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Interesting Developments

Posted on Thursday, 7 May 2020 - 12:31pm by Commander Soral & Commander DeVala Victrix Ph.D & Lieutenant Alex Kingsley

Mission: Operation: Recall
Location: USS Fontana | Deck 1 | XO's Quarters
Timeline: 2393 - MD 02


After being briefed on the incident that occurred, Lieutenant Commander Victrix spent time away from checking on Soral. With her First Officer 'down' for the time being, it was additional work that she had to shoulder. The Chief Engineer was rarely seen on the Bridge and had more than her own hands full with repairs. Though Victrix did stop by to see Soral later on.

She stood outside the man's quarters and pressed the chime.

“Come in!”

The response she got was feminine, and not the least bit Soral's rather monotone Vulcan response. She proceeded to enter the quarters, the doors parting for her to enter.
The words left Alex’s mouth without any thought whatsoever. Preoccupied with keeping an enthusiastic puppy entertained with every toy the Beagle unearthed, she was distracted. Too distracted to realise she was still wearing Soral’s shirt. And only his shirt. Realising this she uttered a prayer for whoever it was to change their minds and go away.

But no, from where she was kneeling behind the sofa, with Bones nudging her hand to throw the ball, she heard the door open, footsteps and then the door closing.

Letting the ball roll out of her hand she turned and sat up slightly so she could peer over the top of the cushions. Of all the people... she swallowed hard, mouth dry as she offered a nervous smile. Leaning on the back of the couch she stayed exactly where she was, with zero intention of moving. “Commander! Hi! Commander Soral is resting. Doctor Rose’s orders.”

"Yes, I heard there was a medical incident and that Commander Soral believes that he was attacked" replied Victrix confirming that she was made aware of at least the skeletal details of the situation. "Has he been able to provide any additional information, Lieutenant?" she asked the Chief Science Officer, a bit surprised to see her there, but this crew even after a few weeks had started to form tightly woven bonds.

“Some,” she confirmed, “he believes it originated from a vessel, possibly using Ferengi technology. He said there was something familiar about one of the people he saw during the last ... is incident the right word? However he was exhausted so he is resting before trying to remember anything more. I promised the doctor I would keep an eye on him since he didn’t want to stay in Sickbay.”

Soral had been roused from his sleep by two distinct voices. His keen hearing recognizing both. Since he was in his sleeping pants he quickly out on a hair of lounging pants and a long sleeved shirt. He headed out of the room in time to see the two ladies talking. "Commander." He said feeling stronger than when he had when he'd fallen asleep.

"Lieutenant Commander Soral," Victrix said looking at the Vulcan. "You should be resting, not eavesdropping you pointed eared fool" Victrix said shaking her head "tsk tsk tsk" she added reprimanding him. "Doctor Rose will not be pleased that you are up and about. How are you feeling?"

Alex grinned, biting down on her lip to stay silent. Resting indeed... she thought as she scooped up Bones and resolves to stay out of this as much as possible. Behind the couch, obviously.

Soral raised an eyebrow. "I am feeling stronger at this time. I believe I should be able to resume my duties shortly. If you wish I can be ready within a few moments." He didn't want to let his commanding officer down. He had great respect for her. The ship had repairs to do and he wanted to help.

Alex could have thrown something at him. Back to work? She shared a knowing look with Bones. The puppy seemed to agree with her as he promptly barked. She glanced at Soral as if to say listen to your dog.

Lieutenant Commander Victrix shook her head in protest. "We are at a full stop and repairs are ongoing. You need to rest, Soral. I need you at 100% when the repairs are made and we are underway. I'm planning on cutting through what used to be Romulan space" she explained. "I do not want to creep around the edges and get back to Federation space. So, take time and rest."

“And Doctor Rose was very clear,” Alex added, not mentioning that they hadn’t exactly followed his orders to the letter so far. “I don’t think he would appreciate you going back on duty.”

The Commanding Officer nodded in agreement. "Lieutenant Kingsley is correct" Victrix said, looking at the woman and giving a nod of approval. She then redirected her gaze upon Soral. "Doctor Rose is the Chief Medical Officer aboard this starship, the ship's physician. Your safety is his concern right now and when it comes to medical circumstances, I cannot override outright. I would have to go around or undermine him and that is not the way to earn your CMO's respect and admiration. It would sour our relationship and he could levy some serious complaints against me" she affirmed.

Victrix shook her head. "I also am in agreement with Doctor Rose on this matter. You need rest, not stress and work. So, since the Doctor and I are both in're for lack of a more subtle expression fifty shades of fucked on this one, Soral."

The look Alex gave him was one of complete and utter amusement.

"I see." He knew when he was beaten. "Very well. Can I offer you something to drink?" He motioned for the commander to sit. "I have been working out what happened. Alex and I have been getting things down on a PaDD and the more I rest the more I am able to recall details."

He looked over at Alex. "I have a feeling you would feel better if you changed...I would not but you would," he said unashamed that his CO was standing there.

“I’d feel better if everyone could look that-a-way for a second,” she countered, grabbing a cushion and throwing it at him with surprising strength and accuracy while her cheeks were the same shade of red as her hair.

Soral merely picked up the cushion. "Must I look away too?"

Rolling her eyes, she set down Bones and made her exit to the bedroom, closing the door at her back.

He turned back to the Commander. "She was most unexpected but I would not have missed the development between us for all the logic in the universe." That reminded him of a favour he had to ask of the commander. "Ma'am may I get you something to drink?" He repeated his question.

Perhaps, there was a little too much oomph behind that old Risan blessing Victrix thought, remembering the whole pleasurable prayer she had said before they entered the wormhole, and now it was starting to feel like the whole ship was becoming intimate with one another. Even the Vulcan was apparently getting more than she had gotten in a while. Nevertheless, so long as their intimate liaisons and conjugal visits were not interfering with ship's business; out of sight, out of mind Victrix reminded herself.

"No," she replied. "Thank you, Commander, but there is a lot of work that I need to tend to while you are 'resting'" she said raising a brow. "Get some more rest and we can discuss a foreseeable time table of you returning to duty shortly, but for now I don't want to see you on the Bridge until medically approved."

"Understood. I could provide you with data on what I have remembered so far. I also have a favour to request."

"Yes, please" she replied and followed it with "What is it?"

"I will ensure you get the data straight away." He paused. "Do you remember when you told me you would ensure Bones would be welcome to stay on the ship with Commander Stillwater when he takes over?"

Victrix nodded. "Yes, I remember that, Soral. Why do you ask?"

"I would like to ask for one more assurance. If I request in writing, or if a request comes from Vulcan, for leave can you, if you are still here, or Commander Stillwater ensure that it is denied."

She was uneasy with Soral's inquiry. "To the best of our ability, I'd imagine. Though if something comes in well above our heads, we cannot do too much about that."

He reached out and touched her hand. "Keeping me here will be akin to saving my life Any help will be appreciated. Thank you DeVala. Thank you for being both my commanding officer and friend."

"I had little choice in the first, Soral" she replied. "The second was by choice and it was a natural one. You are, welcome Commander" added Victrix.

He gave a nod. Seeing Alex coming out of the room. "Now Commander I know there are repairs. If I promise you both to stay here I assume you'd agree if I ordered Lieutenant Kingsley back to work. The department needs her."

Victrix shrugged and lifted her arms up as if to say 'I'm not touching that' though what she did say was simply "Whatever works for the two of you. You two can sort that out, but I definitely need to be back on the bridge" she explained. "Lieutenant Commander Mo'Bri is in Engineering, you are here, I'm here, and I've left Kolani in charge of the bridge when I stepped away."

“I’m on duty shortly anyway,” Alex pointed out, “a few extra hours will not hurt and engineering expected the lateral sensor grid to be repaired by about now. Extra time should let me finish recalibration and run a thorough diagnostic before we go anywhere. After I go change into an actual uniform of course.”

She headed for the door, aiming another pillow in Soral’s direction, grinning, “told you you’d want peace and quiet!” With that she left the two officers alone.

Soral stared after her. In a short time she'd managed to turn his life upside down and he'd not have it any other way. He realized Victrix was staring at him. "Sorry Commander. Before you go. I know I am to stay off duty but is there anything I can assist from my desk here? Perhaps paperwork?"

"Your quarters and office, Commander" Victrix said to Soral. "Whatever you decide to do in here on your own time is up to you. I'll make sure the Department heads continue to send their reports directly to you. You can handle your normal administrative duties from here."

"Thank you, commander."

Lieutenant Commander Victrix gave a pleasant parting smile. She would have said goodbye to the Chief Science Officer, but she thought better of making the woman feel any more embarrassed.



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