both had settled in the Livingroom are to read. After their midnight talk Hayashi and Oriana had settled into a routine and a trust had developed between the two. There was an understanding. Of course there was much more to be talked about and said but the topic they covered, although it surprised them both, was necessary.

Oriana for her part had never been so open with anyone and even Hayashi admitted that it was something new. To be honest neither had been that open with anyone and they understood one another on a new level.

T’Lanna had heard about Oriana’s medical emergency, but so far she hadn’t seen hide nor hair of the young woman herself. Deciding to introduce herself informally she dropped by the quarters of Oriana and Hamura. Arriving at the door she pressed the chime.

Oriana looked up. "I think someone's at the door."

Hayashi smiled, "That is usually what a chime means."

Oriana looked startled. "Do we let them in?"

Hayashi laughed and closed the book, "It's a visitor, not the big bad wolf."

"Are you certain?"

Hayashi laughed again. "Let's find out. "Enter." Hayashi stood and walked over to the door to greet the person.

T’Lanna walked inside offering a warm smile as she did so. “Forgive my dropping by unannounced, I thought I would see how the two of you are settling in.”

Hayashi smiled, "Hello Lieutenant. Please come in." Hayashi sensed Oriana's tension. "So far so good," Hayashi said motioning to the pillows and throws Oriana had insisted on buying and scattering. "Have a seat."

Oriana kept her head down. What was the counselor doing here? Her mind went to sickbay and the nurses threat of calling in the shrink. she was tense and filled with so many emotions.

“Thank you” T’Lanna smiled warmly as she headed over to some comfy looking pillows and sat down. “I heard about your emergency Oriana, I came by to see if there’s anything I can do to help you?”

Hayashi felt her mental shields go up.

Oriana stiffened. "There is no emergency. I'm fine."

Hayashi sighed walking over to Oriana and placing a hand on her shoulder. "She's just concerned."

T’Lanna smiled. “You don’t have to worry about me Oriana, I’m not going to force you to talk to me. I would normally be able to sense your feelings but...” she lifted her hair to show the inhibitor she was wearing. “You see we all have our problems. Mine requires I wear that for a while.”

She felt bad but she felt relieved that the counselor couldn't sense her panic. Hayashi did however. She felt Hayashi's hand on the small of her back.

"Why don't you make some tea for us. Counselor tea?" Hamura said.

“Please” T’Lanna nodded giving Oriana a curious look. “I may not be able to sense your emotions but I know how to read body language.” She offered a smile. “Whatever it is you’re afraid of you don’t have to be afraid of me.”

She didn't say anything, she just walked to the kitchen area. Hamura leaned in. "Counselor may I ask you a question?"

T’Lanna nodded. “By all means”

"Are you familiar with the Earth animal deer?"

T’Lanna nodded. “Yes I am, why do you ask?”

"Well Oriana is like a deer. The slightest movement startles her. Perhaps … a slower approach." Hamura winked. "I'll help."

T’Lanna gave Hamura a curious look, though she was always happy to accept advice as well as give it. “I’m always grateful for advice, and please do.”

Just then Oriana came back. She looked at Hamura. "What's going on?"

"Just talking with the counselor about Earth." Hamura said sanding to help Oriana with the tray. Hamura poured the tea for each of them and then took up a seat next to Oriana. This way Oriana would know that Hamura was with her. "Now, I'm sure the counselor just wanted to make sure you were okay. It's her job." Hamura said hoping the counselor would follow the lead she'd been given.

“One of my many jobs aboard at the moment” T’Lanna smiled warmly. “As part of the medical department it’s my job to check up on those who’ve been through Sickbay.”

She looked suspicious.

Hamura chimed in. "See," Knowing her to be a rules person Hamura went on, "So you see your being upset is not required she's only doing her job and if she doesn't the boss will get upset."

Oriana looked between the two. Hamura sensed the moment she seemed to relax. "I'm fine. It was nothing." There was silence.

Hamura saw Vali was about to speak and motioned with eyes and hand to hold her back since they could not communicate telepathically.

T’Lanna noticed the look Hamura was giving her. Simply giving a brief nod in response.

Glad that she had stayed silent Hamura was not surprised when Oriana began to speak again. "It's nothing to worry about. I've had these since I was a child I know how to deal with them."

“I see” T’Lanna smiled. “In that case I don’t need to worry then.”

She relaxed. "That's what I keep telling everyone."

Hamura smiled a little. "I mean generally, counselor these panic episodes are caused by stress right?"

T’Lanna nodded, “Generally yes, or even by fear.”

"Well it's stressful moving to a new ship and starting a new adventure..." Hamura said.

"Yeah and families can be even more stressful." Oriana finished. She gasped realizing she'd said too much.

T’Lanna heard the slip up but didn’t respond to it knowing Oriana would probably just withdraw again. “That they can, but believe me when I say you don’t know what you have until it’s gone.”

Oriana bristled. "Sometimes you have more peace." She stood taking her tea cup to the replicator.

Hamura leaned over. "Never praise the family. She has issues." Winking Hamura said, "We'll get back on track."

T’Lanna nodded, she was starting to feel a little like she was back in her first year of being a junior Counsellor again. Being instructed on how to interact with her patients.

Hamura smiled, "Sorry I don't mean to be a backseat counselor."

“That’s okay” T’Lanna offered a smile. “I do feel kind of like I have one hand tied behind my back without my senses.”

"It's going to take some getting used to I bet."

Oriana came back, "What?"

Hamura looked up. 'The counselor's inhibitor for us Betazoids it's like being blind, being without our senses."

Oriana gave a nod. "I'm sorry you're going through that."

“Thank you” T’Lanna nodded and offered a smile. “For now it’s safer, given what happened after I lost my father.” She realised the two of them didn’t know. “I recently lost my father, his ship was attacked by Andorians. When it happened I had a... telepathic breakdown, I hurt a lot of people hence the inhibitor until I’ve learned to control myself again.”

"Well it's not a matter of control. Grief is...a powerful emotion," Oriana said feeling sympathy for the woman. "When one suffers a loss of any kind it's devastating. Have you taken the time to grieve?"

Hamura sat back just listening.

T’Lanna sighed. “Probably not as much as I should, I want to feel it but after what I did last time I don’t want to feel angry. I know I have the inhibitor on but it still worries me. That combined with postnatal hormones isn’t a good mix.”

Oriana gave a nod. "Well! You should take some time just for yourself. Grieving is not just about crying it's about remembering the good times too, unless you're like me with like zero good times."

“I never had my mother to spend good times with, we were both assimilated by the Borg. After I was liberated I disagreed with my father in just about everything, we’ve only recently become close and now...” She took a deep breath forcing away the need to cry. “All I have left is Jayce and Raith.”

Oriana felt sad for the woman. "But you see there is something to celebrate, your child and love, and the fact that you were able to reconnect with your father. Even though it was only for a little you still were able to reconnect with him in a positive way. That's what's important."

Hamura could feel her thawing towards the counselor. Oriana had a good heart and a good soul, there was no other way to describe it.

T’Lanna offered Oriana a warm smile. “Thank you Oriana.”

She gave a nod. "Plus with everything that I understand had gone on you should take time to rest, to meditate and recharge. Perhaps at the next stop we make at starbase."

“Wise advice” T’Lanna nodded. “So does this mean we’re friends now?”

"I guess so," Oriana said.

Hamura smiled a little.

“Then I’m happy” T’Lanna smiled warmly. “I appreciate your understanding, and your advice.”

She gave the counselor a tentative smile. "Anytime."

“Are you willing to talk to me now?” T’Lanna looked at Oriana curiously. “No pressure I promise!”

Oriana's shoulders sagged. "There's nothing to tell really. I worked hard to make sure I started a new life and... now I feel like it's all...for nothing."

Hamura gave a silent nod to the counselor and quietly slipped out.

T’Lanna nodded. “Why do you feel it’s all for nothing?”

She shrugged. "I left my home, my city, changed my name only to have my family track me down now. I was starting to be okay I guess and now I have a message that I don't want to open and an irrational fear that life as I know it is changing."

T’Lanna smiled and nodded. “It might be that the contents of the message aren’t as bad as you think. There’s only one way to find out for certain.”

She shook her head. "No, I closed that chapter. After all the pain I was starting to find balance and I have no wish or desire to go back."

T’Lanna nodded. “Fair enough, if you’re happy with that then so be it.”

"I am indeed," Oriana smiled warmly. Truth be told she was tired and was glad when she heard Hamura come back into the room. "Well counselor," Oriana said. "I think that I will retire for the evening."

“Of course” T’Lanna smiled, “I’ll head home and leave you to it. It’s been nice talking to you Oriana.”

Oriana gave a nod. "You as well counselor."

Giving Hamura and Oriana a warm smile T’Lanna stood and headed on her way happy that she may have just made a breakthrough with Oriana, as well as a new friendship.



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