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Scientific Curiosities

Posted on Wednesday, 26 August 2020 - 9:45am by Lieutenant Alex Kingsley & Captain Barret Stillwater & Commander Soral & Lieutenant Ryan Rose MD & Lieutenant T'Lanna Vali

Mission: Operation: Dreamweaver
Location: USS Standing Bear | Deck 01 | Briefing Room
Timeline: 2393 - MD 01


Commander Stillwater delegated the diplomatic meeting with Dr. Zera to Lieutenant Commander Soral and Lieutenant Kingsley. The Vomnin scientist had been welcomed along with her guard who did not leave her side. The two had been escorted to the briefing room on deck one where Soral, Kingsley, and others awaited them.

Dr. Zera was amazed to see that some of the individuals in the room had differences. Hair color vastly different and some individuals had pointed ears. She recognized them as Vulcan, but she had never met a Vulcan nor Human before face to face. Her guard chose to remain 'standing' crouched with a defensive posture just within the room.

Zera herself too one of the vacant seats and attempted to mimic the posture of the others. "Forgive me, I'm not used to sitting as such" she said. "On behalf of the Vomnin people, I offer my apologies again for the probe we destroyed."

Soral gave a nod. "Misunderstandings happen. Doctor on behalf of the crew welcome the Standing Bear. We are most pleased to host you." He pointed to a replicator. "May I get you something to drink?"

“Our replicators can make most foods and drinks although we obviously know little of what you prefer to consume” T’Lanna smiled warmly as she looked at their guest. “I’m T’Lanna Vali, I hold the position of ship’s Psychologist and Counsellor.”

Zera looked at Vali. "Thank you. Commander Soral, I will take a glass of water."

After everyone was comfortable Soral introduced the rest of the group. "This is our Chief Medical officer Doctor Rose and our science department lead you have met, Lieutenant Kingsley."

"I have," replied Zera with a pleasant nod. "It is nice to meet you all."

Ryan gave a polite nod. "It's a pleasure to meet you."

With the pleasantries aside Soral set to business. "Alright. Now that we're met and we're setting the probe aside. It was a misunderstanding and there is no reason to speak of it further, let us talk about the science and what possibly lays ahead." He turned to Alex. "Lieutenant, why don't you begin." He wanted to let Alex take the lead on this. Firstly she was the chief science officer, and secondly it would let his security oriented mind study the new visitors and make possibly vital assessments.

"Of course," Alex nodded as she leaned forward to call up a display of the region of space which lay ahead. "As we briefly discussed, our mission is to study this area of space. Obviously we have just arrived so our work here is just starting, although I appreciate your study is far more advanced, Doctor. I have no doubt we can work together, or at the very least be able to give one another space; however, I was concerned by your warning. If we may ask, what dangers do you feel are out there?"

Zera looked over to the blackness of space. She seemed solemn, lost on thought if only for a brief moment. Refocused, her attention returned to Alex Kingsley. "It is strange. We encountered a school of space born creatures, they were peaceful... pleasant. We dispatched a small science team in a shuttle to follow them and collect data. We lost contact with them" she explained.

She looked at Commander Soral. "Commander, our shuttles are designed to automatically transmit a homing signature if a research team does not make contact within 48 hours. We received the signal after losing contact. We recovered our shuttle, no signs of damage; however, our three members of the research team were not aboard. We could find no evidence they left the shuttle."

Soral sat up straighter. "I see. Do you have the exact coordinate of the shuttle and can you confirm they made contact with these creatures before their disappearance?" Perhaps there was something they could do there as well.

"We do have those coordinates, and I can provide them; however, my husband...our commander will not permit us to return to the site. He fears more of us will 'vanish' and that is not a risk he is willing to take. We launched an buoy out there with an automated message to keep starships away. Our researchers kept their distance from the creatures, we did not want to disturb them, just observe them."

He looked at the woman. "Perhaps we can help with that investigation. Would you be willing to provide us with the data you retrieved and the coordinates?"

"Personally...yes," she replied though she looked over at her guard who said nothing but exchanged a look. "I would need to speak to my husband as the Commander, and we would need to contact our representative for our governing body; however, I see no issue. We would value closure to the families."

"And we will assist with that closure if we can. Perhaps it can be a start to a friendship between our two peoples and perhaps even more scientific missions together."

Alex glanced at Soral, willing to let him sooth concerns and commit resource. For her part she had scribbled notes on her PaDD which mostly consisted of question marks, certain she'd understand why later. A missing crew, even a small team, was concerning. It suggested there was more at play than an Starfleet initially suspected.

"This is a large region of space, too large for one Vomnin science vessel. So, working together and sharing our resources seems wise" replied Zera.

Soral sat back and watched. He waited for them to agree on how this working together would run. He'd leave that to Zera and Alex.

"Agreed," Alex enthused, inwardly relieved the Vomnin were not making this more difficult. "And it may help us solve the mystery of your missing crew that much faster. Now..."

As their discussion wound own he turned to Zera. "Perhaps we can learn more then science from one another." He turned to doctor Rose and Vali. "Perhaps a medial exchange of sorts?"

“That would be interesting” T’Lanna nodded as she looked at Ryan.

"Absolutely." Ryan smiled. "I'd be happy to provide a tour, small as the medical bay is, and an exchange of knowledge would be welcome."

"It could be arranged that your medical personnel could visit our vessel's medical facility" Zera replied. "We would be willing to share some of our anatomical information; however, we do have need that our healer could not do."

"I think that could all be the start of good relations between our peoples." He paused. "Doctor Zera I would say that we take the next three hours to do a data exchange and maybe take a look at your shuttle to see if we can get some data. Then we will take the Standing Bear to the coordinates where you found your shuttle and see if we can get you some information on your people."

"Our healer is very good, but we have a member of our ship who had been unwell. The healer cannot do anything for her. One of our missing was her son, and she has a shattering of the soul."

Soral gave a nod. "Indeed Perhaps Lieutenant Vali will be able to help there too. I propose we reconvene on your ship in an hour. We can do a data exchange and to have Dr. Rose and Counselor Vali see to your crew member and then we'll be on our way to try and find information on your people."

Dr. Zera nodded. "That should be acceptable, Commander."

"Excellent." He pressed a button on the desk and two tactical officers came in. He looked at T'Paris, the ranking of the two. "If you will escort the doctor and her guard to transporter room. Doctor Rose, Lieutenant Vali please begin preparations for the away team Lieutenant Junior Grade Kingsley please stay behind."

T’Lanna nodded and looked to Ryan, it was going to be exciting visiting Dr Zera’s ship.

Ryan smiled to T'Lanna, then replied to the Captain. "Yes sir." He turned his attention back to T'Lanna. "I'm going to head straight to sickbay to get ready, do you need to go anywhere else first?"

“I’ll just drop by my quarters and grab my gear.” T’Lanna smiled warmly, “I’ll meet you in Sickbay.”

As the others departed, Alex turned to face her husband, clearly curious as to why he had asked her to remain behind. His use of her rank, however, made her fear the worst. "Did I do something wrong? If I agreed to something I shouldn't have -"

He held up his hand "I was summoned to a meeting with Commander Stillwater. You, my wife, were the topic of conversation. Specifically your functions on the bridge when you've held night watch and how you've functioned in your role as chief science officer." He straightened his uniform.

“He wants someone with more experience, doesn’t he?” she groaned as sank back into her seat. Of course he would. Weren’t many Chief Science Officers on this side of twenty five...

This had played out totally different in his mind. He couldn't tease her any longer. He sat in the seat beside her. "On the contrary. We both think that you have done remarkably well." He pulled out a box from his pocket. "I'm confiscating your JG pips." He opened the black box that was lined with a deep purple velvet. "Congratulations Lieutenant."

“Seriously?!” She grinned, eyeing the box. “I’m ... wow. Thank you! It would be totally unprofessional to kiss you, right?”

"Perhaps but there is nobody here. I believe I can make an exception."

“In that case,” she grinned as she kissed him before pulling back, “we can continue later. Unless you are working late again?”

"I am not however you will be on bridge duty tonight again. We will celebrate in the coming days my wife." He cupped her cheek with his hand and kissed her forehead. "Now we have an away mission to prepare for."

“And after that, a celebration style nap,” Alex decided as she picked up the box, “I guess I should swap these and make it official....”



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