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Cargo Bay Mishap

Posted on Tuesday, 23 June 2020 - 3:50pm by Lieutenant JG Maximus Mackenzie & Lieutenant JG Surev
Edited on on Tuesday, 23 June 2020 - 3:50pm

Mission: Operation: Iktomi
Location: USS Standing Bear | Cargo Bay 1
Timeline: 2393 - MD 05


Mackenzie had called Chief Eyelaya and the new Chief Engineer. No doubt the engineer had heard what happened. He now waited for them in the Cargo bay. There was lots to fix.

Surev, with repair kit in hand, entered the Cargo Bay and noted the presence of the Lieutenant. He approached and, because he was new to the ship, added identification information. "I am Surev, Chief Engineer."

Eyelaya followed shortly after. "Hey boss!"

Mac had looked over some of the console. "I trust you both heard of the accident?"

Eyelaya gave a nod. She'd been in Tactical all night fixing things there. This was where the big issue was. Running on no sleep she was tired but could still tackle anything. She stepped back letting her boss take he lead.

"I saw the report come in," Surev said. "The installation was done without a consult from Engineering and resulted in a power surge."

Mac sighed. "Yeah well we were short staffed and the old Engineer had better things to do from my understanding so the Tactical staff did it." He sighed. Main thing is we have to get it fixed."

Eyelaya stepped in. "I have spent the night working on the tactical side of it. That's all good. This will be the hard part."

That will no longer be the case. Engineering will be available when needed," Surev said. "This will take some time to investigate the source of the surge. If the components in the console are operating within normal parameters, then the problem must lie in the power feed to the console." He turned toward Eyelana, noting her physical state with a dispassionate glance. "How much have you done so far?"

"The initial surge fried the consoles in Tactical. Those are all fixed up. "Here I've done some of the basics but the wall panel ... it spread there and it's fried. A for the console just removed the damaged parts."

"Understood," Surev said. "Then let us get to work." He found this sort of work to be both a challenge and a sort of meditation. There was a purity to the logic upon which the equipment functioned that he could embrace. Damaged components within the console were removed and in so doing, a pattern became more evident. "I do not believe the surge occurred within the console," he said at last. "But we will restore order here and in the wall panel before investigating further."

Mac stepped forward. "How can I help?"

"Do you have any training as an Engineer," Surev asked the Lieutenant, "or as technician?"

"Just on tactical systems." He said honestly.

"For the moment then, your help is not needed," Surev said as he removed another component and began an inspection, "though you are welcome to watch and ask questions. When we have resolved the power issue, you can be of great assistance with the testing."

He stepped back. He watched as Eyelaya slid under the console and set to work.

She popped out and looked at her boss "Sir I can start adding the new components to the console if you're okay with that."

The damaged components and connectors were spread out now on the deck. Working with others frequently required interruptions in the thought process; not the optimal situation but unavoidable in his experience. Surev looked up at Eyelana and considered his response. "Remove the damaged components from the wall panel and then, bring new parts for both. We can begin the installation once I have checked incoming power connections."

"Sure thing boss." She said happily. She set to work on the panel and then with his help they laid out the components. Eyelaya picked up one of the charred bits. "Boss....This is odd."

"What is ... odd," Surev said as he turned toward the Chief. "Elaborate."

Mac hearing odd moved in.

"Well on the surface this looks...fine but something feels off about it. As if it was improperly put together or...perhaps disconnected purposefully. I know I can't prove it now but perhaps a detailed scan of this." She handed the part to Surev.

He knelt on the deck plate while he studied the component and the location she had taken it from. "Inconclusive," he said at last, as he took scans of the location, "but interesting. We will review it further once we're finished here. I've already removed the remainder of the damaged components and prepared the connection points for the new components. If you will proceed with that, I can finish checking the junctions to make sure that the connections there are ready." He looked up at the Tactical officer as he added, "Once we're finished with that, you can begin your tests to ensure that the console is working properly."

Mac gave a nod. "Thanks. I really appreciate you two helping and getting this done so quickly."

Surev, who had shifted toward the power feeds to the console, considered the Lieutenant's question for a moment. Appreciation and thanks were not words that entered into his view of the work. It was simply the top of the list of things that needed to be done at the moment. Speed didn't enter into the equation at all. There were, he thought, parts about the job of Chief Engineer that would be better suited to a different individual. It would be something worth reflecting upon.

Eyelaya worked with her department head and found that she liked the new Chief Engineer. It was so good to work with a Vulcan. She smiled as she fitted components into place and even began to hum.

He recognized the music and if he had one of his instruments, he would have played along. Music spoke to him, to the small part of him that struggled against the discipline he had chosen for his life. Instead, Surev pulled a wall panel and shut down power to the section then used his tricorder to scan the connections for problems. One of couplings had been replaced, an unsatisfactory job, which had helped to cause the power surge. He called for a replacement and when it arrived, removed the damaged coupling and installed the replacement. He finished, tested the replacement, and then returned to the group, component in hand. "Installed incorrectly, the console would never have worked properly."

Mac tried the console and it seemed flow perfectly. "Amazing! Thanks! It's doing what it needs to do!" He was deliriously happy that he got that off his list. He watched as Eyelaya and the Chief Engineer picked up their items and headed for Engineering. He cleaned up a little and then was surprised to get a call from Baciami. It was almost lunch so he headed that way.



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