Operation: Lazarus

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Mission Info

Status Completed Mission
Description With approval for a personal request, Captain Barret Stillwater and the crew of the USS Standing Bear proceed to the remote Beta Magellan system in the deep reaches of the Beta Quadrant. The system is home to Bynaus, homeworld of the genderless interconnected humanoids known as Bynars which work in determined pairs. It is with great hope and confidence in the Bynars’ technical expertise that they will be able to resurrect the deleted files of the Standing Bear’s former emergency medical hologram. En route to the remote system, the USS Standing Bear discovers a derelict vessel on an asteroid.
Mission Group Season 2
Start Date Wednesday, 31 December 1969 - 8:00pm
End Date Saturday, 16 October 2021 - 4:45pm

Mission Posts

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Title Timeline Location
Exes and Oh... My gawds
by Lieutenant Ryan Rose MD & Lieutenant Scarlet Rogers
A Historic Day - Part II
by Commander Soral & Lieutenant Alex Kingsley & Captain Barret Stillwater
Past, present and future
by Lieutenant Ryan Rose MD & Lieutenant Scarlet Rogers
Wedding Post - Part I
by Commander Soral & Lieutenant Haru Hernandez & Lieutenant JG Maximus Mackenzie & Lieutenant Alex Kingsley & Lieutenant JG Adrianna Eberhardt
On the way to the station Various | USS Standing Bear
by Lieutenant Ryan Rose MD & Lieutenant T'Lanna Vali & Lieutenant JG Kay’la
Something Vulcan Wrong
by Lieutenant JG Hayashi Hamura & Lieutenant Alex Kingsley
After Returning from Away Mission Mess Hall | USS Standing Bear
Let There Be Photons! - Part II
by Commander Soral & Captain Barret Stillwater & Lieutenant Ryan Rose MD & Lieutenant Alex Kingsley & Lieutenant Scarlet Rogers & Emerick
Current Bynaus | Laboratory
Catch up
by Lieutenant T'Lanna Vali & Lieutenant JG Adrianna Eberhardt
After release from Sickbay T’Lanna’s Office
Let There Be Photons! - Part I
by Commander Soral & Captain Barret Stillwater & Lieutenant Ryan Rose MD & Lieutenant Alex Kingsley & Lieutenant Scarlet Rogers
Current Bynaus | Laboratory
Start with murder...
by Petty Officer 1st Class Siana Ilian
MD10 Personal Quarters
Vulcan Behaving Badly
by Commander Soral & Lieutenant JG Hayashi Hamura & Lieutenant T'Lanna Vali & Lieutenant JG Kay’la
Current Sickbay | USS Standing Bear
A Happy Family Memory
by Lieutenant T'Lanna Vali & Lieutenant Raith Kolani
Current Sickbay
Seeing Clearly
by Ensign Oriana Skye Sety & Lieutenant JG Hayashi Hamura
Current Sickbay & Engineering | USS Standing Bear
The Klamath Come, The Klamath Go
by Commander Soral & Captain Barret Stillwater & Lieutenant Alex Kingsley
Current USS Standing Bear | Deck 01 | Bridge
Mirror Verse: Shar of Vulcan Meets Super Fan
by Lieutenant Alex Kingsley & Commander Soral
MD5 Vulcan | ShiKhar City
Mirror Verse: The Plan
by Lieutenant Alex Kingsley & Commander Soral
MD4 Vulcan | Shi'khar City | Soral Estate
The mirror cracks
by Lieutenant T'Lanna Vali & Lieutenant JG Kay’la
MD12 late night Sickbay
Mirror World - Aftermath pt IV
by Lieutenant Alex Kingsley & Commander Soral
Current Mirror Universe | Vulcan | Shi'kar City
Mirror World - Difficult Goodbye pt III
by Commander Soral & Lieutenant Alex Kingsley
Current Mirror Universe | Vulcan | Shi'kar City
Mirror World - Ebbing Soul Pt. II
by Commander Soral & Lieutenant Alex Kingsley
Current Mirror Universe | Vulcan | Shi'kar City
Treasure Hunt - Away Team 2
by Commander Soral & Lieutenant JG Maximus Mackenzie & Lieutenant JG Hayashi Hamura & Lieutenant Alex Kingsley & Lieutenant JG Adrianna Eberhardt
MD 10 | 2394 Away Team Mission: Unknown Ship
Tides of Emotion
by Commander Soral & Lieutenant JG Maximus Mackenzie & Lieutenant JG Hayashi Hamura & Lieutenant Alex Kingsley
MD 10 Late | 2394 Various | USS Standing Bear
Nurse Knows Best
by Lieutenant JG Kay’la & Lieutenant JG Hayashi Hamura
2394 | MD 12 Sickbay | USS Standing Bear
Mirror World - Final Picnic Part I
by Commander Soral & Lieutenant Alex Kingsley
Current Mirror Universe | Vulcan |Shi'kar
Treasure Hunt - Away Team 1
by Commander Soral & Lieutenant JG Maximus Mackenzie & Lieutenant JG Hayashi Hamura & Lieutenant Alex Kingsley & Lieutenant JG Adrianna Eberhardt
2394 | MD 10 Various

Mission Summary