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Family Call

Posted on Sunday, 5 April 2020 - 4:25pm by Commander Soral & Lieutenant T'Lanna Vali

Mission: Operation: Overdrive
Location: Various
Timeline: 2393 ( Shortly after Launch)


Soral had just finished reviewing he last file that he had. He made a few notes for the Commander to review and to see if she liked the ideas. Just as he was about to turn off the computer, "Communications to Commander Soral."

He sighed and hit the respond button. "Go ahead."

"There is a communication for your from the USS Otter

"Indeed. Put her through." He knew exactly who that was. He waited and watched as the screen shimmered from the Starfleet logo to her familiar face.

On the other end Soral’s sister waited almost eagerly for the channel to open, like all Vulcans she was trained to suppress emotion but she loved her brother, she always had. She almost smiled as Soral’s face appeared onscreen. “Greetings Soral, it has been too long.”

"T'Mari," he said by way of greeting. He hadn't spoken to his sister in a month. Her ship had been out of range. "Is all well?" She was the only one that he had stayed in contact with. It had never sat well with her on how the family had abandoned him and she'd been too young to say anything about it.

“All is...better now.” She offered a somewhat bemused look, as if trying to stop herself from breaking out in a smile. Which for T’Mari was unusual. She had followed her original teachings in purging herself of emotion but she had always had deep feelings for her brother. “There was a planet we visited, you should have seen it! The people...taught me much about myself.”

"That is good. I read your latest papers on the binary star system. It was fascinating. The information was distributed in a very interesting and logical manner." T'Mari had been the one to reach out to Soral when she'd entered the academy. He hadn't hesitated since he'd always been close to her. Out of all the family he'd missed her the most when they'd abandoned him. "To what do I owe the pleasure of your call?"

“To be honest, I’ve missed you.” T’Mari did the almost unthinkable and smiled. “As I said I’ve learned much about myself Soral. You have always meant much to me.”

Soral was more careful and guarded in his emotions. "Indeed." He decided to turn the preparations to her upcoming wedding. She had fallen in love with the son of a council member and in order to secure her marriage he'd agreed to marry T'Aurora the niece of T'Mari's future father in law. "How are the wedding preparations coming along?"

“Very well” T’Mari nodded. “I called before I contacted you to be sure the plans had gone well during my time away. “The preparations are made, now I just have to wait until the big day.”

"That is good." He was glad that it was going well. "It is good that you called. I will probably be out of range for a few months. I have accepted a new posting."

“Oh? What is your new posting and where is it you’ll be going?” T’Mari wasn’t looking forward to losing contact with Soral again.

"USS Fontana. I have accepted a promotion to XO. I am...uncertain. We are looking for someone. I will make every attempt to send you letters when I can." He promised. He thought of something. "Wait there." He stood and went away for a moment he came back holding his new puppy. "I have acquired a pet." He held up the little dog.

“Oh what a cute dog!” T’Mira offered a very unvulcan-like smile. “Have you got a name for him?”

"Bones," he said. His sister knew of is fondness for Doctor McCoy. "It seemed fitting." T'Mari was one of those Vulcan women who didn't much mind the scent of dogs. He placed the dog on the desk beside the computer screen and it laid down watching him. "I must ask you something." He said seriously.

“Of course” T’Mari nodded. “Please ask.”

"Forget you are Vulcan. How do you feel about the man you wish to marry?"

T’Mari paused for a moment before looking her brother in the eye, as best as she could over subspace. “ him Soral. I love him very much.”

He gave a nod. "Alright." He would then marry T'Aurora. Gods know he didn't want to but to ensure his sisters happiness he would. "When you have agreed on a date let me know. If you should need anything while I am away contact Captain Johnson on the USS Dumas. I shall contact you as soon as I am able to."

“I will Soral, that’s a promise.” She offered her brother a warm smile.

He gave a nod. "Good." Once her wedding was set and completed he'd have to go through with his. He dreaded that day but it would come. "I should get back to work now."

T’Mari nodded. “I wish we could talk longer Soral but I understand. You have your duties to attend to.”

"As do you. We will talk soon. I know you are due back at Starbase 23. See Lt. Hopkins in Ops when you get there. I have left a package for you."

“Oh do you, then I shall look forward to finding out what it is.” T'Mari smiled. “Promise me you will take care of yourself Soral.”

He gave a nod. "I shall. Stay well."

“I will.” T’Mari nodded. “Live long and prosper my brother, and remember I love you.”


Lt. Cmdr Soral
Executive Officer


Soral's little sister
NPCed by Lt. Vali


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