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What Goes In Must Come Out

Posted on Tuesday, 29 September 2020 - 11:58am by Captain Barret Stillwater & Emerick & Commander Soral & Lieutenant Talarn Zilth & Lieutenant Ryan Rose MD & Lieutenant T'Lanna Vali & Lieutenant Alex Kingsley & Lieutenant JG Maximus Mackenzie & Lieutenant JG Kay’la

Mission: Operation: Dreamweaver
Location: USSStanding Bear |Main Bridge | Deck 01
Timeline: MD 7

Mac didn't like what the PO had said one damn bit but Soral's orders were clear and knowing the man as he did he knew the orders were issued by him. "Got it! Okay, we can't send everyone but Doctor Rose, Lieutenant Vali you two and the Vomnin must go through first. We have to wait two hours before we can try again... if we can try again."

T'Lanna didn't like leaving Soral, Mac and the others but it's not like she had much choice orders were orders and she wasn't willing to risk her baby by staying behind.

Ryan frowned. Why would Soral order him to return to the ship, when the wounded and others that needed his help were here. He struggled with it briefly, and almost protested the order. But a look at T'Lanna's worried face, and a sharp lace of pain across his side and he saw the logic of the order. He would need to get sickbay ready, and trust the command team to get the rest of the crew back.

He sighed. "I don't know how stable this is or where you'll end up. But here goes nothing." He hit the unfamiliar key and the air around them shimmered. Soon it began to envelop Rose, Vali, and the Vomnin. One at a time they were sucked through and Mac watched the shadows of the bridge shimmer briefly before it disappeared. He hoped they had made it.

On the bridge of the Standing Bear, Eyelaya had been running some sweeps when she noted something, a surge. "Sir! We're getting some funny readings on the bridge."

"Got it," Kingsley replied as her hands flew over the science console.

A few moments later T'Lanna, Ryan and the Vomnin dropped out onto the deck of the bridge seemingly from nowhere. The landing was soft enough but T'Lanna didn't get up, she lay there completely unconscious.

Ryan was likewise unconscious, slumped like a rag doll. One arm curled protectively around himself, and the other resting on T'Lanna's shoulder.

Commander Stillwater in his Ready Room when all the commotion began unfurling. He was alarmed by the shouting and that familiar sound that he was worried that someone was being taken yet again. Another culling Stillwater thought. He cautiously made his way out of his Ready Room and onto the Bridge, but what he found was not a taking, but a delivery? People who had been taken were now back, but in what condition he was not sure.

“Medical emergency, medical team to the Bridge,” Kingsley called out over the comm system as she grabbed the medical kit near her station and hurried towards the unconscious crew members. “Eyelaya, scan the ship in case anyone else has been returned.”

"We don't have much of a medical team left let alone to have begun with," noted Stillwater. "We can save some time," he said and acted swiftly. "Computer, activate the Emergency Medical Hologram and transfer to the Bridge." It was one of the 'crucial' areas that had been outfitted with holo emitters. The problem was the Turbolifts were not, only several key places like Engineering, the Bridge, the Sickbay, Cargobays, etc were.

Emerick, the Standing Bear's E.M.H. appeared and was immediately springing into action. "What happened?"

Stillwater shook his head. "We do not know. Medical has been called, they just reappeared on the Bridge."

It was Emerick's programming that kicked in. He was in triage mode, trying to ensure those that returned were in stable condition as he awaited medical assistance. Ryan looked to be in the worse condition, but Lieutenant Vali was not much better looking. "They are alive, Captain, but require medical assistance," said Emerick as his attention was drawn to the turbolift doors and a blue-uniformed woman. "Nurse Kay'la, over here."

Kay'la rushed over to Emerick's side her medical bag hanging round her waist. "What happened?"

Emerick shook his head. "Whirly white sucky thing that took them got an upset stomach?" the E.M.H. said shrugging. "I'm a Doctor, not an astrophysicist" he quipped. "We need to get these people transported to Sickbay and begin treating them."

Kay'la sighed and shook her head. "Are the transporters working? It's the quickest way to get them there." She ran a scan of both even though Emerick had already done so. "The baby's life signs are just as erratic as his mother's, I want them in Sickbay right away."

Eyelaya slammed her hand on the console in an out of character display of anger. "I couldn't get a lock on the signal... this one was weaker." She looked over her shoulder. "I wouldn't recommend transport Gods know what they were exposed to. I've called ops we'll get grave carts up here."

Kay'la nodded and pulled out two cortical monitors from her bag and placed them on both patents. It would allow her to monitor the brain and heart activity of both Ryan and T'Lanna until they got back to Sickbay.

Stillwater nearly growled when he heard that they could not safely use the transporters at the moment. He knew it was the right call to make, not using them. It was true, there was no telling what the adverse, if any, effect that had on the ship. He; however, was not about to risk lives necessarily. "I will not risk the lives of a mother and child," he said immediately walking over to T'Lanna and hoisting her up in his arms and then mounting her across his shoulder in a fireman's carry. "I'll be in Sickbay waiting for you," he said proceeding towards the turbolift.

Emerick cocked his head. "Huh," he said, his mouth ajar for a moment. Stillwater continued to be a very unconventional individual, a renaissance Commanding Officer of a bygone era. "Nurse, see to it that Dr. Rose and others are brought to Sickbay. I'll begin prepping," said the Emergency Medical Hologram before having his program transferred to Sickbay.

"We'll help you," Alex assured the nurse as Emerick disappeared. She glanced towards Eyelaya. "Did we get anything useful from the sensors?"

Kay’la continued to assess Ryan and the Vomnin that had come back through wishing she could get them off to Sickbay nice and quick instead of having to hang around the bridge.

Eyelaya sighed. "Nothing. Damn it, we have nothing." She dropped her head on her forearm on the console. The readings had been different for sure, but no signal.

“Hey,” Alex said softly as she moved to the engineer, placing a hand on her shoulder. “Don’t give up yet, we’re going to figure it out.”

"I hope so." She looked around. "I should go to engineering maybe I can figure out why these readings were weaker then the ones before."

“Go.” Alex nodded. “I’ll join you as soon as I can.”

Eyelaya rose and headed out quickly. Could this day get any worse, she wondered.


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