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Familiar Scene

Posted on Sunday, 11 April 2021 - 1:28pm by Commander Soral & Lieutenant Haru Hernandez & Lieutenant JG Maximus Mackenzie & Lieutenant Alex Kingsley

Mission: Operation: Peace or P'Jem
Location: Sickbay
Timeline: 2394 - After the briefing post with Vali


Soral was disturbed the moment he walked into sickbay. It was a familiar scene. Mac holding Haru's hand sitting by his bedside and Haru still and lifeless. Alex would join them shortly she was helping N'Vek settle in for the night. They’d had dinner and now he came to visit his friends. "Any change?"

Mac looked up. "He has still not woken up. The swelling is going down."

Soral walked over to Mac and placed a hand on his shoulder. "He will wake when the swelling goes down. I know you are worried...."

"Can you get into his mind? Can you bring him out like you did before?"

Soral shook his head. He could but there were risks. "I cannot. I am in Pon Farr you know that. I could trigger his as well. I should not be melding with anyone it has been hard for me to hold back with Alex as well."

Mac knew that, he knew that what Soral said was right but he felt a moment of anger. It was just that, a moment. "Alright."

Entering Sickbay, it was easy enough to pick out her husband and Mac.

N’Vek was asleep, Bones cuddled up on the beside his newest best friend within a ‘fort’ built behind the couch. Leaving him alone even for a few minutes was something she could only condone because this was Mac and Haru. And Bones was as fierce and loyal a protector as you could ever hope to find. “Mac, are you okay?” even as she asked the question, she hugged him. He was already going through so much; this was the last thing he or Haru needed. “He’s strong, remember that. And so are you.”

Soral stood back. He knew that Mac needed Alex right now. She was better at comforting words then he was. The truth was he was worried too.

"I know...but he... was better. He was at work and for the first time I saw flashes of himself and now this." He held onto the hug a little longer, he wasn't one for affection but right now he needed it. He pulled back and then took Haru's hand. "I found him. He had fallen out of his chair and he was unconscious...barley breathing."

“Oh Mac,” Alex breathed, easily able to imagine the scene. “Whatever you both need, we are always right here for you. I absolutely have faith that Dr Rose and the others will help him. He’ll be back home soon enough if you can convince him to be a good patient.”

He gave a nod. "The main thing is the swelling is going down. I don't think I can survive losing him."

"You are not going to lose him," Alex assured him. "You two will be driving each other crazy for an eternity to come. Trust me."

He sighed. "You know it was always casual with us. We both went our ways and always seemed to come back to one another then this bond...I don't think either of us fully understood how powerful this link is."

Soral didn't point out that the type of link that they had was different from a marriage bond. It was a life link. If Haru died so would Mac. Soral walked up to them and placed a hand on Alex's shoulder. "Alexandra, can you stay with Mac a while?"

She was clearly surprised. "Of course. Don't leave N'Vek alone to long? Just in case he wakes up and worries about where you are."

He gave a nod. "I will not be long I must check on Eyelaya I believe she was more injured than she let on."

Alex offered him a parting smile before turning to Mac. "I'm guessing you want to stay within him until he wakes up... how about I find you a chair? Maybe something to eat or drink?"

He gave a nod. "Chair alright but...I don't think I can eat anything now." He gently stroked Haru's cheek. "Wake up for me. You have to wake up."

Leaving them for a moment she found Mac a seat and, despite his protest, some tea to help him relax a little. If that were possible. "Drink," she instructed, trying to use her most authoritative Soral impression. It didn't come off quite right so she added a meek sounding 'please' to the end.

He gave a nod and covered her hand in with his. "Thank you, Alex. I mean it."

“None necessary, family, right?” She reminded him.

He smiled. "Did I tell you how much Haru hates his first name?" He said needing to talk about anything to keep his mind from going in the wrong direction.

“No, why doesn’t he like it?” Alex asked curiously.

"His father gave it to him and he hates his father. In the Academy he made it clear that he prefers Kaito...I always called him Kai-chan a nickname and a nod to the Japanese culture he loves so much."

“Well, I will call him Haru every ten minutes if it will make him wake up and slap me,” Alex offered.

He smiled a little. Alexandra Kingsley had a gift. "You know he was right about you. You are like his favourite Manga character. You have a good heart and a way of making people smile when they need it the most."

“It’s a rare superpower,” she grinned before whispering, “but don’t give away my secret identity.”

He smiled again. Just as he did a moan sounded. Mac startled. "Kaito?" He leaned close. "Open your them!"

He watched as Haru blinked several times. "Max."

Relief flooded him.

"Alex,” Haru said turning his head slightly. "What happened?"

“In short, T’Lanna had an outburst a telepathic one. A lot of the crew were affected, including you. And of course, this big lug was all worried and ready to take on the universe,” Alex commented as she gave Mac a playful hit on the arm, “doc said you both need to make goofy sickeningly sweet admissions of your feelings or the warp core will explode. Pretty serious prognosis. So, I’ll turn my back and you two can be all mushy and romantic.”

Haru smiled. "You are Usagi." He said to her using the name of his favourite Manga character.

She stuck her tongue out as she turned away, waiting a second before she sighed, “I don’t hear mushy romantic talk...”

There needed to be none. Haru knew by the look in Mac's eyes that he was suffering and the depth of the feelings he sensed from Mac damned near took his breath away. He gladly accepted a kiss from Mac reaching up and cupping his cheek. "I'm alright. I promise." He looked at Alex. "When you say take on the universe...." He was worried. If Mac perceived T'Lanna to be at fault which Haru suspected he did. "Since he's not in the brig I assume you and Soral stopped him?"

“Did I say universe?” Alex said innocently as she glanced over her shoulder at them. “I’ll let you two be all romantic cos I just ate.”

Mac gave a nod. "I think I can take it from here. Thanks Alex."

“All part of the little sister service,” she grinned as headed out.

Soral had checked on Eyelaya and agreed with Grol that she should see the doctor. He'd stumbled back to his quarters and after checking on N'vek and bones, both fast asleep, he'd stumbled to the room he shared with Alex and collapsed in a corner. He brought his knees to his chest and focused on breathing. It was times like this, when the stress had been high, that his pain flared and T'Lanna's outburst had helped advance his … unwelcome condition.

Returning home, Alex first stopped to check on N’Vek. He was still fast asleep with Bones at his side. Exhausted she stopped to pour a glass of water, not entirely sure if she had beaten Soral back. Maybe Eyelaya was hurt? Drink finished she cleaned up and headed for the bedroom. “Soral?”

Soral pale and shaken looked up as Alex entered. The corner he'd been sitting was perfect for leaning against. "Here." His voice was weak and he'd wanted to hide from her but he'd promised her he'd be honest about anything medical related.

“Soral!” Alex hurried to his side; eyes wide. “What happened?”

"I do not think I can deny that I am in Pon Farr any longer. T'Lanna's sock wave helped you but also accelerated things for me. I am deep in stage one."

She couldn’t hide her worry. “Are we out of time?” she whispered, resting her forehead against his.

"No, not yet. When I hit stage three it will be, if you'll pardon the pun, do or die."

“Soral, if it is this bad for you now, can we wait?” She challenged. “I’m right here. I will take that chance; you know I would.”

"I know." He smiled reaching out with a shaking hand. "We can wait. I promise. This will pass." He looked around. "I need some water." He tried to get up but fell right back down.

“My turn to look after you,” she commented as she hurried out to the kitchen. She returned with a glass of water.

Soral drank like a thirsty man who'd travelled the dessert. He let Alex help him stand and slowly made his way to the bed. As she fussed over him, he said, “I do not deserve you. You are far too good for me Lieutenant Kingsley and when you realize you married an old man and can to better, I will lose you."

“I don’t often disagree with senior officers,” Alex whispered, “but tonight I do. Sleep.”

He smiled. "Only if you sleep beside me."

"Always," she said as she lay down on her side of the bed, turning to face him. "Now sleep."



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