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Posted on Sunday, 27 September 2020 - 2:25pm by Lieutenant Alex Kingsley & Lieutenant T'Lanna Vali

Mission: Operation: Dreamweaver
Location: Science Department
Timeline: MD4

Continuing to study the sensor readings Grol had captured, Lieutenant Kingsley reached for her cup of hot chocolate and made a face when she found it stone cold. Setting it aside she frowned, realising far more time had passed than she realised as she sat back and rubbed her tired eyes. Taking a deep breath she returned to the task at hand.

It took a long moment of concentration for the numbers to form any sort of sense, not that they helped. How many hours had it been? Too many. Minute after minute with their sensors and probes sweeping the ship and surrounding space with nothing beyond the unusual energy reading from Mac's disappearance and the readings from when the rift opened in her own quarters earlier. All of the other 'abduction' sites had the same frustrating conclusion. Nothing unsual found.

Soral, Kolani and the others... the longer it took to unravel this mystery the more people vanished. And what she and Grol had seen - what did it mean? Was it even real?

Even as the question crossed her mind the door chime rang out. She had, rather than work in Soral’s office, kept to her own space in the science department. For one, too many reminders of Soral did not help and for another, it just made more sense. Besides, Soral’s office was neat and meticulous. Hers was cluttered and chaotic. And perhaps a certain Yoeman would stay away.

“Come in!”

T’Lanna smiled as she walked inside to see Alex busy pouring over her work. “Hi Alex, I thought I’d stop by and see how you’re doing?”

“Probably about the same as you,” Alex guessed as she moved to lift a stack of PADDs from the only other chair. “Would you like a drink or anything?”

“Something to wake me up a little would be great, I’ve reduced my caffeine intake for my son’s sake but not getting to sleep properly isn’t helping my levels of concentration.” She sighed as she took the seat Alex had cleared for her. “This whole situation gives me the creeps! I just wish I knew where Raith was, I can’t even feel him which tells me he’s not close enough for our limited bond to stay connected. What about you? Do you sense Soral?”

Already lifting a glass from the replicator, Alex frowned. “No, nothing,” she replied after a long hesitation. She wasn’t technically lying. She wasn’t being honest either.

T’Lanna sensed there was more to Alex’s response, “You’re holding back. There’s something going on isn’t there?” She gave Alex a concerned look. “Talk to me Alex, whatever is going on we can sort through it together.”

“Of course something is going on, people are disappearing,” Alex retorted before she sighed. “I’m sorry, that sounded snappy. I didn’t mean to. I can’t sense Soral but... this cannot leave this room, promise me...”

T’Lanna nodded. “You have my oath as a psychologist, counsellor and your friend. All I want to do is help you.”

While she did not doubt her word there was still a notable hesitation. It was not just her, after all. Soral, like her, had kept the matter private, as far as she knew. For her it was easier. Who would she tell? And bonding was not a Human or El Aurian way. Usually. “Soral can never know we spoke of this,” she added, trying to find some solace in confiding in someone. He may never forgive her for the personal log but this was another level.

T’Lanna nodded. “I swear Alex, Soral will never know. I’ll bury it so deep in my mind that even Soral won’t find it.”

“A lot happened on Earth. Soral discovered a lot about himself and his family,” Alex began, “while the wedding was wonderful it was... difficult. But the worst of all happened because of me. It’s a long story but I guess all that is important is that our bond was severed.”

Despite trying to remain calm her voice broke on the last word. Severed. Ripped away, cut ... just words that could not do justice to the pain it had caused them both. She took a deep breath. “So, you see, there is no way I can sense him.”

T’Lanna gasped. “Oh Alex, I’m so sorry!! I can’t even begin to understand how you’re feeling. My bond with Raith isn’t a proper deep and true bond yet, not like the one you have...” She paused. “You had with Soral and I’m totally lost. If you ever need to talk about what happened ...” she left the offer open ended.

"Thank you but I'd rather not," Alex admitted, before offering a small smile. "No offence. I just haven't wrapped my head around it all. I'm absolutely sure Soral has suffered more than me. Not that he will admit it. We can try again, whenever my neurological exams show it is safe. I just don't know if that is what he will want. But first, we have to find him and all of the others."

“We’ll find them Alex, we have to!” T’Lanna offered the best smile she could muster. “When we do I’ll need to find a way to speak to Soral but I will keep my promise that I swear to you. The two of you are meant to be together, don’t lose faith in that, Soral loves you.”

"I know he does," Alex conceded with a small smile. "But I'm also the reason he has been in so much pain, so out of sorts. The most infuriating part is, I don't know why. But that is a mystery for another day. For now, finding them safe and well and bringing them home needs to be the priority."

T’Lanna nodded. “Agreed. It’s just ... what if they take people for testing before they make their final choices of who they want?” She paused. “What if they’ve already taken us and brought us back without us knowing it?”

"I guess it is possible but I haven't had any of the nightmares or insomnia, no bruising like Soral..." Alex told her. "You?"

T’Lanna sighed. “I’m not sleeping very well at all, I keep having nightmares.” She shrugged her shoulders. “I’m going to see Ryan about some aches and pains shortly I’m just hoping it’s not getting a good night’s sleep that’s causing the problems and not anything else.” She stifled a yawn. “I’m not up to par at all so you’ll have to excuse me if I make any mistakes.”

"You are talking to someone who has zero idea how to be a first officer, I think you are good," Alex assured her. "Go, speak to Dr Ryan and see if he can help you. We are waiting for data from the probes and this is all raw data that I need to go through so it would be better if you get some rest."

T’Lanna nodded. “Yes ma’am” she offered a smile. “For what it’s worth don’t run yourself down you’re doing the best you can under difficult circumstances. You’re a good officer and you’ll make a great first officer, if it’s only for a short time.”

"Thank you, I appreciate it," Alex said with a small, greatful smile. "Go, before I end up getting you trying to decipher the madness."

T’Lanna smiled and nodded before heading on her way, she only hoped Alex would find what she was looking for.



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Comments (1)

By Commander Soral on Sunday, 27 September 2020 - 2:32pm

love it! Great log ladies